aaaa (kenny2030) 翻訳実績

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Yaodian100 was taking 30,000 orders per day back in late 2010, it had boasted at the time, with monthly sales worth 30 million RMB ($4.75 million). But things got quieter thereafter, and rumors of massive layoffs, and even possible bankruptcy, were all that was being said of the website by the start of 2012. When we looked at the most recent market share stats for the B2C e-commerce scene in China just last week, we noted that the top five sites had consolidated their lead upfront, and now accounted for about two-thirds of the entire nation’s e-tailing business.

We’ll update if the site reappears; or if we can officially add it to the deadpool.




kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

Each product, for now, will be accompanied by a personal product video introduction by Daylon Soh, the founder of CuriousCatch. He gave us a statistics from Zappos that says that video demos can actually increase sales by 6 to 30 percent which I thought is pretty remarkable. Daylon remarked:

"We will continue to introduce about 10 to 20 new brands monthly sourced from around Asia. The eventual goal is to position ourselves as the Home Shopping Network for products with good design. Creating informative video content and sourcing our products from Asia are steps we’re taking to set ourselves apart from the rest of the retail offerings out there."


今のところ、商品それぞれにCuriousCatchの創業者であるDaylon Soh氏による紹介動画が表示されることになっている。同氏は、Zapposからの統計を私たちに見せてくれた。そのデータによると、動画のデモによって実際に売り上げが6から30パーセント増えることが示されていた。これは、私が思っていたよりもずっと並外れた数字である。Daylonはこのように述べた。


kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

Just one thing to note which I thought could be an interesting point to ponder on — While Singaporeans enjoy high-speed internet, I’m not sure which surrounding country, in general, could match up to its broadband speed. If done well, videos are sweet and engaging but it sucks when they don’t load. The video (see below) doesn’t load well for me now as I’m in Indonesia. It takes about five minutes to finish loading it. Plus, videos are expensive/effort intensive to create which deters many e-commerce players to just stick to text-based offerings with a SEO guru driving traffic to it.



kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

Losing a few users in really something common for a website but losing 5 million users from a country that’s basically famous for loving the service? That’s gotta hurt. It’s not surprising, but it hurts.

Ian Hogarth, CEO of Songkick recently made a trip to Jakarta and talk to some of the most influential people in the industry. From the conversations he had, he came up with a conclusion that Facebook is declining heavily in Indonesia. Hogarth highligted the fact that Indonesian users are bored with Facebook and is moving on to a new social platform such as Twitter and Path.

Hogarth has a point.



SongkickのCEOであるIan Hogarth氏は最近、ジャカルタへ出張し、業界内で最も影響力のある人物たちと話し合った。その会話の中から、同氏はFacebookがインドネシアで大きく衰退しつつあるという結論に達した。Hogarth氏は、インドネシアのユーザーがFacebookに飽きており、新しいソーシャルプラットフォームであるTwitterやPathに乗り換えようとしているという事実を強調した。


kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

Working with artist all around the world

ArtKred has only just launched but is already working with artists and groups from Singapore, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea and looking to work with more artists in Asia. “We have artists from various schools in Singapore who were invited to join, such as NUS, NAFA, Laselle, Ngee Ann Polytechnic and a few more.We also have artists from Japan, China and Indonesia. One of the artist groups that is supporting us is, a collective of artists who recently exhibited at lit up singapore exhibition. Number wise, we are currently in touch with over 30 artists. The number is growing everyday as many of them refer their friends to us.”



ArtKredはちょうどサービスが始まったばかりだが、すでにシンガポール、中国、インドネシア、日本、韓国のアーティストたちやグループと共に仕事を進めており、もっとたくさんのアジアのアーティストと働く機会を探している。「私たちは、例えばNUS、NAFA、Laselle、Ngee Ann Polytechnicやその他2,3校といったシンガポール国内の様々な学校出身の、参加するよう招かれたアーティストたちを抱えています。さらに日本や中国、そしてインドネシアのアーティストもいます。私たちをサポートしているアーティストのグループの中には、最近Lit Up Singaporeに参加してエキシビションを行ったアーティストの共同体wejungle.comがいます。数字について述べますと、今のところ30を超えるアーティストたちと連絡を取り合っているところです。この数字は、彼らの多くが友達に対して私たちのことを話すことにより、毎日増えています。」