In the last deal, you ignored us though we had paid you.We waited for a months and filed a claim with Paypal, and finally you refunded us.And now, you requires us to pay an additional money.We cannot understand why an additional payment is necessary.You seem to have no responsibility for your invoice, don't you?We sill not pay an additional paypment.Please ship the item promptly.If you do not ship promptly, we will file a claim with Paypal.
Dear yamahaya88102012,i also seen this at a Japanese action site with bidd so it will be sold there why selling at the same item in many sites are u a scammer ?
the data that must accompany the work areTitle/Year/Technical/Support/Measurement/Artist and a brief description of the work and of yourself, write in a maximum of 150 words. you can write what you prefer, what you feel, what for you is more representative, there are no constraints, this will be the text by which you want to present your work and yourself.About exhibition only on website, no.......we are organizing something tangible and concrete and advertising on internet is a different thing, that everyone can do. we want to be a "showcase" real and not just virtual.Which are the sizes of the paintings? To participate we must choose one of them even though they are both beautiful.
It could, however, be a 3D-printed mockup or simply an empty rear casing.Notably, the font in which "iPhone" is rendered on the back appears thicker than it has in previous appearances of the supposed low-cost case. Otherwise, the case appears to be identical to the previous "leaks."The "iPhone Lite" is expected to feature a polycarbonate casing instead of the premium-build metal casings which have come to typify Apple's bestselling device. It would be the first polycarbonate model Apple has produced since the iPhone 3GS, and its cheaper construction could enable Apple to better market its wares to consumers in developing markets, where most smartphone market growth is occurring now.
しかしこれは3D印刷のモックアップか、あるいは空のリヤケーシングかもしれません。注目すべきは、「iPhone」の文字が付された背面のフォントは以前予想されていた低コストケースのフォントより厚くなっていることです。他の点では前回の「リーク」と同一のようです。「iPhone Lite」はアップルの売れ筋機器を代表するようになったプレミアムビルドのメタルケーシングではなく、ポリカーボネイトのケーシングが特徴となるとみられています。iPhone 3GS以来アップルが製造する最初のポリカーボネイトモデルとなるし、この安価な構成によりスマートフォンマーケットの成長が著しい現在成長中のマーケットでアップルが同社の機器をより消費者に提供しやすくなるでしょう。
The photo,which appeared on the same WeiPhone forums that have produced several other early peaks at Apple devices, shows a manufacturer's bin full of dozens of new plastic retail boxes in the size, shape,and style that one would expect to cradle the company's lower-cost handset,based on recent rumors.The side of the plastic retail boxes also read "iPhone5C," suggesting Apple could possibly adopt such a naming convention to distinguish the more affordable devices from the premium versions of the next iPhone largely rumored to adopt the name iPhone5S.For its part,AppleInsider cannot independently confirm the authenticity of the items in the photo,and therefore publishes images simply for the sake of discussion.
•Select a club, and select Move Up or Move Down to relocate the club in the list. Scoring: Sets the scoring method, sets up handicap scoring page 3, and turns statistics tracking on or off.Hole Transitioning: Selects automatic or manual hole transitioning.You can use the clip to attach the device to your belt, pocket, or bag.3 To remove, pull up on the upper clip while pressing on the back of the device to release the top, and slide it out of the lower clips.2 Scroll through the list to see the average shot length for each of your clubs.•Press to turn on the backlight and adjust the brightness.
・クラブを選択し、Move Up(上へ移動)かMoveDown(下へ移動)を選択してリスト上のクラブの位置を移動します。スコアリング:スコアリング方法を設定し、ハンディキャップスコアリングページ3を設定し、統計追跡をオンまたはオフにします。ホール移動:ホール移動を自動かマニュアルのどちらかにします。クリップを使って、ベルト、ポケット、バッグに機器を付けることができます。3 取り外すには、機器の背面を押しながら上側クリップの上で引いてトップ部分を外し、下側クリップからスライドして外します。2. リストをスクロールしてクラブ毎のショットの平均の長さを見ることができます。*押してバックライトを点灯させ、明るさを調整します。
The device adds the shot distance to previously saved distances to calculate the average shot distance for the club . •If you want to add the shot distance to a club, but not to the club average, select ◎ > Save Shot >◎ , select a player name, and select a club to add a shot to that player's club. The device saves the shot individually, and the shot does not affect the average for the club. Viewing Club Averages Before you can view club averages, you must measure your shots and add the shots to your clubs. You can also add, remove, and rename your clubs. Calibrating the TouchscreenIf the touchscreen does not seem to be responding properly, you can calibrate it.Clubs: Adds, removes, and renames clubs.
この機器は保存済みの距離にショット距離を追加してクラブの平均ショット距離を計算します。*クラブにショット距離を追加したいけれどクラブ平均には追加したくない場合、◎を選択 > Save Shot(ショットを保存) >◎、そしてプレイヤーの名前を選択し、クラブを選択してそのプレイヤーのクラブにショットを追加します。機器がショットを個別に保存し、そのように保存されたショットはクラブの平均値には影響しません。クラブ平均を見るクラブ平均を見る前に、ショットを測ってショットをあなたのクラブに追加する必要があります。クラブを追加や削除したり、名前を変更することもできます。 タッチスクリーンを調整するタッチスクリーンが適切に反応していないと感じる場合は、調整を行うことができます。クラブ:クラブを追加、削除、名前変更する。
Let me look into this and see if the Bumper is available, the front and rear bumpers listed are both Lips when I use the part number. I will have an answer by the end of my day.
hi could you please give the link of your ebay page with more 〇〇wear please if so???
Thank you for your order. We will process it immediately. Just wanted to remind you that as the listing states, orders will take several weeks to deliver as the product is being manufactured as we speak by the company. The day we get it we will send asap and providing tracking number.We again thank you.
Dear Seller, My Name is Mr Joe Smith from Scotland,I will like to buy your item to my Friend Nigeria. I will offer you $1,500USD item including the shipment charges via FedEx, EMS or DHL, Kindly reply me through Email (mrjoe102smith@gmail.com) ThanksI will send the 2 missing heads right away and send the refundWe have not yet received the heads from TM but will let you know as soon as they arriveJust thought you'd like to know the golf habit sent you $50.00 USD.Get the detailsOnce the funds are there you can:Pay online at thousands of stores that accept PayPal.Withdraw the funds to your bank account (takes 3-5 days).Don't see the money in your account?
セラー様、私はジョー・スミスという者です。あなたから商品を買ってナイジェリアにいる私の友人に送りたいと思っています。商品と、FedExかEMSかDHLでの送料込みで1,500USドルでいかがでしょうか。Eメール(mrjoe102smith@gmail.com)へ返信をください。よろしくお願いします。不足の2つのヘッドをすぐにお送りし、返金いたします。ヘッドをTMからまだ受け取っていませんが、届いたらすぐにお知らせします。golf habitからあなたに50.00USドルが送られたのでお知らせいたします。詳細をみる資金の用意ができたら、以下のことが可能になります:ペイパルを受け入れている何千ものストアでオンライン決済ができます。あなたの銀行口座へ資金を引き出すことができます(3~5日かかります)。アカウントに入金が確認できない場合は?
We have received the item safely.No customs tax was imposed.Only $100 of the consumption tax was imposed.The consumption tax is inevitable, as it is imposed based on the total price.Thank you very much.The item had no problem, like the last time.You are very excellent because I can order items safely.I will place another order in the near future.
please inform yourself by the Ministry of Economy of Japan. We don´t have receive any information from them. Mit freundlichen
DEOur Seller Performance team will review your appeal, and you should expect a reply by 21 Jul 2013 12:08:05 GMT+02:00.Things you can do while awaiting our response:Confirm all the items you have dispatched and provide tracking information.Update your inventory.Monitor customer contacts and resolve any customer issues.Solicit feedback from your customers.Learn more about how to improve your selling performance.You wrote:Suspended for poor selling performance
ドイツ当社のセラーパフォーマンスチームがあなたの申し立てを検討します。回答は2013年7月21日の 12:08:05 GMT+02:00頃になるでしょう。回答をお待ちの間にしていただきたいこと:あなたが発送した商品すべてを確認し、追跡情報を提供する。在庫を更新する。カスタマーからの連絡を注視し、カスタマーとの問題を解決する。カスタマーからのフィードバックを依頼する。販売パフォーマンスを向上するにはどうすれば良いかこちらでご確認ください。あなたからの質問:販売パフォーマンスが低いため停止となりました
qualifies for a reimbursement, and we are taking steps to reimburse you for those items. The reasonfor the reimbursement is set forth below, which may include an issue which you brought to our attentionor an issue we identified automatically. No action is required by you at this time. Processing can take up to five business days. You should see a reimbursement for the items listed belowon the next Settlement Report after the payment has been processed.Reason TotalDamaged:Warehouse USD 24.99
(訳注:最初の文が小文字で始まっており、文頭の単語が何か抜けているように感じられます。ですので最初の一文は推測混じりの和訳です)払い戻しを受けられることが確認されたら、それらの商品の払い戻しの手続きにとりかかります。払い戻しの理由は以下に記載のとおりです。これにはあなたが指摘した問題又は当社が自動的に確認した問題が含まれている場合があります。現時点であなたが行うべきことは特にありません。処理には5営業日程度かかります。支払いの処理が終わったら、下の解決レポートの隣にあるリストの商品の払い戻しを確認することができます。理由 全て損傷:倉庫 USドル24.99
Hi i have managed to trace your items They came back to the sorting office here! Its never happened before and I really domn't understand it Would you like me to post them again or would you like a refund ans it has all taken such a long time
But tea took nearly a hundred years to become populer, partly because high taxs made it so expensive and partly decause it was hard to get.Until the mid-1700s,therefore, it was a luxury item for the upper class.'British tea' now is usually made with black tea and drink with milk, and often suger,added.However, this particular drink also shows a change in social customs.The heavier types of tea, lile Ceylon and Assam, only because more common than Chinese teas, which are usually drunk without milk, in late 19th century Britain.That was when India, Sri Lanka and Kenya,coutiries then ruled by Britain,started producing so much tea that it become cheap and plentiful.
The national and political challenges to the UK come from an increasing number of people who say the countries should again be completely independent of each other.The Scottish National Party now controls the Scottish parliament, which was opened with limited powers in 2000.The SNP's ain is for Scotland to become a soveregin nation.A majority of Scots say they don't want that,and the leaders of all the other main parties strongly ague in favour of the UK continuing.But more ordinary people in England are also starting to say in surveys that it might be better if Scotland broke away.The religious challenge isn't si great but it exists.
Dear yamahaya88102012,Hi! Do you have game + box in you advertisement? CAN i have a picture of the box? Thank you- mav_erikkClick "respond" to reply through Messages, or go to your email to reply
yamahaya88102012さん、こんにちは!あなたの広告にはゲーム+ボックスがありますか?ボックスの写真を見せてもらえますか?よろしくお願いします。- mav_erikk"respond(返信する)"をクリックしてメッセージから返信するか、eメールで返信してください
ご連絡ありがとうございます。TaylorMade製品が入荷次第ご連絡をお願いします。RBZ Tour 13ですが、値段が合わないため今回はご遠慮します。宜しくお願い致します。
Thank you for your message.Please contact me as soon as you get Taylormade items In.As for RBZ Tour 13, I will not buy it this time as its cost is not good for me.Thank you very much.