We received questions below about item A from our customer.Can you please tell me your answers as far as you know?- What is the CAM software which drives this item A?- How long can the liquid cooled spindle work continuously?- How do you avoid the loss of synchronism of the stepping motor?Thank you in advance.
Dear XXXZ9 from Amazon would like to thank you for your recent purchase.Our record indicates that your order has been delivered. We want to make sure you are completely satisfied with the product you have purchased. Please let us know if there is any issues, questions or concerns. Our customer support team is standing by to assist you.If you are satisfied with the product, please take a moment to submit a product review here, by clicking on the following link: Thank You,Customer Service Team
親愛なるXXX 様アマゾンのZ9から、XXX様の最近のご購入に関しまして深く御礼申し上げます。弊社の記録によりますと、お客様のご注文の品は配達が完了いたしました。弊社といたしまして、お客様が購入頂きました製品にご満足頂けましたことを確認させて頂きたく存じます。もしお届けした商品に何らかの問題、ご質問、もしくは気になる点などございますでしょうか? 弊社カスタマー・サポートが喜んでお客様をサポートさせて頂きます。もし、ご購入いただいた製品にご満足頂けましたら、以下のリンクから製品のレビューの記入のお時間を割いて頂ければ幸いです:どうも有り難うございます。カスタマー・サービス・チーム
It is a quite old topic discussed two years ago, but we received the mail below from you r company on the ○.At that time, I returned all of the stocks from your warehouse to us and checked all the items. but they were all fine.After that mail. we have not communicate with you through e-mail, I am not sure if I can sell this item to you.If I can, I would like to sell the item to you again.However, if there is still any risk which would affect my account or the current listed items, then I will not list the item again.Can you please tell me the current status?Below is the copy of the e-mail which we received.
The sales is now going well.We are going to expand the sales more by advertising the items.
73 ウィーンで個展開催78 ロサンゼルスに移住。サンフランシスコ、ロサンゼルスで個展開催83 人類飛行200周年記念の祝典ポスターに作品「エアーショー」が選ばれる86 自由の女神100周年記念事業団の依頼により公式ポスター「自由の女神」を制作90 アメリカ移民200周年、ベルリンのフリーダムキャンペーンのポスター制作91 '91世界陸上、バルセロナオリンピックのポスター制作92 コロンブス新大陸到達500周年記念ポスター制作96 長野冬季オリンピックの公式ポスター制作
73 The solo show was held in Vienna.78 Moved to Los Angeles. The solo show was held in San Francisco and Los Angeles.83 The work "Air Show" was selected as the poster for the ceremony of the 200-year anniversary of the first manned flying.86 The official poster "The Goddess of Liberty" was created for the association of the 100-year anniversary of the Goddess of Liberty.90 The posters were made for the 200-year anniversary of the immigration to the US and the freedom campaign in Berlin.91 The posters were made for the World Championships in athletics '91 and Barcelona Olympic Games.92 The commemorative poster for the 500-year anniversary of Columbus' discovery of the new land was made.96 The official poster was created for Nagano Winter Olympics.
I am sorry, but you cannot return the broken item after you started to use it and it broke.Please buy another one again.However, as you already purchased once, I will offer 30% discount on the retail price.I will make a special page for you. So please let me know if you would like to buy the item again.
As we are not well known to public in US, so we feel it would not be possible to earn your confidence at this stage.If you feel anxious about making registration now, you may feel free not to register the membership.You are not charged per a month at all even if you use this service, and the registration is entirely free.We are quite proud of this service.If you trust us despite that you feel somewhat anxious, please send your identity verification documents to the address below.And, please try to make the size smaller, and to upload the document from your my page again.
Thank you for your quick reply.I have confirmed that there is no mistake in the quotation.I would be happy if you can provide additional $100 discount. Would it be acceptable?I am sorry for bothering you, but I appreciate if you can consider.Please accept my payment by a credit card.Also I would appreciate if you can tell me about the purchase process from now on.Please take care not to catch a cold. I look forward to your reply.
The adjusters of some items has not been fixed in the designated portion and they easily come off. This means the adjusters are not working at all, so please make sure that the adjusters are fixed in the designated portion firmly.
I want XS, but do you have some stock or plan to purchase it?
I have a question about the color of the lens.Are the colors of the lens which comes with the body three colors which are black, transparent and orange (not yellow)?
Nice to meet you.It is a very nice coat.As I am a Japanese, I have no idea about the size.Can you please tell me the width and the height of the clothes?
I realize that the records of this manufacturer tend to suffer from the surface noise (rustling back noise) due to the defect of manufacturing, but is this specific disc free from such noise?
Dear Customers,here the last email received from BBR so that you are updated about the next High end news!. Here what BBR has wrote:We look forward to see you at our stand at the International Toy Fair, Hall H7 D-48.Where? In Nuremberg (Germany) where our company has been attending to for more than 30 years.There will be displayed in world premiere the DIE-CAST models in 1:18 scale.All information concerning prices and delivery dates will be announced during the Fair.In the meantime, you can download the new DIE-CAST catalogue on www.bbrmodels.com on "download" area, or click HERE direcly
親愛なるお客様各位、BBRからの最新のEメールによって、お客様は次のハイエンドニュースについての情報を得ることが出来ます。 以下、BBRの記事です:私たちは、国際玩具フェアの会場、ホールH7 D-48ブースでお客様にお会いできることを楽しみにしております。それはどこでしょう? ニュルンベルク(ドイツ)にて、当社は30年以上にわたってこのフェアに関わってまいりました。私たちのダイキャストモデルが1:18スケールで世界初演されます。価格や納期に関するすべての情報がフェア期間中に発表されます。そして同時に、新しいダイキャストモデルのカタログをwww.bbrmodels.comの「ダウンロード」エリアからダウンロードするか、ここを直接クリックしてください。
I received the item the day before yesterday. As you can see in the attached picture, all the items had damaged outer box, stickers and seals on them. I was going to sell these items in Japan, but I cannot sell then as is. If you were one of the customers, do you want to buy them? I have bought the same item from other eBay sellers, but no seller has shipped such defective items to me. You are the first one actually. I will return all of 50 pieces of the item to you. So please issue a full refund immediately. If you do not accept issuing the refund, I will talk and report to PayPal.
メールありがとうございます。状況は確認いたしました。しかし、このまま商品をお送りいただきましても、弊社の品質基準に合っていないため、日本での販売ができません。このまま販売してしまいますと、弊社のお客様からの信頼もなくなり、sonu handicrafts社にもオーダーが出来なくなってしまいます。品質基準につきまして、工場に伺った際に打ち合わせできればと思います。
Thank you for your mail.I understood the status.However, even if you send the item to us as is, we cannot sell it in Japan because it does not meet our product quality criteria.If we sell the item as is, we will lose the trust from the customers, and also we cannot place orders to Sonu Handicrafts.Regarding the quality criteria, I would like to discuss it when I visit your factory.
弊社希望としましては、290008(SH-SWCH-85)につきましては、弊社基準の品質が確保できるまで生産を保留。その分今回のコンテナにつきましては、290004(SH004) IRON DRAWER CHEST × 15台 2.48cbm290008(SH006) IRON 3DRAWER CHEST × 10台 0.8cbmを追加できればと思っております。誠に申し訳ございませんが、こちらの内容でお伝え願います。
What we would like to request is,regarding 290008(SH-SWCH-85), we would like you to hold the production till the item meets our product quality criteria.Instead, regarding the breakdowns of the container this time, we would like to add following.290004(SH004) IRON DRAWER CHEST × 15 pieces 2.48cbm290008(SH006) IRON 3DRAWER CHEST × 10 pieces 0.8cbmWe are very sorry for bothering you, but we appreciate if you can tell them above.
アマゾン様いつも販売のサポートいただきありがとうございます。アマゾン経由のPolicy Warningについて、指摘されたASINは直ちに削除し、今後商品を掲載しないと権利者に連絡をいたしました。アマゾン様にはご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ありませんでした。
Dear AmazonWe appreciate your support for our sales.Regarding the policy warning by way of Amazon, we let the right holder know that we would remove the ASIN which was pointed out right away, and we would not list the particular item after now on.We are very sorry for having caused a lot of trouble to Amazon.
1. Suzuki Ichiro (presenter) の大会参加費の支払いは、Tanaka Jiroがクレジットカードで支払い済みなのですが、まだSuzuki Ichiroの画面に、レジストレーションが終了していない旨の表示が出ています。確認いただけないでしょうか?2.たいへん申し訳ないのですが、我々の学会発表(ポスターセッション)の発表日を、3月7日にしていただけないでしょうか? 私達は8日に帰国のフライトのチケットを購入してしまいましたので。よろしくお願いいたします。
1. Regarding the registration fee for Ichiro Suzuki (the presenter) on the convention, Jiro Tanaka has already made payment. However we still can see the message that the registration has not been made on Ichiro Suzuki's page. Can you please double check it?2. I am very sorry for bothering you, but can you please schedule the date for our conference presentation (the poster session) on March 7th? This is because we purchased the ticket for the return flight on the 8th. I appreciate if you can cope with it.
I have conformed that you would like to return the item due to the size and the condition of the item.I am really sorry that I cannot meet your requirements, but I cannot accept the return of the item because the size does not fit.※ Please note that the shape of the feet varies individually.Also, regarding the shoe lace, it was not cut off from the beginning, but it was broken when you tried the shoes. Therefore I do not accept the return of the item basically.However, only in this particular case, I would like to discount 10 dollars for the price of the shoe lace on the amount of money you paid. How does it sound to you?