hhanyu7 翻訳実績

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日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
hhanyu7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Levy-Weiss formed his NFX Guild accelerator earlier this year, but he is an industry veteran as the former CEO of 888 Holdings, a big real-money online gambling company.

Levy-Weiss went on to delineate the characteristics of a successful game company and what he looks for when he is funding companies.

It’s a very short path to market. There’s a growing talent pool. Are there any rules to help you succeed?

“There are no guarantees, but there are critical rules to follow to get above the noise,” Levy-Weiss said.

He said there is no such thing as “too good people.” A company is a sum of its people. You have to only recruit the best to work with you.


Levy-Weiss氏は、今年これまでにNFX Guildアクセラレータを立ち上げたが、彼は、大手のリアルマネー・オンラインギャンブル会社、888 Holdingsの元最高経営責任者として業界のベテランである。



「保証は何もありませんが、騒音の上を行くために従うべき重要なルールがあります」 とLevy-Weiss氏は述べた。


hhanyu7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Levy wants to see game prototypes within a few months, not 18 months. If it takes 18 months to get a prototype, don’t start, he said. He prefers speed to perfection. Don’t overthink because it slows you down. At the same time, you have to keep production quality high.

There’s always some kind of reference for a game, like previous games in a genre, such as Clash of Clans or Bejeweled.

“Every good game has a reference,” he said. “You have to analyze and find out what worked and what didn’t.” If there isn’t a direct reference, you may find one for a core game loop. If you can’t find one, you may have something original. Or you may have to prototype it carefully to make sure it works.



ゲームにはいつも、ジャンルにおいて例えばClash of ClansやBejeweledなどこれまでのゲームのように、ある種の基準がある。


hhanyu7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Tencent and Alibaba aren’t the only companies that have sought to merge their investments this year. As China’s tech services market becomes increasingly crowded, large players are looking to consolidate their stake fast, hoping to cash in on early adoption. Big-name match-ups include that of 58.com and Ganji.com, the long-time rivals in the online classified ads market, that announced their merger just two months after Didi Kuaidi.

Though Dianping started off with a Yelp-like ratings and reviews service in 2003 and Meituan from group-buying in 2010, the two have evolved to become direct competitors in on-demand local services, movie and event ticketing, and hotel and attraction ticket booking.


今年、投資を統合しようとした企業は、Tencent と Alibabaだけではない。中国の技術系サービス市場が込み合いつつある中で、大手企業は早期採用から利益を得ることを期待しながら、素早く投資金額を強固にすることを目指している。有名な組み合わせには、58.com とGanji.comの組み合わせがあり、両社はオンラインクラシファイド広告市場における長年のライバルであったが、Didi Kuaidi合併の2ヶ月後に、合併を発表した。
