I regret to inform you that while processing your shipment we were unable to locate this package in our warehouse. We are currently conducting a warehouse search to locate your package. While we are conducting this search, please email us with a copy of your order invoice showing the price you paid for these items. In the event that we are unable to locate this package we will promptly reimburse you.Thank you and I look forward to your reply.
ペイパルの支払いをギフト扱いにして、あなたがコストを下げたいのは分ります。私はあなたの事を信用してないというわけではないが、通常のペイパルの商取引を行いたいと思います。ただその代り送料として、15ドルとして、プラスしてもいいですよ。だから、135ドル×15 +15 合計 2040ドルでどうでしょう。請求書を送ってくれればすぐ払いますよ。
I understand you want to keep the price low using a gift option.It's not that I don't trust you, but I would like you to do a regular transaction with you.However, I can add $15 as a shipping instead.How about I'm paying you $2040 total? ($135 x 15 plus $15)I can pay you right now if you can send me an invoice.
Thank you. I had a hard time deciding the color whether I should get black or burgundy, but I decided to choose burgundy this time since I choose black often. I really like this color a lot.
私はいつもあなたのサイトの”Factory seconds ”コーナーからブーツを沢山購入しています。今回8足程、conditionが”NEW”と表記されているものを購入しましたが、今回からシャフトに”seconds”の刻印が押されています。今までconditionが”NEW”と表記されているものには刻印が打たれていなかったので購入していたのですが、なぜ刻印が押されるようになったのですか?今後もconditionが”NEW”でも”seconds”の刻印が押されるのですか?
I always purchase boots from "Factory seconds" on your site.I have purchased eight booths that were listed as "NEW" condition this time, but it has carved seals that say :seconds" on the shaft of boots.I've been purchasing boots that are listed as "NEW" because these booths don't have carved seals. Could you please tell me why it's on these now? Is this a permanent change and have "seconds" carved seals on the boots in "NEW" condition?
PIを確認しました。ACアダプターはPSE付きのものが必要です。住所はremote feeが発生しますが、以前と変わりありません。送料に関しても問題ありません。送料込みのインボイスを作成して下さい。インボイスを確認してから、PayPalでお支払いします。ご返信お待ちしております。
I have checked and confirmed the PI.The AC adapter must have PSE mark.The shipping address hasn't changed, but the remote fee will be charged.I have no problem with the shipping cost.Please send me an invoice with shipping.I will make a payment once I receive and confirm the invoice.I look for ward to hearing from you.
The funding amount will depend on the stage and industry of the startup. It could invest in seed stage startups who may not have a company established, as long as the founding team is experienced.It would pump more money into biotech and cleantech companies, which require more funding than mobile and IT startups.The first KUVF fund was set up in 2007 with $45 million in its kitty. As of August this year, it has a portfolio of 18 companies. One of these companies is Aucfan, a Tokyo-based price comparison site which IPO-ed this year.
The item have no signs of cosmetic wear at all.This item is in a dead mint condition, just like a brand new!The item have some signs of cosmetic wear, but it's in a great condition overall with no excessive dents or blemishes.The item have some signs of cosmetic wear from usage, but it's in a good condition overall with no excessive dents or blemishes.The lens have some dust inside, but the lens itself is beautiful with no dents, haze, and fungus.The lens is slightly hazy and have some dust, but but the lens itself is beautiful.
突然のメールで失礼いたします。トラベルマート2013に参加する~です。富士山の麓の湖で主にアウトドアを中心とした体験プログラム(カヌー、洞くつ探検日本郷土料理作り体験 マウンテンバイク ネイチャーガイド等)を提供しております。是非とも貴社に富士山麓周辺の素晴らしさ、弊社のプログラムを紹介したいと思っております。そこでトラベルマートでは貴社と商談ができたらと存じます。トラベルマートのサイトからリクエストをお送り致します。ご検討宜しくお願い致します。
I hope you don't mind me sending you an emailMy name is ____, I am participating in the Travel Mart 2013.We are offering some experiment programs of canoeing, potholing, cooking Japanese local dishes, riding a mountain bike, nature guiding at the foot of Mt. Fuji lakes.We would like to introduce you how amazing the foot of Mt. Fuji and our programs are.We are wondering if we could do a business meeting at the Travel Mart.I will send you a request through Travel Mart's website.Please consider it and I hope to hear from you.
What kinda girls you in to? Are you in to BIG TITS or a BIG BOOTY?
I have contacted you because i thought teaming up with a company like you would help solving the problems in Japanese society.Let me introduce my self. I have graduated A University in 2007 and obtained a job at the investment bank at B as a new graduate and worked for 5 years. I became the CFO of the startup company that was one of my clients and I was responsible for M&A, corporate planning, accounting and human resource.I'm the one who have attended all kinds of finance seminars most in Japan without a doubt, and I strongly believe that I can contribute you making inroad into the Japanese market.
I have checked an invoice.I should have EUR 30.90 credit from last order. Could you please check and confirm?**** is very popular in Japan.I would like to small or medium of Gray or Brown.Do you have them in stock?
We have already refunded you.Since paypal said they will investigate about you, we could not ship the package.Please contact Paypal for more details.We cannot ship the package without paypal's permission.If they give you a permission, please reorder it.
Thanks for your reply.Please let me know how many S and M/L sizes you have left.Also, I would like to make sure the package is sealed. Can you please send me some photos?Japanese people really hate to purchase a product being opened. This is a big cultural and business difference between America and Japan. I hope you understand.If you have many of those, I'm thinking about purchasing those at least 10 of them, so could you please sell me those $135 each?Thank you.
Sorry about that my english is poor. I understand that this doll doesn't come with a magnetic teething ring. Would it be possible to add a magnet in mouth for free of charge? I like a magnetic teething ring. I hope to hear a good word from you.
返金対応をお願いしている福山と申します。下記商品を購入しましたが、法律により輸入できないと知って、返金対応をお願いいたしました。下記のように商品を返送いたしました。発送日9月12日 米国時間発送方法:USPS Parcel with Delivery confirmationお荷物番号:9461210200830952877587USPSのサイトでは2013年9月24日に配達が完了しているようですが、返金はいつ頃でしょうか?ペイパルの のアカウントに返金をお願いします。
Hello,My name is Fukuyama, I am requesting you a refund for the product I've returned.I have purchased the product listed below, but I have found out that it is illegal to import it. Therefore, I have requested for a return and refund.Here's the information about the item returned.Shipping date: September 12th (US Time)Shipping method: USPS Parcel with Delivery confirmationTracking number: 9461210200830952877587According to the tracking information on the USPS, the package has been delivered to you on September 24th, 2013. When can I expect to have a refund from you?Please send me a refund on my paypal account. Thank you.
連絡ありがとう。私はあなたと継続的に取引をするために、まずは小額の取引から始めて信頼関係を築いていきたいと思います。以下の商品を購入したいのですが、商品代金の見積をお願いします。できるだけ安くしてください。GWX5600C-4 3pcsGWX5600C-7 5pcsPayPalで請求書を送ることができますか.商品の送り先はフロリダのサラソタになります。私のPayPalアカウントは『kanemura.hisanori@hotmail.co.jp』です。
Thank you for contacting me.I would like to start a business with smaller amount in order to build a good working relationship and long term business with you.I would like to purchase following products.Please send me a quote and give me a best deal on it.GWX5600C-4 3pcsGWX5600C-7 5pcsCould you please send me an invoice through paypal?The shipping destination will be Sarasota, Florida.My paypal account is kanemura.hisanori@hotmail.co.jp .Thank you.
I have ordered this product on October 1st, and I have received a wrong sized item.I would like to return it, and would like you to pay for the return shipping.Do you have a DHL account number starts with 9 for return shipping?I have contacted you several times and never heard back from you.I am very concerned about it and please contact me as soon as possible.
I am very satisfied with your answer.I would like to order 8 of 6 hours, and 8 of 8 hours.We do not make samples this time, but please make sure to have the product that we'll be satisfied with.We must return the product through PayPal if the products being sent do not meet our requirement.Please send us an invoice and let me know the turn around time.
I have completed a payment to you.I have only purchased B this time.The shipping address is specified on PayPal.Please don't forget to send me the tracking number once it's shipped.
Thanks for your response.However, sending me $5 refund is too small.I have already purchased it for $6, and it's $10 with shipping to Japan.Also, the item description wasn't correct.The scratch on the surface is not removable with cleaning.It is on visible area, and I'm really concerned about it.Therefore, please give me $30 refund total.