aaaa (kenny2030) 翻訳実績

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Quality is king. Consistency is the emperor.

Quality is extremely important. Think of content and build a story around it. Then, give an extra effort to make it look awesome. Always remember, social media is still media – it loves anything that is provocative, attractive, and mind-blowing.

And so we make sure that the quality of content that goes out is maintained. It gets more visibility through shares, and also gives a good impression of a brand.

This much alone will not win you success. We have been doing it consistently on Slideshare for over two years. We have published content (research papers or other leadership content) every two weeks.






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Share your story

Social media has flooded people with information. And amid all that noise, good stories sell. People like case studies but they will love your story, if you achieve some success. Share it and establish your leadership.

We shared our success with Slideshare in a presentation called “How Simplify360 Built World Class Brand Using Slideshare.” This actually became the second most successful piece of content we produced. It was good marketing material for Slideshare and they kept it as ‘Top Presentation of the Day’ for four consecutive days.





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Building on success

So what’s next? For us, it could be building a new tower as powerful as the Slideshare channel. This could be Scribd, YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter. It could be Pinterest too. I don’t want to disclose the channel just yet.

We have decided on one and are working on it. We will not, however, stop building our Slideshare channel. We’d like to have two powerful towers. We do have good SEO too, and are working on official PR as well. All these constitute a business strategy.

To learn more about what we have achieved through Slideshare, have a quick look at the presentation above.






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6 Reasons Video-Sharing Apps Were the Biggest Startup Letdown of 2012

This time last year I was raving, I was gushing, all over startups making video-sharing apps. I named one such venture as one of my standout Chinese startups of 2011, and compiled a list of 10 Chinese-made social video apps. Over in the US, there are ones such as SocialCam and Viddy.

But I was wrong.

On neither Twitter [1] nor Weibo have I seen anyone post a short video clip of their own among the 1,500+ people that I collectively follow. I made three videos myself. But that’s far fewer than the hundreds of photos that I shared socially.






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So what went wrong exactly? Before looking at six reasons behind this social video anticlimax – both in China and overseas – it’s worth pointing out that the “standout” video app that I highlighted last year has pivoted away from doing this. Yes, iShehui app, despite over $1.5 million in backing from CyberAgent Ventures in the very early stages, gave up on this sector a few months ago and is now a cloud file backup service. It’s just as dire in the US, with BusinessInsider (showing remarkable restarint in not using all-CAPS for the headline) recently also holding up its hands to say, “Nope, that whole ‘Instagram of video’ thing was bullshit.”


それで実際には何がまずかったのだろうか?中国でも海外でも共に、期待外れに終わったこのソーシャル動画共有の背後にある6つの理由を見る前に、私が去年強調した「際立った」動画アプリケーションが、本来の事業から離れて、別のことをおこなっていることには指摘する価値がある。そう、iShehuiアプリは、非常に早い段階でCyberAgent Venturesから150万ドル以上の支援を受けたにもかかわらず、数カ月前にこの部門を断念して、今ではクラウドファイルバックアップサービスとなっている。米国でも同じぐらい悲惨だ。(見出しに全大文字を使っていないことが注目に値する)BusinessInsiderは最近、両手を挙げて「いや、『Instagramの動画バージョン』はすべてたわごとだった」、と述べたのである。

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Usually it’s not. Social videos are 98 percent let-downs, so it’s little wonder that few people are either making them or watching them. To quote one of this year’s top viral video stars, “Ain’t nobody got time fo dat.”

Also, if you look at the Socialcam homepage, you might get the feeling that most of the videos are not only ones you don’t have the inclination/time to watch, but also enough to make you wish for some sort of zombie apocalypse that only affects stupid people – perhaps zombies that are on a diet and can only eat tiny brains.


たいてい、その動画にそんな価値はない。ソーシャルメディア上の動画は98パーセントが失望に終わる。だから、ほとんどの人々は動画を制作しないし、見たりもしないことは驚くべきことではない。今年、最も人気を集めた動画スターの言葉を引用すると、「そんなことには誰も時間を費やさない(Ain’t nobody got time fo dat)」。


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Photo apps are more fun and rewarding

As I touched upon in the first point, photos give a much higher emotional return-on-investment, so to speak, and never leave people feeling robbed of their time. Even a GIF that takes a while to load, but then turns out to be lame, can be a disappointment. But a dull photo is, thankfully, easy to pass over.

Little traction

With social videos so likely to rub people up the wrong way, there’s not much viral traction. And when a smartphone-made video does actually go viral, you’ll likely see it on YouTube. For Chinese web users, the same applies to Youku, the nation’s biggest YouTube-esque site.






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Buggy apps

When I first used the Chinese-made iSheHui app, it was very crashy, but it slowly got better. The same for Weiku and YiXia. And Weipai. Even today, I noticed an update to YiXia that took it up to v3.0; but when I go try to upload a Path-like background image for my profile page, it doesn’t even work. Weipai, when I tried it at first, wouldn’t even upload a damn video, which was its sole purpose. All the startup video apps felt rushed, as if running headlong to some imaginary finishing line that had the words “Congratulations, you’re the ‘Instagram of video’ and the founder is going to be a billionaire” on it.




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②Patients are too strong for the surgery which requires a suppression of the immune system.
③Patients do not have the physical strength to undergo an operation because the combination of a patient’s age and the side-effects of medications cause damage to the heart, kidneys and other organs.
④Side-effects caused by drug related to the treatment of emphysema damage that patients undergo lung transplants as soon as possible regardless of ancillary problems.

①He uses the image of the storm on a sea that causes songs and poems to sink to the bottom of our souls.
②He uses the image of a storm raging on our artistic souls that causes creative expression to come forth in the form of poem or song.




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③The main problem of emphysema is not that the patient suffers from hyperventilation but rather an expanded chest.
④The main problem of emphysema is not that the patient suffers from dehydration but rather a deflated chest.

①The provision of an extra supply of oxygen is the only non-surgical treatment that is known to extend the life of patients.
②Without surgery there is no way to extend the lives of patients.
③With a supplementary oxygen system, patients can perform many extra daily activities including work and travel.
④Emphysema is also treated by supporting the breathing in a variety of ways.

①There are no problems with lung transplants as they are the only known cure.





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The Kaixin Baby app integrates with the regular Kaixin site, and also features a parenting portal with a selection of baby-care tips and general parenting news.

We’ve been seeing quite a few parenting diary apps this year, such as Japan’s Daiby (which offers paid printing services), or Chinese rival Miidooo, which looks great but lacks any smartphone apps.

Last time we looked at Kaixin, the company said it had 130 million registered users, and was seeing rising revenue – all despite being dwarfed by rival Renren (NYSE:RENN) and the emergence of the Twitter-esque Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo in recent years.

Kaixin Baby is free in the iTunes App Store.


Kaixin BabyアプリはKaixinの通常サイトと統合されており、さらに育児に関するヒントや一般的な子育てに関するニュースを取り扱う育児ポータルの機能をも果たす。


我々が最後にKaixinをチェックした時、同社の登録ユーザ数は1億3000万とされ、収益も上昇していた。しかし近年では、ライバルRenren(NYSE:RENN)やTwitterタイプのSina WeiboやTencent Weiboの出現によって影をひそめていた。

Kaixin BabyはiTunes App Storeで無料となっている。