hiro_hiro 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 中国語(繁体字)
hiro_hiro 英語 → 日本語

What comes to vehicles, originally built for Ja domestic market, CoC
document is available for many of them, but not for all models. In order to
check, whether such certificate is available for any particular vehicle we
need some information about that vehicle. There is however also a
possibility, that CoC is not available for some particular car or model.
This means, that is rational from our point of view to ensure, that CoC is
available before we make final decision of bying that car. Otherwise we
might end up in such a situation, that we have imported a car, which cannot
be registered in Finland. It is easy to understand, that selling a car,
which cannot be registered, is practically impossible.




hiro_hiro 英語 → 日本語

By the end of next week, I will be sending you a men's line sheet so you can start keeping track of samples as they arrive. Some are ready, but I am waiting to consolidate in order to simplify the invoicing process. I'd say you should have all men's salesman samples by Jan 21.The men's shoe samples are running a little later than expected. We're going to likely have to shoot a separate look book for the shoes, and you will have to hold separate appointments for the men's shoes. I will keep you posted as I am supposed to hear back from the factory with more info by tomorrow afternoon.Let me know if you have any thoughts on the above.



hiro_hiro 英語 → 日本語

Cell phone drive: Ameriprise Financial is holding a cell phone collection drive for Cell Phones for Soldiers. The business is at Ameriprise. Mark Antonich of Ameriprise Financial is working with Cell Phones for Soldiers to collect unused cell phones for troops to stay in touch with their families. Bring phones to the above location. Details about the organization:

Cell Phones for Soldiers hopes to turn old cell phones into more than 12 million minutes of prepaid calling cards for U.S. troops stationed overseas in 2008. To do so, Cell Phones for Soldiers expects to collect 50,000 cell phones each month through a network of more than 3,000 collection sites across the country.


携帯電話の寄付活動:Ameriprise Financial (アメリプライズ・ファイナンシャル)はCell Phones for Soldiersのために携帯電話の収集活動を行なっている。アメリプライズ・ファイナンシャルのMark AntonichはCell Phones for Soldiersとともに部隊が家族らと連絡を取り合えるように未使用の携帯電話を収集している。上記の場所に携帯電話を持って来てください。この団体に関する詳細はこちら:

Cell Phones for Soldiersは2008年に海外に駐留しているアメリカ軍のために、古い携帯電話を集め、それらをトータルで1200万分以上を通話できるプリペード通話カードに変えようという試みだ。そのために、Cell Phones for Soldiersは全米3000箇所以上の収集場所のネットワークを使い、毎月5万台以上の携帯電話を収集しようとしている。

hiro_hiro 英語 → 日本語

“Cell Phones for Soldiers started as a small way to show our family’s appreciation for the men and women who have sacrificed the day-to-day contact with their own families to serve in the U.S. armed forces,” says the teens’ father, Bob Bergquist. “Over the past few years, we have been overwhelmed by the generosity of others. But, we have also seen the need to support our troops continue to grow as more troops are sent overseas for longer assignments.”

Through increased fundraising efforts, the Bergquist family hopes to raise more than $9 million in the next five years to fund new programs, such as providing video phones with prepaid service to allow soldiers abroad to see their families on a regular basis.


このティーンエイジャーの子供達の親であるボブ・バーグクイスト氏はこのように述べている。「Cell Phones for Soldiers はアメリカ軍における仕事のため、家族との毎日の連絡を犠牲にしている男性兵士、女性兵士らに対する私達の家族からの感謝の思いを示すためのささやかな方法として始まりました。「過去数年にわたり、私達は皆さんの寛大さに圧倒される思いです。しかし、他方においてはますます多くの部隊がより長い任務のために海外に派遣されている中、部隊の兵士らを支援する必要性が増大し続けている状況があります。」


hiro_hiro 英語 → 日本語

The Prudential Foundation and Prudential Financial, Inc. (NYSE: PRU), recently provided more than $400,000 in Prudential CARES Volunteer Grants to 589 community organizations in the United States and another 47 internationally. Grants range from $250 to $5,000 for each award winner’s charitable organization.
“Through volunteer work with fire departments, food banks, youth sports programs, arts and cultural organizations and in local schools, Prudential employees around the world are giving nonprofit organizations in their communities the gifts of their time, talent and treasure,” said Gabriella Morris, vice president of Community Resources at Prudential and president of The Prudential Foundation.


プルデンシャル財団とプルデンシャル・ファイナンシャル(NYSEニューヨーク証券取引所: PRU)はプルデンシャルCARESボランティア・グラントにおいて、40万ドル以上をアメリカ国内の589のコミュニティ団体と世界の47の団体に提供した。助成金の額は、受賞した慈善団体によって250ドルから5000ドルまで様々である。

hiro_hiro 英語 → 日本語

TO all shoes suppliers,
Please be kindly advised that we will place order with your agreement for requested procedure as below.
According to our company's rule that Shoes are to be sold in our store only after confirming the quality by company's test . we will follow below proce dure to place order.We will check following points by our test.
① heel attachment strength② strap / band attachment strength ③ adhention strength ④ colorfastness.
1 Suppliers make smples required by HT company. HT executes the test on required samples and confirm the quality.3After confirming test result, HT approve you to start bulk production.
Based on above procedure, Please kindly set up your production schedule.


①かかと部分の付着強度② ストラップ、バンド部分の付着強度③接着強度④ 染色堅ろう度

hiro_hiro 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

1、Attached are the press releases for this project, including the collaborations with both Philip and Paul.  We have been working quite hard on the website launch.  All items are exclusive to the e-commerce store.  The response so far has been great! Hopefully at some point we can begin to wholesale them, too.  Of course, the next major project is the men's shoes, which will be available for Japan.  After that, sunglasses, which we are working on now, too.  Lots of fun stuff. 2、Supplier checked this requests but regret to inform you that pictures are not of supplier’s property and in order to publish them they need copy right and permission. Very sorry but they cannot help you.



hiro_hiro 英語 → 日本語

Solitudes Single CD £ 11.99
Reminder: Buy in bulk and save!
Buy 3 - 5 regular priced single CD's, receive a 10% discount
Buy 6 - 9 regular priced single CD's, receive a 20% discount
Buy 10 - or more regular priced single CD's, receive a 25% discount
For online order inquiries or other shipping questions, please call Somerset Entertainment at 01376.521.527 and ask for the Catalog Department. You may also email us at information@somersetent.com, fax us at 01376.521.528, or mail us at Somerset Entertainment, 3D Moss Road, Witham, Essex, England, CM8 3UW.
Orders processed by credit card will appear as Somerset Entertainment on your credit card statement.


SolitudesシングルCD £ 11.99
オンラインでのご注文のお問い合わせ、または発送に関するご質問は、01376.521.527 にお電話いただきSomerset Entertainment宛にお問い合わせいただき、Catalog Department(カタログ部門)にお尋ねください。メールでのお問い合わせは、information@somersetent.comへ、ファックスでのお問い合わせは、01376.521.528、郵便でのお問い合わせはこちらの住所まで郵送ください。
Somerset Entertainment, 3D Moss Road, Witham, Essex, England, CM8 3UW
クレジットカード決済のご注文の場合は、明細書にSomerset Entertainmentと表記されます。

hiro_hiro 英語 → 日本語

Sorry for the delay and after a manual review of the extra payment, we found it. The problem is that our computer system does not put multiple payments together. We made the adjustment manually and are now set. The good news is that the consignor found the ORIGINAL manual. I will now be able to include it at no charge. We usually sell originals for $50 and it was not thought to be around. The other good news is that USPS has much less loss after the 25th due to Christmas. We will get the manual and place it in the box, and mail it the next business day. Sorry for the delay. Given Christmas, it is probably best to be sent after the holiday. It will get there just as fast with the pre-holiday delays.


郵送が遅れておりましてすみません。追加のお支払いを手作業により確認したところ、見つかりました。私達のコンピューターシステムは、複数の支払いをまとめないことが問題です。お支払いを手動で調整し、現在はきちんと設定されています。良い知らせがあります。販売委託者の方がオリジナルのマニュアルを見つけました。私がそれを無料で同梱してさしあげます。私達は通常の場合、オリジナルは$50 で販売しますし、このマニュアルはもう存在しないと思われていました。もう一つの良い知らせですが、クリスマス後の25日以降はUSPSが配送物の紛失が非常に少ないということです。マニュアルを手に入れて箱に同梱し、クリスマス後の翌営業日に郵送します。遅れましてすみません。クリスマスという時期を考えると、クリスマス後に郵送するのが一番良いと思われます。クリスマス前の日数分遅れることになりますが、通常通りの日数でお手元に届く予定です。

hiro_hiro 英語 → 日本語


How are you? I hope you are enjoying your bag.

I need a big favor from you. I have miscalculated the ebay fees because ebay recently changes its policy to make sellers open an ebay store and increase the % of fees. Could you help to mutually drop the sale so that I could get back part of the ebay fees? This is only on paper. It does not affect you in any way. I will send you an ebay notice to mutually drop the sale and all you have to do is click "agree".

So sorry to have to trouble you. Please let me know if that's alrite with you. It’s okay if you don’t wish to help. Thanks so much for your help!









hiro_hiro 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this Agreement or have caused this Agreement to executed by their duly authorized representative.

________________________________ ____________________________

Interstate Industries,Inc.d/b/a
Monroe Products Authorized Dealer Signature


Printed Name



A________________________________ B____________________________

Monroe Productsの名で事業を行っているInterstate Industries,Inc.の 販売者の署名


1行目ですがhave executed this Agreementとhave caused this Agreement to executedがorで結ばれている形になってるけど、結局は同じような意味なので、今回の訳では訳し分けてありません。


Printed Nameってのは、活字体での名前です。署名は筆記体で書くのですが、それでは読み取れない場合があるので、Printed Nameのところは読み取りやすいように活字体で書いてくださいということです。


hiro_hiro 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

You're on the verge of discovering how easy it can be to build payment apps and profit from using the ABC Opn platform.

The world of payment apps can be a serious place. After all, handling money is a serious business but it's also one that we could make much more fun. By bringing together your talent and Opn's mashable payment technology, who knows what we could create.
You'll soon be invited to build an app based around making small P2P payments supported by Opn. Any one of these worldwide transactions could uncover a link along the Secret Path - winning you anything from $10 to $500 cash. Whether you spend, share or donate the money to charity is up entirely up to you.


支払い用アプリケーションを作り、ABC Opnプラットフォームを利用して利益を上げることがどれだけ簡単か、まもなく認識していだだけることになると思います。


あなたはまもなく、OpnのサポートによるP2Pの少額決済関連のアプリケーショ製作に招待されます。世界中のこれらの支払い決済のいずれもが、Secret Path (秘密の道)に続く発見へとつながるでしょう。つまり、$10から $500までの現金を獲得していただけます。そのお金を自分で使用するか、誰かと分けるか、慈善団体に寄付するかは完全にあなたの自由です。

hiro_hiro 英語 → 日本語

The patient was in his usual state of health until 5 weeks before admission, when diffuse abdominal pain developed, most severe in the lower right quadrant and radiating to the right side and back; it decreased slightly with leaning forward, increased with other movements, including walking, and prevented him from sleeping. He went to an urgent care clinic at a health center affiliated with this hospital.
The patient rated the pain between 5 and 10 on a scale of 0 to 10 (where 0 is no pain and 10 is the most severe pain).
He reported that the pain was sharp and constant and that it was usually unrelated to eating but occasionally increased within 10 minutes after eating spicy, acidic, or high-fat foods.

