The product you sent me this time also had the same trouble as the one you sent me last time. Normally, the second hand of a clock should move 1 step by each second. This one you sent me, is the same as the last one, does not work strictly and I cannot use this. Because of this, I have been asking for a refund, however, I decided to change my mind on your advice that the shipping fee for returning is too expensive. Please could you issue me a gift credit you mentioned in your last email ?
Hello: Yes we do ship to Japan, I am in the process of packaging the books up so that I can get an exact quote from the postal office. I will send you an invoice through Ebay as soon as I get the quote. Sincerely, Matt
こんにちは。ええ、もちろん日本へも発送致します。今、郵便局で正確な送料の見積りを取るため本を梱包しています。見積もりが取れ次第、Ebayからインボイスをお送りしますね。敬具 Matt
I received the cd today, thanks for packing it well and sending it quickly. I do see the scratches you were referring to. Somehow I did not see them initially when selling the item. I am very sorry for all the trouble. I will send your refund now.Sorry for the inconvenience,mo1940s
His name is Francisco de Xavier, who had become known as the greater missionaries than St. Paul. Xavier means "New house" in Basque. Now, what will Japanese think if they're told that Xavier proceeded to Japan to look for his own roots? There is a clear cause-and-effect relationship between primitive Christianity and Japanese history.
I have 30 days on ebay ad in case something happens, but usually ship long before that. These should be delivered to me monday, and will ship out SAME Day they come in.
Do you just want a full refund? I will be happy to send you one. AS STATED IN THE EBAY LISTING, I have 30 days to ship this product out. Please let me refund you to keep you from being in a anxious state.
We have declining productivity in our division since last week, however, Hiroshima had got the top grade among the groups that have increased productivity. Finally, this GSAP tool is very important for productivity improvement. Please do not forget to enter the data into the system. Well, let's focus on plan acquisition again this week.(※「プラン獲得」を「plan acquisition」と訳しましたが、この語には企業内の独自用語としての訳が存在する可能性があります)
Upcoming Facebook API Changes Bring Back Virality By Sorting Game GenresJuly 19th, 2011Sean Ryan, Director of Games Partnerships at Facebook, delivered a keynote speech at Casual Connect in Seattle today detailing the future of the Facebook games ecosystem following many changes to the platform’s communication channels, and the complete integration of Facebook Credits.
近日公開予定のFacebook API 変更、ゲームジャンルのソート機能で話題沸騰2011年7月19日本日開催された Casual Connect Seattleにて、Facebookのゲームパートナーシップ担当ディレクターSean Ryan氏が基調講演を披露し、Facebookプラットフォームのコミュニケーション・チャンネルに対する多数の変更点、FacebookゲームとFacebookポイントの完全な統合、そしてそれらがもたらすFacebookゲームのエコシステムの今後について語った。
The number of the invoice is -----.Please let me know when you receive the product. I'll pay by paypal.I'm considering to continue buying similar products, so I would be appreciated if you can consider giving me a discount.