No matter how hard I try I just can't find ______'s CD.
When I woke up in the middle of the night, my sight was kind of cloudy and I could't see the screen.
Some people just can't do anything right. That's me precisely.
I see so many views on my posts but no one ever translates them. What's so fun about just reading Japanese texts?? I would like to know how this system works.
I'm so not wanting to go to work tomorrow.
Should education be made as a industry, or be given as a free service?
I'm certain those who know about it would understand, though those who don't whouldn't have a clue.
If you're goint to chace pretty girls you'd better do something about your own appearance.
If my English was perfect, I wouldn't be visiting this site and telling my shameful life story with such a bad English.
You can't run away from your life. It doesn't matter if you take your time or avoid a shortcut, as long as you enjoy your way to reach the final point. If you decide to take a break, take it till you have enough.
Starting a hobby will open up the circle of friendship and reveal new and unexpected things. It will enriche your life and gives you something to look forward to.
A truly wise person is the one who has ambition to obtain higher learning and aspires to become a respectable citizen.
One's wisdom does not depend on one's academic background. It feels good to see the faces of those who are eager to learn. I guess it's because their faces show their essential inner characters.
People lose their appeal when they don't have money.
When you study a foreign language, it is important not only to learn about the culture of the country in which the language is spoken, but what's even more important is to know your own culture.
There were many occations that made me think the only way left was to die.
I'm living my life with days and nights reversed.
I washed my hair when the day gets the coldest.
But anyway, I truly felt thankful for ____ for sending me a mail. There are few people who use such a courteous Japanese like he/she does. This must be why I get depressed.
Some feel it stressful, others feel nothing.