Thank you for teaching us English.I had a very good time talking with Ms.Samantha at the International Exchange group.I'm going to study English hard and would like to go to Australia in the future.Please take care.
I worked until late last night and I got into bed as soon as getting home.
I'm not good at English. Somtimes I feel your sentences difficult.
I think it can't be helped that people wonder why the woman doesn't get married when she is over 30 and still single.
現状維持では 後退するばかりである。
Keeping things as they are only makes you go back.
This system has been developed in order to understand business growth from a unifid viewpoint, promote standarlization of tasks, improve group productivity on the whole and facilitate group management.
For a poor performer to improve, knowing his own bad performance is the first step.
メールのお返事が遅くなりましてすみません。 あなたのメールがスパムメールに分類されてしまっていました。
I'm sorry for not getting back to you sooner.I found your mail in junk box.
If you are confident in managing two or more languates , check Conyac.It's a paid service for translation of a short paragraph (500 letters or less) through Q&A.It's very easy to use and convenient because your accumulated reward can be withdrawn from Paypal account.
<映画の原題を自分なりに訳してください>Raising Arizona
・自分は(俳優名)が大好きなので、彼が出演している映画は結構見に行きます。(俳優名)の出演作と言えば、(映画名)などですね。・楽しくおしゃべりできる人ならだれでもOKです。卓球が好きな人や洋楽大好きっていう人ならなおさらです。 友達になりませんか?
・I love (artist's name) so often go to watch his movies. Speaking of his movies, (movie's title) is famous.・Anyone who enjoy chatting is welcome. Especially if you like table tennis or western music, I'd like to make friends with you!
I'm addicted to Western music.I often listen to (Artist's name).Recently I've got interested in (Artist's name).Anyone who loves Western music, please contact me!I understand English a little, so non-Japanese are also welcome!
I tried to make business schedule as little as possible.
He broke his bone fouling off himself, and it'll take two weeks to heal completely.
Saying that, everything would be over!
The gentleman who's standing here is the former Vice Shogun,Sir Mitsukuni Mito!Bow down on your knees!
Thank you very much for taking your time today.If you have any questions about the content we suggested, please feel free to call us.We will do our best in order to offer you information and ideas useful for your business.We appreciate for your attention to this matter.
I'll start off with beer.
If you have no choice but to send them all at once, please arrange that payment for each should be $90 or less including shipping charge.
私の昔の恋人(彼氏)で、あなたと同じ職業の人がいたんですが、彼も同じようなことを言ってました。 だから私はあなたの言うことはなんとなく分かりますよ。 あなたは自分のやりたいことを思うようにやれてますか?
My ex-boyfriend use to do the same job as you. He said things like you say now.So I feel I understand what you're saying.Are you doing things what you want to do in the way you want?