Your pen is being packed up today. We will notify you as soon as it ships. We are going to spend a little extra money and send it via FedEx Priority International service just to insure it arrives securely and as fast as possible. I will send you a tracking number as soon as it ships.We can definitely discuss discounts on future purchases. As I explained in our previous emails, we can offer better discounts if the funds are wired directly to our bank.We are pleased you have chosen Penporium and look forward to doing business together in the future.
あなたのペンは今日梱包されています。発送され次第すぐにご連絡いたします。できる限り安全に早く届けるためにFedEx Priority International Serviceを利用したため、追加の費用がかかっています。発送次第、トラッキングナンバーをご連絡します。今後の購入に関してディスカウントについて相談しましょう。メールでお話したとおり、直接銀行口座にお支払いいただければ更なるディスカウントが可能です。Penporiumをお選び頂きありがとうございます。今後とも宜しくお願い致します。
I am sorry to hear you did not receive your package in a satisfactory manner!Can you please confirm for me if there is any evidence of tampering on the package, and was the security tape intact when you received the package? Did your package undergo customs delays and have you reported this to your local FedEx?Lastly, did you purchase insurance for this shipment? Once we have this information, we can proceed with the claim process. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
こんにちは、eメールありがとう。私の "パッケージID 9999" の"◯◯◯"を8分割してくだい。全部で30個プラス、コンテナですので、4個入を6パッケージ。3個入を1パッケージ。3個入とコンテナを1パッケージ。トータルで8パッケージでお願いします。パッケージを分割後は、別々に発送の予定です。敬具
Hello. Thank you for your email. Please break up my ○○○,Package ID 9999, into eight. There are thirty pcs totally and container. 6 packages of four-packA package of three-packA package of three-pack and containerPlease arrange eight packages totally as above. I will ship them separately after breaking up. Best regards,
That means, Malaysian smartphone users spend close to 1 hour a day purely on data.Let’s take a look into another chart below on tablet usage in Malaysia.From the chart above, Malaysians top three activities on tablet are (in this order):1. Browse Internet2. Upgrade current device3. Apps ssageIt shows that tablet users browse the internet more compared to smartphone, while smartphone users are using instant messaging more often in smartphone.Mobile application, or mobile web (responsive web design)?Which is the best way to reach out to mobile users as an online retailer? Build mobile app or mobile optimized site?
Under the guidance of Mr. Pham Minh Tuan, who already has a lot of experience in online education via his own platform, Topica, we both looked more closely at the model from Udemy. At first we were skeptical, but after traveling abroad and doing more research, we realized this model had a lot of practical value in the Vietnamese market.
自らのプラットフォームTopicaを通じてオンライン教育に多くの経験を持つPham Minh Tuan氏のアドバイスをうけ、我々はUdemyのモデルにより注目した。最初は懐疑的であったが、世界中を旅しリサーチを重ねることでこのモデルが大きな価値をベトナム市場で持つことに気付いた。
Hong Kong startup Sky Drone wants to help you fly your very own unmanned droneHave you ever wanted to experience the fun of flying an unmanned aerial drone without the hassle and emotional trauma associated with joining the military? Sky Drone, a Hong Kong-based startup, wants to help with that (sort of). The company doesn’t offer military drones, of course, or even the flying machines themselves. But it has created an onboard camera system and an app that will allow hobbyists and drone pilots of all kinds to build cameras into their flying machines and then pilot them using a real-time, first-person view that’s streamed into their smartphones.
香港スタートアップのSky Droneはあなたを無人操縦機で空の旅へあなたはかつて体験したことがあるだろうか。無人操縦機で空を飛ぶ楽しさを。もちろん面倒なミリタリーでの体験ではなく。香港発のスタートアップ SkyDroneはあなたの夢を叶える。もちろん軍用機を提供するわけではない。むしろ操縦機自体提供しない。SkyDroneが開発した搭載カメラを実際の操縦機に搭載しAppを起動することで、スマートフォンを通じてまるで自らが操縦しているかのような体験が出来るのである。
It is said that Japanese tea was enjoyed among aristocracy since Heian period. In Kamakura period, a buddhist monk named Eisai brought back seeds of tea from China, and that was the catalyst to spread them in general. The seeds Eisai brought back were planted in Uji and then Ujicha which is a famous tea was born in Kyoto.Furthermore, tea tied up with Kitayama culture which flourished in Muromachi period, Higashiyama culture and tradition of Zen in buddhism and developed as a culture representing Japan.
・オフィスのある中心街でも拳銃強盗とかが起きてるから日本人スタッフは常時護衛付きなのです。護衛がいつも後ろを歩いてるからあんまり気分は良くないです。・チリに着きました!チリオフィスに設定された過密スケジュールで死にそうだよ!・エドのいう通りペルーは文化的にとても豊かな国だね。昨日はmuseo larcoに行ったけどすごいコレクションだったよ。今回は1日半しか滞在できなかったのでとても残念ですが、必ずまた来るのでその時は是非リマを案内してください。
Japanese staff are always accompanied by their bodyguards as there are bandits even in urban city. It is uncomfortable to be followed by bodyguard every time. Just arrived in Chile. I am almost killed by the tough schedule at the Chile office. As Edo mentioned, Peru is a really rich country culturally. I went to museo larco yesterday and found a lot of collections there. Unfortunately I could stay only for one and half day, but I'm sure I will be coming again, so please take me around in Lima next time.
Thank you for contacting me. As I rechecked, it sounded with no problem. I am so sorry and appreciate it. Now you apply the discount with VISA, I heard that we get 30% off with AMEX. I need to ask you a favor. Would it be possible to get 30% off with the VISA?Sorry to bother you. I look forward to hearing from you.
When you import goods into the EU, you must comply with all customs laws and regulations in the EU. The EU Customs Union consists of all EU Member States and a number of surrounding countries. You are not authorized to import goods in the name of B or to show Amazon as the declarant, importer of record, or consignee on any customs documentation. If you are a company not established in the EU and ship your products from a non-EU country directly to a customer in an EU country, or you ship your products into an EU fulfilment Centre, please consult your tax advisor to assess import and VAT obligations you may have.