I would be glad if you can publicize my application sometimes.I can do support service for Japanese customers using Twitter.
▶Wizardry30周年!日本から「Wizardry online」が発表。アメリカで生まれ、コンピューターRPGの基礎を作った「Wizardry」が、30周年を迎えます。これを機にオンラインゲームとして生まれ変わった「Wizardryonline」が発表されました。あっさり死にまくる理不尽なマゾ設定は顕在のようですよ。
30YEARS ANNIVERSARY FOR WIZARDRY!said "Wizardry Online" of JapanThis year is 30 years anniversary for Wizardry, which was created in America and paved way for RPG games.With this anniversary, Wizardry is renewed as online game called "Wizardry Online." The very feature of masochistic difficulties which will kill you lightly are inherited.
We as Japanese should recognize this sincerely. Western developed counties at the time called Japan a silent partner. It might be true even today, it means that non-white countries are to be quiet at the League of Nations and just follow the western countries, namely a discriminatory term. Looking at the history, Japanese have not force others to be our silent partners. If you are learning a foreign language, you should have realized that we have been so anti-discrimination and proud of it.
There is a historic event every Japanese should know. It is the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. We, by and large, have learned that after the World War I, a world order (Versailles System) was established and it continued to be so until the World War II. However, in the conference, countries which lost the war were not invited and the conference was led by Western countries. Although Japan was among the winner of the war, at the time, in America there were agitation movements going on against Japanese immigrants and Japanese-Americans. To see that, Japanese delegations proposed to add anti-discrimination agreement to the League of Nations' protocol.
Please wait for the reply from the provider of the office.Please note that one can offer only once for a same property.And, If accepted, your name and email address will be disclosed to the provider.Accept does not mean the office sharing itself. It means the possibility and please proceed to the interview.You got a reply for the offer you made before.As it was accepted, name and email address of the provider is disclosed.
Please make an appointment with the provider via email.Please note that if you can actually share the office or not will be decided after the interview. You got a reply for the offer. You got a reply for the offer to the property "5 min to Shibuya."Sorry but your offer was rejected.Please search for new office from the website.
ご不明な点がございまいしたら、シェアゼロのサポートデスクまでお願いします。下記よりログインしてください。パスワードはマイページから変更可能です。●●様のご利用、お待ちしております! 問合せを受付ました。物件への問合せを受付ました。オフィス提供側から回答あり次第、メールでもお知らせいたします。尚、問合せ内容についてはマイページからもご確認いただきます。下記ご確認の上、マイページからご返信いただきますよう、よろしくお願いいたします。
Should you have any inquiries, please contact Sharezero at the Support desk.Please login from below. Please go to "My Page" if you want to change your password. We look forward to serving you.Your offer is successfully submitted. Your offer to the property is successfully submitted. We will notify you when the provider of the office replied your offer.Please go to "My Page" to check your offers.After reading and agreeing below, please reply from "My Page."
Contact to Share ZeroThis mail was sent to you according to the our private policy and policy on using private information.Copy right of the mail is held by SHare Zero.Thank you for signing in Share Zero.Thank you very much for becoming our provider for office sharing!Please go to "My page" to edit(add, modify and delete) your office's information.New password will be sent to you.
We are very interested in your reseller program. Although there are many companies which are interested in card-issue program, hurdle is high as high initial investment and legal and licensing issues. We would like to mainly sell your card.Please give more information about you reseller program and card-issuing FSP service.
Thanks for your reply.I have not used as, the saw is for use in Japan.yesterday, I noticed that it doesn't work when I started the engine.Therefore I have not be able to even use it, not to mention with high load.The button for Interlock doesn't work as I pushed it, it didn't come back.Is there a problem of a spring inside?And Can you tell me how to lowed the engine's RPM?
To wind up, I am tired of dealing with this matter any longer though, I would have to do something as below.I would have to issue warning to other potential customers who would be runin to a similar cause as mine, such as goods would be received broken but mended by scotch tape and frustrating communication followed.Those things I would do by myself. This is the end of the communication with your company.
2011年夏に北米にてプレミア公開、国内では9月3日より日本で3D(立体視)にて公開する。1998年には2Dアニメシリーズに、2010年には米国で実写映画『TEKKEN -鉄拳-』も製作されている。しかし、フルCGの劇場アニメーション化、3Dでの製作は初となる。『鉄拳 BLOOD VENGEANCE』2011年夏、北米公開 2011年9月3日 日本公開
Bandai Namco's TEKKEN run on 3D-CG Animation 2011Bandai Namco Games Inc. and Asmik Ace Entertainment Inc. revealed that TEKKEN, Bandai Namco's popular game series, will became a 3D-full CG animation shown in North America and Japan.It will be premired in North America this summer followed by Japan fron 3rd Sept. Although It was also animated in 1998 and live action as "TEKKEN-鉄拳-"in 2010 in America, this will be the first time ever to be made full CG animation with 3d vision. "TEKKEN-BLOOD VENGEANCE" N.A. Summer 2011, Japan 3rd Sept.
ONE PIECE、62巻は2週で236.8万部!13巻連続での200万部突破 5月2日発売の尾田栄一郎「ONE PIECE」コミックス第62巻が、5月16日付週間本ランキングコミック部門首位で総合首位を獲得した。5月9日付けの同ランキングに引き続き、2週連続での首位獲得となった第62巻。累計売上は236.8万部となり、同ランキング発表開始以来、50巻(2008年6月発売)から13巻連続での200万部突破を果たした。
ONE PIECE Vol.62 sold 2.3 million copies! Each of the last 13 volume hit the 2 million markFollowing the last ranking of 9th May, The 62nd volume of ONE PIECE by Eiichiro Oda released on 2nd May topped 16th May's Comic ranking 2 weeks in a raw. Copies sold so far have claimed up 236,8000, making 13rd consecutive volumes to sell more than 2 million copies (starting from Vol.50 released on June 2008) since the beginning of the ranking.
I am hugely disappointed as the saxophone is broken.key is bent over and can properly work. Bell seems to be hit with something and not in shape.
This isn't a excellent item at all.you can not play this without a lot of repairing work. I am not even sure if repairing would work at all. you never described that it is broken nor showed a photo it says so. Therefore I demand all my money including shipping fee back with no concession.
I am not sure how much replicated 500 of Yen 10,000 notes cost for my friend. Thinking that the cost of producing Yen 10,000 is Yen 20, 500 of them worth Yen 10,000. Replicated notes could be cheaper depends on paper and design quality. It can say that a currency note isn't equal to anything worth, can't it?
Yen 10,000 note and A4 size paper, which is more valuable? Of course, most people would say the former, but to use as a paper A4 size paper is much useful as it has a lot of space on both size while Yen 10,000 note doesn't at all.
◆「鉄拳」シリーズ 3D立体視フルCG劇場アニメに 2011年公開バンダイナムコゲームスとアスミック・エース エンタテインメントは、バンダイナムコゲームスの開発・発売する人気ゲームソフト「鉄拳」シリーズを原作に フルCGアニメーションの劇場映画『鉄拳 BLOOD VENGEANCE』を製作、日本と北米で公開することを明らかにした。
Bandai Namco's TEKKEN run on 3D-CG Animation 2011Bandai Namco Games Inc. and Asmik Ace Entertainment Inc. revealed that TEKKEN, Bandai Namco's popular game series, will became a 3D-full CG animation shown in North America and Japan.
本日、荷物をEMSで発送させて頂きました。MARTINとBUESCHERを同梱した上で発送しております。追跡番号は・・・・です。保険はこちらでかけさせて頂きました。発送にかかった費用は、18650 JPYです。送料は私の負担なのか否かの御判断はおまかせします。概ね1週間以内には御入手できるものと予測します。
The Instruments were sent today with EMS. Martin and Buescher together. Tracking number is _________, insured. Cost of shipping is JPY 18,650. It is up to your decision if the shipping cost is on me or on you. The instruments should be arriving there around a week or so.
Sorry for the late reply.Please, issue an invoice as requested below.By the way, the total amount should be correct.I will make the payment as soon as I received your invoice.Please be ready for the shippment.