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Japanese investors back Indian m-commerce startup LazyLad

The startup will use the US$500,000 raised to expand in India and foreign markets such as Indonesia, Singapore

LazyLad, a mobile app that connects customers with their neighbourhood retailers, has raised US$500,000 in pre-Series A funding from Silicon Valley-based VC investor Jai Choi, with participation from Kiyohiro Sugashita (a prominent financial expert in Japan) and Hirokazu Mashita, Founder/Director of M&S Partners.

LazyLad, a startup incubated at GHV Accelerator, will utilise the funds to expand in India, besides foreign markets such as Indonesia, Singapore and other developing Asian countries.




LazyLadは顧客を近くの小売店と結びつけるモバイルアプリで、プレシリーズAファンディングで50万米ドルをシリコンバレーに本拠を置くベンチャーキャピタル投資家のJai Choi氏から調達した。このファンディングにはKiyohiro Sugashita氏(日本で著名な金融専門家)とM&S Partnersの設立者でありディレクターのHirokazu Mashita氏も参加した。

LazyLadはGHV Acceleratorでインキュベートされたスタートアップであり、調達したファンドをインドにおける拡大とインドネシア、シンガポールやその他のアジアの発展途上国における拡大に充てるとのことだ。

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“We have peaked up to 1,200 orders a day, and are reaching 10,000 downloads without even fully utilising the US$100,000 raised through GHV. We are pretty excited on having Kiyohiro, Jai and Hirokazu as a part of our journey. These funds will be utilised to enhance the product to an extent, where it becomes a household name in the country, which can connect with the customer, through a powerful, scalable and asset light technology,” said Singla.

“We plan to raise a Series A round between US$5 million and US$10 million in the next six-eight months. We already have a substantial partial interest from some of the investors who may invest to the tune of US$3 million,” he added.




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“It … lets you run on Amazon’s proven computing environment,” Amazon said at the time. The emphasis, in other words, was on allowing developers to take advantage of the infrastructure that used.

Fast forward nine years, and everyone can see that AWS is now a nearly $6 billion business in terms of annual revenue. The cloud has accumulated more than 1 million customers.

With all of that business, AWS can buy computing, storage, and infrastructure gear at a scale that few other technology companies can. And that savings permits frequent price cuts, rapid feature rollouts, and occasional geographical expansion. All those great bits of news keep existing customers happy and attract new ones.





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Neos specializes in remote geoscience monitoring and data interpretation, trying to tease signal from multiple sources filled with geophysical noise. Last month, Jonathan Faiman, the British online grocery pioneer, invested $150 million to become chairman of the board. Other investors include Goldman Sachs and Bill Gates.

All three companies leverage technology to provide operators with the data to improve decision-making. New sensors improve measurement capabilities. New analytical models distill raw data into actionable advice. Ayala, FracKnowledge, and Blade Energy Partners provide even more examples of the same trend.



先月、イギリスのオンライン商店のパイオニアJonathan Faiman氏は1億5000万米ドルを投資し、取締役会長に就任した。その他の投資家にはGoldman SachsとBill Gates氏がいる。

この3社はみなテクノロジーを活用して意思決定を改善するデータをオペレーターに提供する。新しいセンサーは測定能力を改善し、新しい分析モデルは生データから利用可能な情報を抽出する。Ayala、FracKowledge、Blade Energy Partnerは同じトレンドについてのさらに多くの例を提示している。

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The Facebook problem

Facebook is massive, amazing, and almost literally incredible: a social network connecting over a billion people. That’s what the data can tell us.

What it can’t tell us is what it will become — what its full upside potential could be.

“Facebook is at the stage that the telephone was at when they thought the phone was not for gossiping — it’s in its infancy,” Gladwell said, referencing that the early telephone marketers thought the phone was only for business. “We need to be cautious when making conclusions … we can see some things now, but we have no idea where it’s going.”








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“Any kind of new and dramatic innovation takes a long time to spread and be understood,” Gladwell said. “If we look at history, it tells us that the Facebook of today looks almost nothing like what it will tomorrow.”

The Airbnb problem

The sharing economy, featuring companies like AirBnB, Uber/Lyft, even eBay, rely on trust. And they’re growing and expanding like wildfire.

And yet, if you look at recent polls of trust and trustworthiness, people’s — and especially millennials — trust is at an all-time low. Out of ten American “institutions,” including church, Congress, the presidency, and others, millennials only trust two: the military and science.




