Eiko (gloria) 翻訳実績

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gloria 英語 → 日本語

Thank you for your patience. We wanted to inform you that your DHL claim for awb 8985791234 has been approved. We have applied the credit to your account and it can be viewed immediately – you can use this credit on any future MyUS transactions such as membership fees, personal shopper orders, or shipping costs.

Please be aware that some items may simply not be suitable for shipping and your Mcintosh preamp's and other similar electronics seem to fall under this category. Because of the nature of your preamps, and because of the extremely large liability on DHL and on MyUS to ship and handle these items, we will not be able to process claims for preamps from this point forward.




gloria 英語 → 日本語

No More Unapproved Online Music in China

China Daily reported today that China’s Ministry of Culture has ordered domestic online websites to stop allowing users to play and download over a 100 songs that have failed to go through “official approval procedures.”

Apparently the songs are not banned for censorship reasons, but purely because they have not gone through official approval procedures. The rule is that websites in China must be licensed and approved by the government before offering online music services.

The ministry has issued stern warnings of punishment if China’s search engines and websites did not “immediately cancel” all unapproved songs.






gloria 英語 → 日本語

How do you monetize it?

We just launched the service less than a year ago, and we are still in the alpha version focusing on engaging users. We’re now planning to launch an information resource hub specializing in self-planned travel experiences, that is expected to receive attention from many potential users and bring them to our main portal site. Currently our service is provided completely free. But we may have a business model that allows us to earn revenue by accepting advance booking for tours on the site, instead of tour planners collect the travel expenses. Also we just would like to explore possible business partnerships with travel agents and travel enthusiast groups such as Tabippo.com.




gloria 英語 → 日本語

Is there any plan for the international expansion?

I expect we’ll make it available in Asian countries. Japanese people may feel better in using products and services having an Asian flavor. Similarly I think Asian people may feel better using Asian-made web services compare to those from Western countries. Through our experience-sharing platform, we expect to have Asian travel enthusiasts on the planning side, and many European travelers on the participant side.

There are lots of travel resources online — Lonely Planet, Global Trotters, Michelin, and lots more. If you are tired of checking the conventional travel websites, give Trippiece a try. I’m hoping its English version will be available very soon.



