Allowing users from all over the world to participate in translating makes multilingual translations possible. As of today, translations in 16 languages are available through Conyac and even more languages will be added whenever a new translator with an unregistered language joins the website.
Not a bad commute by anyone's standard.
This system has been developed in order to understand business growth from a unifid viewpoint, promote standarlization of tasks, improve group productivity on the whole and facilitate group management.
Rose filled the living room, or parlor, as it was called in those days, with prints of the great artworks she had seen in Europe durning her travels and studies abroad.
For a poor performer to improve, knowing his own bad performance is the first step.
<映画の原題を自分なりに訳してください>In to the wild
メールのお返事が遅くなりましてすみません。 あなたのメールがスパムメールに分類されてしまっていました。
I'm sorry for not getting back to you sooner.I found your mail in junk box.
FYI, in case you didn't know, he is giving up his Day job as a computer guy and concentrating on the new business fulltime. His last day will be June 3oth....I'm sure he would love a well wish from his friend in Japan as it gets closer to that date.
If you are confident in managing two or more languates , check Conyac.It's a paid service for translation of a short paragraph (500 letters or less) through Q&A.It's very easy to use and convenient because your accumulated reward can be withdrawn from Paypal account.
According to some experts, "globlization" emphasizes the idea of "one world" in which people share common values and lifestyles. In contrast, "internationalization" refers to close interaction between different countries based on mutual understanding and respect for each other's distinct language and culture.
The expansion of the European Union(EU), the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the international appeal of Japanese automobiles, and the popularity of American music and movies around the world are some examples.Although some people use the terms "global" and "globalization" as synonyms for "international" and "internationalization," they are not exactly the same.
Are "globalization" and "internationalization" the same?Globalization refers to the process of joining the people of the world into one society.Currently, however, the word "globalization" often is used to mean economic integration among countries that includes international trade, direct foreign investment, migration of workers, and the spread of technology.Nevertheless, it can also refer to cultural, social, and political interaction as well.
I remember thinking, “Has my dad lost it? What’s going on here on my lunch bag?” Every day there would be a new saying, some would take up the entire bag. My friends used to love it. They would laugh and couldn’t wait to get to school and see what my dad wrote next.
「パパってばアタマおかしくなっちゃった? 何よこの袋!」なんてよく思いました。ランチを入れた紙袋には毎日パパからの違うメッセージが綴られていて、ときには袋全体に文字が並んでいることもありました。友達はそれが大好きでした。読んではげらげら笑い、次はなんて書いてあるのかを知りたくて早く学校に行きたくて仕方なかったようです。
<映画の原題を自分なりに訳してください>Raising Arizona
・自分は(俳優名)が大好きなので、彼が出演している映画は結構見に行きます。(俳優名)の出演作と言えば、(映画名)などですね。・楽しくおしゃべりできる人ならだれでもOKです。卓球が好きな人や洋楽大好きっていう人ならなおさらです。 友達になりませんか?
・I love (artist's name) so often go to watch his movies. Speaking of his movies, (movie's title) is famous.・Anyone who enjoy chatting is welcome. Especially if you like table tennis or western music, I'd like to make friends with you!
I'm addicted to Western music.I often listen to (Artist's name).Recently I've got interested in (Artist's name).Anyone who loves Western music, please contact me!I understand English a little, so non-Japanese are also welcome!
Thank you for your email. It is a good email!I think the new 5-column seating will be Ok. (Probabaly, in 1 column the partner will be the person behind, instead ofthe person next to you.)We'll talk about it in class. Sincerely,
I'll be up next Tuesday i think?
I tried to make business schedule as little as possible.
He broke his bone fouling off himself, and it'll take two weeks to heal completely.