ph35307YAWARA! 【題材:柔道】▼あらすじ天才柔道家の祖父、猪熊滋悟郎の元で3歳から稽古に明け暮れている「普通」の少女・猪熊 柔が、祖父滋悟郎に大学進学・就職で一方的に決めつけられ、恋愛においてもほとんど許されないなか、祖父滋悟郎の凄さは実感しつつ反発していながらも、徐々に天性の才能を発揮・自覚し、日本国内を始め世界のスポーツの祭典アトランタオリンピックまで雄飛してゆく姿を描く柔道恋愛漫画作品である。
ph35307YAWARA! [Topic : Judo]SummaryInokuma Yawara is a normal girl who has been trained by the genius judoka Jigoro Inokuma - her grandfather - since she was 3 years old. Jigoro is the one who chooses Yawara's college and her employment, and almost never lets her go out with other men. She understands how honorable Jigoro is despite her opposition towards him and gradually becomes aware of her talent in judo. It's a love comedy about Yawara being active from inside Japan to as far as the Atlanta Olympics.
"My Package"に"Packages with problems cannot be shipped."と表示されています。前回依頼した発送処理が何らかのトラブルで停止しているようですが、私は何をすればいいですか?
I have a message saying "Packages with problems cannot be shipped" in the "My Package" page.There seems to be some problem in the delivery process of my previous commission - thus it is delayed. Could you tell me what I should do?
There are accidents which hooks get stuck once in 2-3 years.People rarely hook themselves but rather hook other people.To protect your head, we wish you wear a hat.Considering the burden on the natural environment and congestion of the site, we've restricted school groups for the spring.We ask for your kind understanding and cooperation.Venue booking will be arranged after participants have been decided.We can arrange gymnasium and training rooms, and restaurants around the lake.Venue costs will be around 200 yen per person.
メールありがとう!久しぶりだね~私も元気にしてますよ。東京は天気もよくて暖かい季節になってきました。写真を見せてくれてありがとう。凄くかっこいい顔で驚きましたよ!外国の人はかっこいいから羨ましいよ!Benくんはマシンの走行動画をYouTubeに投稿したりしてるのかい?もし投稿してるならIDを教えてね:)僕のマシンは今、バラバラで走行できないんだ....RCMAX70にしようか悩んだけどハイパワーすぎて、まともに走行できなそうだからTwin Engineに決めました。
Thanks for the mail! Long time no see. I've been doing fine, too.It's getting warm and comfortable in Tokyo these days.Thank you for the photos! I was surprised of how handsome you are! I envy foreigners for their handsomeness!Ben, are you sharing any videos about your machine on YouTube? If so, please let me know your ID :)My machine broken now so it can't run...I thought over which to buy between RCMAX70 and Twin Engine but picked Twin Engine. RCMAX has too much power.
We import products from America and sell them in Japan.We'd like to see if this product is going to sell well in Japan.Could you prepare 3 of them in a week?Knowing it will sell well, we will order a mass amount.In addition, we would like to order other products if they sell as well in Japan, too.The following products are popular in Japan.If there are any products you can prepare, please let us know.
Nice to meet you, and thanks for visiting my page.My name is ◯◯.I'm ◯◯ years old.I would like to make lots of friends around the world!It would be wonderful if we could actually meet :)☆Interests☆My hobby is to travel.When I was a student went to a round‐the‐world trip!It was a penniless travel but everything I saw was fresh and I was able to experience how splendid the world is.Recently I am quite busy but when I find time I enjoy going abroad.If you like traveling, please feel free to contact me and become friends!
I understand.I did not wish for just the discount of the shipment fee. I rather thought it would be pleasant if you could have discounted from the commodity price for buying a lot of your products.Well, then I would like to order the following products.I am sorry to trouble you, but could you tell me the shipment fee for Japan again?Thank you.
I wasn't able to feel anything until the final day of the week.As I thought it was going to end this way, my sense of smell became sharp.Especially, I became sensitive to smells of air freshener and animals. their odor molecules got stuck in my nose for a while and it was painful. Ordinarily I keep in mind to live a natural life so it doesn't matter, but smelling scientific odor outdoors was a tough time.