Thanks for your contact.Please let me know when u finished the payment.Thank you.Please purchase next time
ご意見ありがとう。少しひねりのあるユニークなデザインが特徴であることは理解しています。私は‘PL’の入門アイテムや在庫を切らさず常に売れ続ける核商品の必要性を感じています。コンセプトからぶれることなく、しかし縁遠いお客様にもPLを認知して頂くためにベーシックな商品も必要ではと思い提案させて頂きました。Rarph LaurenやLacosteのポロシャツがいい例です。時代性を常に打ち出しつつ、普遍的な‘飯のタネ’が常にある、という例です。先駆性:時代性:独自性のバランスです。
Thanks for your advice.I can understand that the design point is a little bit twisted and unique.I can feel the importance of PL is Keeping entrance item and core product always in stock.I don't want to blurred the concept, but i want to propose a idea that we need basic product to let unconnected customers to understand PL.It's a good example like polo shirt of Rarph Lauren and Lacoste.It's an example that we can embossing generation and generally get our basic income.we can find the balance of pioneer, generation and individuality.
Could I order product number BI254B04 with size 18?
1.Products was very well received and we think the quilty is good. We greatly appciate this.There are some questions. Can we still purchase some ○○ from you?We think we will need around 10 to 20. We want to make sure we got enough products in stock if you know the way to purchase.2.If you want to purchase any products in Japan, please let me know this.I will help you best I can.3.How many ○○ do I need to purchase for the discount, and how much discount will be.
Thanks for your contactMy America's company sent it. What should i do about the procedures?
HiIf postage fee become double price, please cancel it.I don't have extra money to pay this, and please let me know precisely why you suggest this kind of postage fee and decide to use it as well.Thanks for your help
I'm living in the town which your grandparents are living next to by chance.It's around 15 minutes for my town to drive there.Corn in this town is really famous and tasty.Because it's very accidental, I feel happy about this.
Dear Responsible PersonI have requested for the application soratoniwa.There are really convenient tickets that you can use in stores and listen to the radio based on areas.I have been noticed that I can use it in one of the biggest department stores Hankyu Umeda which was opened this 24th.I really want to let users could use it as soon as possible.It would be really helpful if the examination process could be faster.Best regards