Cell phone drive: Ameriprise Financial is holding a cell phone collection drive for Cell Phones for Soldiers. The business is at Ameriprise. Mark Antonich of Ameriprise Financial is working with Cell Phones for Soldiers to collect unused cell phones for troops to stay in touch with their families. Bring phones to the above location. Details about the organization:
Cell Phones for Soldiers hopes to turn old cell phones into more than 12 million minutes of prepaid calling cards for U.S. troops stationed overseas in 2008. To do so, Cell Phones for Soldiers expects to collect 50,000 cell phones each month through a network of more than 3,000 collection sites across the country.
Cell Phones for Soldiersは2008年に海外に駐留しているアメリカ軍のために、古い携帯電話を集め、それらをトータルで1200万分以上を通話できるプリペード通話カードに変えようという試みだ。そのために、Cell Phones for Soldiersは全米3000箇所以上の収集場所のネットワークを使い、毎月5万台以上の携帯電話を収集しようとしている。
The phones are sent to ReCellular, which pays Cell Phones for Soldiers for each donated phone – enough to provide an hour of talk time to soldiers abroad.
“Americans will replace an estimated 130 million cell phones this year,” says Mike Newman, vice president of ReCellular, “with the majority of phones either discarded or stuffed in a drawer. Most people don’t realize that the small sacrifice of donating their unwanted phones can have a tremendous benefit for a worthy cause like Cell Phones for Soldiers.”
ReCellularのバイスプレジデントのマイク・ニューマン氏はこのように述べている。「アメリカ人は今年1億3000万台の携帯電話を引き換えることになると予想される。そのほとんどの携帯電話は捨てられていたり、引き出しに押し込められていたものだ。たいていの人は、不要な電話を寄付するという小さな行為がCell Phones for Soldiersのような意義のある大義に多大な恩恵を与えることになることを認識していない。」
Cell Phones for Soldiers was founded by teenagers Robbie and Brittany Bergquist from Norwell, Mass., with $21 of their own money. Since then, the registered 501c3 non-profit organization has raised almost $2 million in donations and distributed more than 500,000 prepaid calling cards to soldiers serving overseas.
“Cell Phones for Soldiers started as a small way to show our family’s appreciation for the men and women who have sacrificed the day-to-day contact with their own families to serve in the U.S. armed forces,” says the teens’ father, Bob Bergquist. “Over the past few years, we have been overwhelmed by the generosity of others. But, we have also seen the need to support our troops continue to grow as more troops are sent overseas for longer assignments.”
Through increased fundraising efforts, the Bergquist family hopes to raise more than $9 million in the next five years to fund new programs, such as providing video phones with prepaid service to allow soldiers abroad to see their families on a regular basis.
とその十代の子たちの父親であるBob Bergquistは語る。
The business is at Ameriprise.の部分の訳ですが、検索してみたところ、本来ならこのあとにAmeriprise Financialの住所が書いてあったのではないかと思います。「この会社の住所は…(住所の省略)」