①椅子を開いた際に重なる部分に歪みがあり、曲がってしまっている。 ②溶接部分が外れていて、ビスが抜けてしまう。 ③見てわかるように折りたたんだ状態で歪みが酷過ぎる。 このような不良品が計7台あります。この状態ではクレーム対象になってしまうので商品にはできません
①Overlap parts when a chair is open are disorted and crooked. ②The welded area comes off and screws fall off. ③As you see, there is great distortion when it is folded. I found a total of seven products with such distortion. I cannot treat them as merchandise because I’m sure products in such bad condition would be a subject for complaint.
the Katie Marie limbs and sitting body cost me 65.00 USD plus the shipping. You can add it to the balance, when she is finished. If you order Arianna too, I will pay the 65.00 for her limbs and not charge you extra for Bonnie sitting.. let me know which you decide on
Out of fear of the Jews, killed Jesus, who might also try to kill them, his disciples securely locked from the inside and flattened themselves against each other quietly. Not only that, they might have become depressed by deep guilt feeling, thinking of having cowardly run away and left Jesus and thinking of their betrayal of saying that they did not know Jesus.They must have had uneasiness and fear for unforeseeable future because they lost their master, the Lord who was crucified on the cross.
神がイエスを通して明らかに示された事を、人びとに語り伝えるために派遣するのだと言うのです。恐れと不安 19節には、弟子達が「ユダヤ人を恐れていた」と記されています。主の弟子たちは、ユダヤ人を恐れて、戸を閉めていたのです。ユダヤ人からみれば、クリスチャンは、伝統的なユダヤ教信仰を放棄して、新興宗教に改宗した裏切り者たちという感じでしょう。唯一の神を信じるユダヤ人にとって、キリストの言動は、受けいれがたいものであったことでしょう。
God sent out the disciples to tell people what God revealed through Jesus.Fear and uneasiness. It is written in 19th verse that the disciples “were afraid of the Jews.” Lord’s disciples locked the door in fear of the Jews. From Jews’ perspective, Christians were something like betrayers who abandoned the traditional the faith of Judaism and converted to a new religion. For Jews who believe the one God, Christ’s words and actions might have been unacceptable.
この時、弟子たちはユダヤ人を恐れて自分たちのいる家の鍵をかけていました。その真ん中へ、Yesは来ました。Yを捕らえ、十字架にかけて処刑したユダヤ人たちが、Yの弟子たちも捕らえに来ないかと恐れていました。 その恐れの中に、Yは来て彼らを励ますのです。「あなたがたに・・・」と。手とわき腹を見せ、たしかに十字架で処刑されたYであることを示します。 十字架に掛けられた主が確かに今共にいることを見て喜びにあふれる弟子たちに重ねて「あなたがたに・・・」と言われ、そして、使命を与えます。
At that time, the disciples locked the house they stayed in fear for the Jews. Jesus came to the center of it. They feared that the Jews who captured Jesus and crucified him might try to capture them, his disciples.Jesus came to encourage them in fear. “For you…” He showed his hands and side to prove that he was surely the one crucified on the cross.Again he said, “for you,” to them who were full of joy to see the Lord who was crucified on the cross, and gave them a mission.
Thank for having waited.I let you know the hotel information.It is xx hotel and here is its link!This hotel has a good terrace with atmosphere, and would it be okay to take pictures? If possible, it would be great I could see you at around 11. How about your schedule?I think it would be nice to talk over lunch.I have brought some guitars with me and I will send some pictures of them to you later on!
2004年アテネオリンピックモデルです。ハーフスケルトンのGL-220をベースにデザインされたモデルで、バンド下部には Coca-Cola のロゴがプリントされ、裏蓋はオリンピックとのコラボデザインとなっています。外箱も同仕様です。生産数も少なくかなり希少なモデルとなっています。新品未使用です。加湿分解も見受けられず保管状態も良く全体に綺麗です。付属品は画像に写っているものとなります。長期保管品につき、極小さな汚れ、擦れがある場合があります。神経質な方の入札はご遠慮ください。
This is a model for Athens 2004 Olympic Games. It is the model designed based on Half Skelton GL-220 with the Coca-Cola logo printed in the bottom of the wristband and with the design collaborated with the Olympic in the back of the watch. An outer case has the same design. The model is limited run and has become a rare item. This has never been used and a brand new. It has been kept in very good condition with being seen a sign of humidification decomposition. Accessories are shown in the picture. Because it has been kept for a long time, it may have minor smudge or wear. If you are picky, I suggest not to bid.
Thank you for staying in my room.I appreciate that you used it neatly.I found a small thing lodged in the door.I assumed it must have been difficult for you to lock.I understand how you felt, and I am sorry.After removing what was stuck, it works again and so don't worry about it.I will definitely give you a 5-star review!If you don't mind, please give me a good review.Thank you.
親切な対応ありがとうございました!追跡が更新されて、フランスを出国して日本へ出発したみたいです。あともう少しで届くと思うと嬉しいです。今日アイテムが届きました。丁寧な梱包をして頂きありがとうございました。しかし、送料について疑問があります。商品説明には「書留 $13」とあり、私はその送料を支払いました。でも、あなたが発送したのは、書留郵便ではありません。5.70ユーロのフランス国内の追跡までの「△△」の発送方法です。過料の5ユーロ分を返金してほしいです。よろしくお願いします。
Thank you for your kind response!It appears that the tracking has been updated, showing it was shipped to Japan from France.I am very excited to know that it will be delivered to me in a few days.I received the item today.Thank you for packing it carefully.However, I have a question about shipping fee.The product description says, “registered letter, $13”, which I have already paid.But you did not use a registered mail to ship.With 5.70 euro, you used “△△”, could be tracked within France.I want you to pay me back 5 euro, which I overpaid.Thank you.
・How did wrongly win? I now have lost the opportunity to sell it. But if you don't want it, you must cancel with Ebay as they will charge me their selling fees if you don't. Thanks. I will accept the cancellation of course once you request it.・Yes I shipped it to Japan 1 day after no reply from you... It was shipped on March 18th 2016
※The event content is subject to change or the event is subject to cancel due to circumstances. In the case, please note that neither a return of a product or a refund will be made.※You are strictly prohibited to give a winner’s right to your friends, relatives or other people or to sell it on auction regardless of any reasons (including an emergency or work).※Your personal information provided when you apply to this event is used only to contact applicants of the drawing and other necessary paperwork, and is not used for any other purposes.
music ①今年2月にリリースしたフジテレビ系ドラマ「ゴーストライター」オープニングテーマ『Unlock』以来約4ヶ月ぶりとなる、18枚目のニューシングル『music』が6/17(水)にリリース決定!『music』は、三浦大知の新境地を開拓したポップでハッピーなミッド・ナンバー。"音楽(music)"に対する基本的で普遍的な思いを今あえて改めてストレートな歌詞とキャッチーなメロディーで表現した。
Music ①First time in about four months when he released in February of this year “Unlock,” which was used as an opening song for a Fuji TV drama, “Ghost Writer,” he will release his 18th new single, “music,” on June 17th (Wed.)!“Music” allowing DAICH MIURA to break his new ground is a pop, happy mid number.Basic and universal feeling toward “music” is now expressed by straightforward lyrics and catchy melody again.
We want you to feel an unforgettable freshness after you listen to it once and a fresh surprise when you feel and think that you are glad to know and listen to this song!“music”Used as a commercial song for Nihon KogakuinBasic and universal feeling toward “music” is now expressed by straightforward lyrics and catchy melody again, and this song enabling him to break his new ground is a pop, happy mid number!【Each store’s original offer】Another original jacket (jacket sized card), which has a completely different CD jacket design from a regular CD jacket.
【大知識 DAICHISHIKI CD・DVD OFFICIAL SHOP】オリジナル特典:●特典DVD(1枚)「三浦大知×故郷・沖縄 -roots of daichi miura-」生まれ育った場所・沖縄を訪れ、自身の音楽 -music-のルーツに迫る。よく通った場所、幼少期を良く知る人物、そして沖縄ならではの音楽に触れ、三浦大知は何を思うのか?必見のショート・ドキュメンタリー!(収録内容約28分)●オリジナルスリーブケース(1個)
【DAICHISHIKI CD・DVD OFFICIAL SHOP】Original offers:●Offer DVD (1)“DAICHI MIURA ×Hometown, Okinawa -roots of DAICHI MIURA –”He visited Okinawa where he was born and grew up to search for his own music roots. What did DAICHI MIURA think when he visited places he often used to go, met people who know him well when he was a boy, and listened to Okinawa’s unique music? This is a must see short documentary! (Recording time about 28 min.)●Original sleeve case (1)
※※5/29(金)17:00 大知識サイトにて予告編映像公開!こちらからチェック!また5/22(金)からスタートする「DAICHI MIURA FAN CLUB EVENT 2015」に合わせて、大知識 DAICHISHIKI CD・DVD OFFICIAL SHOPにて3形態同時購入者の方から抽選で、ファンクラブイベント終演後のバックステージご招待 or 直筆サイン入りタオルプレゼントの応募抽選参加権をプレゼント!
※※You can watch the teaser on DAICHISHIKI site at 17:00, May 29th (Fri)! Check this out!In time with “DAICHI MIURA FAN CLUB EVENT 2015”, which will start May 22nd (Fri), we will offer a right to participate in a drawing that you may win either an invitation to the backstage after the fan club event ends or a towel signed by him if you purchase the 3-format products at the same time at DAICHISHIKI CD・DVD OFFICIAL SHOP!
※The event content is subject to change or the event is subject to cancel due to circumstances. In the case, please note that neither a return of a product nor a refund will be made.※You are responsible expenses such as transportation and accommodation on the day. Also in the case of a cancellation or postponement of the event, we will not responsible for expenses such as travel expenses.※Please follow the instructions and warnings of attendants and staff on the day.If you don’t follow them, we may ask you not to participate in the event. If a result that you don’t follow the instructions and warnings causes some confusions or accidents to happen, the organizers are not able to be responsible for them at all.
Cry & Fight ②※諸事情によりイベント内容の変更やイベントが中止となる場合がございます。その際、商品の返品・払い戻しは行いませんので予めご了承下さい。※当日の交通費・宿泊費等はお客様負担となります。また、イベント中止・延期の場合、旅費などの補償はできません。※当日は係員およびスタッフの指示および注意事項に従ってください。 指示に従わない場合、参加をお断りすることがあります。指示に従わなかった結果、混乱や事故が起こっても、主催者側は一切責任をとることができません。
Cry & Fight ②※The event content is subject to change or the event is subject to cancel due to circumstances. In the case, please note that neither a return of a product or a refund will be made.※You are responsible expenses such as transportation and accommodation on the day. Also in the case of a cancellation or postponement of the event, we will not responsible for expenses such as transportation.※Please follow the instructions and warnings of attendants and staff on the day.If you don’t follow them, we may ask you not to participate in the event. If a result that you don’t follow the instructions and warnings causes some confusions or accidents to happen, the organizers are not able to be responsible for them.
※当選権利を他人に譲渡/オークション等への出品等は、いかなる理由(急病や仕事等を含む)の場合も固く禁じさせて頂きます。※当日、カメラ・ビデオ等の撮影・録音行為は固くお断りいたします。※キャラクター、写真、有名人の肖像、企業・商品ロゴ等の著作権、肖像・パブリシティー権、商標権その他各種権利を侵害する内容の自作応援グッズ(ボード等)を会場内に持ち込み、使用する事はおやめ下さい※本イベント参加の際には指輪やブレスレット等のアクセサリーは 外して頂きますよう宜しくお願い致します。
※You are strictly prohibited to give a winner’s right to other people or to sell it on auction regardless of any reasons (including an emergency or work).※You must not take pictures or videos or record on the day.※You must not bring in and use your own support goods (including boards), which may violate copyrights of characters, pictures, celebrity pictures, company and product logos, the image or publicity rights, trademark right and any other rights.※When you participate in this event, please remove your accessories such as rings or bracelet.
※After you completed your application process, if you change a model of your terminal and your email address before an announcement of winners, a winner’s announcement email will not be sent. Also, please note that if you change a model of your terminal and a date expires, we cannot resend or guarantee a winner’s email.※Inquiries about results of the drawing are not be answered.※For minors, please apply with approval of guardians.※If you don’t accept the product, your application becomes void.
※If you purchase multiple sets of the targeted products in three formats, you are eligible to apply as many as the number of sets you purchased. Please put the number of the sets you purchase in the application form.※Your personal information (all information including your name, address and email address) provided when you apply is used and shared by Avex groups and Risingproduction in the responsibility of our company and Righsingproduction Corporation within the purpose related to implementation of this project including a notification to winners.