Thank you for sending the camomile immediately.I really appreciate this.Here I'd like to send items for additional orders.Please kindly check the stock.I prefer selling the chocolates, but the problem is the price is a little bit high.Thank you very much in advance.
Just to make sure, payment for the watch has been completed.Could you kindly confirm this, please?Following is my purchase request list.
Since I have used all of my purchase balance of my credit card, I cannot pay you right away.This status will improve on Dec.16th. Could you be able to wait by then?I really apologize for asking this kind of request to you.If possible, I'd appreciate if you could send the product which I've ordered in advance.I will pay to you on Dec.16th without fail.I understand the fee is very expensive, so if you have any concerns, you don't have to send me the product in advance.I look forward for your reply.Thank you so much in advance.
ご連絡ありがとう。私は17" Duffyが欲しいのですが手に入りますか?色は、ラベンダー・ピンク・ブルー・ミントです。宜しくお願い致します。kouta
Thank you very much for your information.I'd like to order 17" Duffy.Will this be available?The colors I prefer are lavender, pink, blue, and mint.Thank you very much for your cooperation.Best regards,Kouta
By when are you going to send me the product which I've ordered?I've been asking for a reply from you but no answer.I cannot trust you anymore.If I cannot receive any reply from you by tomorrow, I'll claim paypal.I'll request them for a full refund including shipping cost.