Im sorry but I don’t have these heads available right nowI hope to get more tour issue product in 2 weeksI will email you when more product is receivedThank youLet me work on this over the weekend.
2,we can refund you 20USD to settle this.we are really want to help you , but your item is OK except for the screw.we can send you the replacement if you can replace , the fact is that we need to rip the screw off before we do any other thing.we hope you can understand this and we are really sorry for this.3, if you accept the refund and repair the item in a repair shop ,we can refund the money in 8 hours .
our Warranty said :This item is the top-quantity. So during two years warranty time, mostly it will not have any problem. If it has the problem, we will send you the replacement to replace it. Mostly it will be resolve. Finally, if the problem still can not be resolved, then we will send you a new one and then you send back the problem one.1,so we can send the replacement to you ,but the replacement is aso a screw and you still need to rip it off by yourself.our technician said it is not a big probelm and you can find a repair shop , no matter which kind it is, maybe bike repair shop or something else , you can ask the worker to rip the screw for you.
Project Tin Can supports the Future Learning Experience Project in two distinct ways:We’re leveraging our relationships with Instructional Designers, Content Developers, Product Vendors, Managers and our friends across several industries to ask them questions like “What new and innovative stuff are you doing to train/learn?”, “What’s new that you plan on incorporating?”, and “What’s on your wish list?” -- in other words, we’re collecting problems to be solved and use-cases that should be supported.We’re going to use the results of this research to prototype an “Experience API”.
Title: Lee Seung Gi and Ha Ji Won Confirmed for New Drama "The King" (For Real This Time)Finally, we know that Lee Seung Gi and Ha Ji Won are officially confirmed for the upcoming drama “The King.” Basically this month, Ha Ji Won was confirmed for the drama then still “undecided.” Other possible male leads such as Jo In Sung and Cha Seung Won were thought to have been confirmed, but they both turned out to be false. Lee Seung Gi was also confirmed, but then not “official yet.”Phew, that was a mouthful. Anyways, it looks like we finally have our two leads for the drama “The King” as Lee Seung Gi and Ha Ji Won.
題名:イ・スンギとハ・ジウォンが、新ドラマ「The king」出演へ(現時点)最終的に、イ・スンギとハ・ジウォンが公式的に次期ドラマ「The king」に出演するでしょう。実は、今月、ハ・ジウォンはドラマ出演に対して"未定”としていました。他の可能性のある主役男優は、チョ・インソンとチャ・スンウォンになると思われていました。しかし、彼らが出演するという話はウソであるとわかりました。イ・スンギも可能性がありましたが、「公式的には答えられない」としています。ため息が出てしまいます(ほんの少しですが)。私たちは、最終的には、イ・スンギとは・ジウォンが新ドラマ「The king」の主役になると考えています。
Title: "Dancing Queen" Reaches #1 on Box Office in Two DaysOn January 20, Uhm Jung Hwa and Hwang Jung Min's new movie, "Dancing Queen," was ranked at #1 on Korea's box office. The movie gathered 45,779 people on the opening day and 63,884 on the second day according to Korean Film Council's Box Office database."Dancing Queen" is off to a great start and expecting to continue its streak as Lunar New Year's Holiday is beginning this weekend. The film has attracted the most viewers of all Korean films that opened on January 18, including "Unbowed," "Pace Maker," and "Never Ending Story."
題名:「ダンシング・クイーン」が興行収入で2日間、1位を獲得。1月20日、オム・ジョンファとファン・ジョンミンの新作映画「ダンシングクイーン」が韓国の興行収入で1位を獲得しました。韓国映画振興委員会の興行収入データベースによりますと、初日で45,779人、2日目に63,884人の観客動員数を記録したとのことです。「ダンシング・クイーン」は、好調なスタートで始まり、今週末から旧正月の連休も始まりこの勢いが今後も続くと予想されます。1月18日に公開された「ダンシング・クイーン」や「Unbowed」「Pace Maker」「Never Ending Story」は、韓国のほとんどの視聴者を魅了しています。
PAGE 99-2'How do you manage the sales force and make sure that those measurement systems are really tracked down to the individual level to encourage the right behaviour? I'll sit in meetings where Steve Ballmer talks about how he wants to do it, but that's not my expertise. How do we advertise to get these messages across? I sort of know where we are going long-term. I've got to make sure people are coming up with messages consistent with that future. But I'm not expert in those things.'
ページ 99-2”どのように、販売力を管理し、業績評価をするかは、正しい方向に行動を導き、個人レベルにまで落としこんで追跡可能かどうか?私は、Steve Ballmer氏がどのような形でそれらを成し遂げたいのかについて話す会議に同席しているでしょうが、それは私の専門ではありません。私たちは、これらのメッセージをどのように広げていくか?私でも長い道のりになるということぐらいはわかります。私は、必ず人々が将来を見据えた一貫したメッセージを提示してくると確信しています。しかし、何度も言うように私はそのことについての専門家ではありません。”
PAGE 98-2But Gates also fulfilled another important role at Microsoft. He was the custodian of the company's culture and values. Some companies, such as Google have a clearly stated mission statement 'to organize the world's info and make it universally accessible and useful'. Others documented their values in books - Johnson & Johnson, for example, had its values written down in the Credo - which dates back to the founding fathers of the company. The founders of Hewlett-Packard created the H-P Way, which was then written out by hand and pinned up by employees next to the pictures of their family and pets.
ページ 98-2しかし、ゲイツはマイクロソフトにおいて別の重要な役割も果たしていました。彼は、会社の文化や価値観を支配しているのです。いくつかの企業の中から例を挙げると、グーグルは、"世界の情報を整理し、どこからでもアクセスでき、そして、使えるようにすること"という明確な企業のミッションを持っています。他に、本の中で明文化されている価値観としてジョンソン&ジョンソンのクレドがあります。これは、会社の創始者にまでさかのぼるものです。ヒューレット・パッカード(HP)の創始者はHP・ウェイを作りました。これは、彼が書いたもので従業員の手によって残された、家族やペットに接した写真です。
PAGE 93-3'Although about three million computers get sold every year in China, people don't pay for the software. Someday they will, though. And as long as they're going to steal it, we want them to steal ours. They'll get sort of addicted, and then we'll somehow figure out how to collect sometime in the next decade.'And, as usual, with the Chinese market Gates seemed to win out where many other corporations had failed. So much so that by the summer of 2007 Fortune magazine published an article titled: 'How Microsoft conquered China'.
PAGE 89-1Gates is not the first mega-rich tycoon in American history to be vilified for anti-competitive activities. A century ago, the Texas oil baron John D. Rockefeller gained control of America's refinery business and oil pipelines. Rockefeller then leveraged that power into control of oil production. Critics of Bill Gates say DOS was the equivalent of a pipeline and its ownership gave Gates the control of the entire industry.
ページ 89-1ゲイツは、アメリカの歴史上において、競争に反するような活動によって中傷されている初の超大金持ちではない。1世紀前、テキサスの石油王ジョンD ·ロックフェラーは、アメリカの石油精製事業と石油パイプラインの運営権を得た。そして彼は、石油生産の管理に力を注いだ。ビル・ゲイツを批判する者は、DOSは石油のパイプラインと同じようなものだ。そして、DOSを持つことはゲイツが業界全体を支配しているも同然であると考えている。