aaaa (kenny2030) 翻訳実績

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kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

Although we have made significant efforts to comply with the verification requirements, for reasons including existing user behavior, the nature of the microblogging product and the lack of clarity on specific implementation procedures, we have not been able to verify the identifies of all of the users who post content publicly on Weibo. We believe successful implementation of user identity verification needs to be done over a long period of time to ensure a positive user experience. However, we may not be able to control the timing of such action, and, if the Chinese government enforces compliance in the near term, such action may severely reduce Weibo user traffic.


我々は確認の要件を満たすべくかなりの努力をしたが、 現在のユーザーの行動パターン、マイクロブログというサービスの本質、そして具体的な実施手続きが明確になっていないといった様々な理由で、Weiboで投稿を公開しているすべてのユーザーの情報を我々は確認できていない。ユーザーの識別認証の施行を成功させ、これをユーザーにとってはっきりと好ましいものにするためには、長い期間が必要であると我々は考えている。しかし、我々はそういった決定のスケジュールをコントロールすることはできないかもしれない。そして、もし中国政府が規則を遵守するために短期間の猶予しか設けないのであれば、それはWeiboへのアクセスを大幅に減らすことになるかもしれない。

kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

“We were disappointed it didn’t go the way we wanted, but we were not ashamed, we did the best we could with the smartest people, including the investors who gave their best. We tried,” says Saumil in an interview with SGE on Thursday afternoon.

He and Bernard even came up with an acronym to describe the totality of their experience: MIA (Market, Investors, and Ambition).

Their ambitions for Chalkboard were big enough to match the best entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. Their investor, Joi Ito from Singapore’s Neoteny Labs, bought into their vision.



彼とBernardはさらに、自分たちが経験したことの全体像をあらわす言葉として「(市場、投資者そして野心を表す単語の頭文字からとった) MIA 」という略語を思いついたのであった。

彼らのChalkboardについての野心は、とても大きく、シリコンバレーで活躍する最高の起業家たちに十分匹敵するものであった。彼らに対して投資したシンガポールのNeoteny Labsの伊藤穰一氏は彼らのビジョンに賛成したのだ。

kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

SGE: How did you decide when was the point you would quit?

It was after the Christmas break in 2011. Part of the reason was the European crisis, which really hampered a lot of what we wanted to do, in terms of venture capital funding. Things changed. Last quarter, investments from VCs went down 45%.

It did not necessarily impact us directly, but there were ramifications from that side of things. It’s not the Asian investors that were affected, but the US investors. We had enough money, we had even enough sales right now that are booked. About 30 percent of what investments we took in, that’s the size of money we’re letting go.


SGE: 撤退すると決めた時、どのようにして決断を下したのか?


これで直接の影響を受けたわけではないが、そこから波及した問題があった。アジアからの投資には影響がなかったが、アメリカからの投資には影響があった。我々は十分な資金を持っていたし、売り上げは今現在でも入ってくるほどに十分あった。 我々が得ていた投資額の30%、出て行く資金の量はその程度だったのだ。

kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

Our initial thesis was: We want to help small businesses? It is very tough. We were hoping that if we give it out for free, in a freemium model, they would come and try out the service.

But anytime we did a marketing or news media push, here’s the difference we saw: With the lead generation we got from public relations, people in Asia would call us or email and we have to support them manually. From there we have to do sales calls otherwise there’ll be a steep drop off and they won’t try out the service. How you do sales call and handholding support for a free product?


我々は小さなビジネスを支援したいだろうか? これが主なテーマであった。これはとても難しいテーマなのだ。フリーミアムモデルに基づいて無料でサービスを提供しようとすると、ターゲットがやってきて自分たちで実際に試用してくれることを我々は期待していた。


kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

“We’re very humbled by the audiences’ overwhelming reaction, proving that now more than ever, people are starting to rethink the purpose of banks and the need for effective financial education across the world,” says Lee Min Xuan, co-founder of PlayMoolah.

“We hope to partner with many more schools, organisations and banks to bring fun financial education to more children and their families.”

Playmoolah is no stranger to the startup scene in Singapore. They won the Echelon 2011 Launchpad, a regional startup competition that saw six companies pitch to an audience of investors and entrepreneurs.

And just recently, on 18th April, they officially launched their game after months of beta testing.


「顧客からは非常に大きな反応があり、我々はこれをとても謙虚な気持ちで受け止めている。これは現在、人々がこれまでよりも銀行の役割や世界中で効果のある金融教育の必要性について考え直しはじめているということの証明だ 」と、PlayMoolahの共同設立者であるLee Min Xuan氏は述べる。


Playmoolahはシンガポールのスタートアップ企業の中でもなじみのある名前である。同地域におけるスタートアップ企業のコンペティションであるEchelon 2011 Launchpadで同社は優勝している。これには6つの企業が参加し、投資家や起業家たちの前でプレゼンテーションを行ったのである。


kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

Zaki says that the multiplayer mode for Howzat is very popular. It is a game mode where four gamers can play together and compare scores in real-time. But for obvious reasons, it sucks to be a loser. So usually, half way through the game, the bottom two guys who are getting whipped badly have little chance to recover which makes quitting common. And that isn’t too good for the game. To cater to the user behavior, Zaki and co designed a new multiplayer mode which automatically knocks out the lowest player every three minutes or so. It makes the game more competitive which he says leads to gamer retention.



kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

Ideasource director Andi Surja Boediman described Kark as “a good innovation in digital industry,” and said that the team will support the entrepreneurs “in many ways.”

Kark still has the opportunity to impress more folks and maybe gain even more backing when they pitch at the ‘demo day’ in Jakarta next month. The city has proved to be a great place for the Singapore startup so far. JFDI Asia’s co-founder Wong Meng Weng said today:

We’ve been impressed with Kark since we first met the team in Jakarta. This investment, coming before the official Demo Day, is proof of the progress the startup has made since joining us in Singapore a couple of months ago.


Karkは来月ジャカルタで開催される「demo day」で売り込む際に、もっと多くの仲間達から注意を引く機会がある。さらにより多くの支援を得ることになるかもしれない。ジャカルタはこれまでのところ、シンガポールのスタートアップ企業にとって素晴らしい場所であることを証明している。JFDI Asiaの共同設立者であるWong Meng Weng氏は本日、このように述べた。

我々はジャカルタで初めてそのチームに会って以来、Karkに対して良い印象を持ち続けている。Demo Dayの公式開催以前に行われるこの投資は2、3ヶ月前にシンガポールで我々に加入した時から、Karkのスタートアップが成長していることの証拠だ。

kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

The Best and the Brightest

In The Best and the Brightest, David Halberstam’s classic book on how the United States got itself into the quagmire in Vietnam, he identified several reasons for why a superpower would fall to what President Lyndon Johnson called a “raggedy-ass little fourth-rate country”, and why brilliant men like Johnson himself as well as his subordinates such as Robert McNamara and McGeorge Bundy were unable to foresee and forestall a tragedy of Greek proportion.

Though written forty years ago, the lessons drawn by Halberstam from the debacle still ring true today. The best and the brightest still fails, and such is the case with


ベスト&ブライテスト (The Best and the Brightest)



kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

What resulted in Gaopeng’s quick demise? To go back to Halberstam’s book, we can see that missteps of the U.S. in the 60s and Gaopeng are extremely similar. They both failed because:

1) False belief of invincibility and omnipotence

The U.S. never thought it could lose to Ho Chi Minh, so there was never any consideration for Ho’s strength or how North Vietnam would respond to American moves. On various occasions, Americans believed that by simply waltzing into Saigon, it could put the fear of God into Hanoi and force it to surrender. That never happened, and many of America’s moves look miscalculated and simply foolish.



1) 自らが無敵かつ全能であるというまやかしを信じてしまった
