I would like very much to continue to do business with you.As a sign of this wish, I would like you to tell me which modelgun (maker, type, model number) you need.Also, if you need any Japanese product other than modelguns, we can make even more businesses. I found the product you are looking for.I plan to receive it in 3 days time.It is on display, so please have a look.The frequency of use is unknown.Rare decoration, medal of honor from wartime.An extremely rare poster from 1976.It is an old poster, so it has dirt and some damage.If you are looking for a product in perfect condition, you'd better not place your bid.My explanation about the product was wrong.I accidentally shipped a different product.
Thank you for your inquiry.According to the tracking number, the product had arrived in America in 8/1.But since the tracking service of American post office takes too long to update, it may already be en route.One possible reason for this delay is that it may have stopped at Customs. We will keep investigating with the tracking number.If you do not receive it by 8/25, please contact us again.We will ship you another product.Sorry for the trouble, but we kindly ask you to wait just a little more.
Primary Contact Person Informationの項目をプロバイドしたいのですが、日付の欄をクリックしても、どうしても、カーソルが入力モードになりません、どうしたら入力できますか? アマゾンからプロバイドの最終の通告がきたので、急ぐ必要があると思っています。
I would like to provide the topic "Primary Contact Person Information", but when I click the date field, the cursor does not switch to input mode, no matter what I do. What can I do to input my data? I have received a final notice from Amazon to provide it, so I think I need to hurry.
Thank you for purchasing multiple items!I just re-sent you a consolidated invoice.So you have business in Ohio!Do you know the Anime Expo, that was held in America last month?Many of the exhibitors there are my clients.I do not earn profit from sales; as I run a distribution company, logistics is my main business.I have an office in LA too.Please contact me if you want any product from Japan, ok?I hope we can do business for a long time; it will be great for both of us!
I feel really sorry that you want to cancel your order.But I have to apologize. I was waiting for a reply from you, and ended up shipping the item some hours before receiving your message.I was not sure if I you were going to answer me, so I thought I would better ship it right away. I believe it will arrive in 2 weeks time.I did not do this out of bad will; please understand this.I am specialized in selling cameras in Japan and overseas.If you want any other product, please contact me. I feel glad I got to know you through cameras.
Thank you for your contact.I appreciate you eliminated this year's membership fee.In the recent years, there was no occasion for me to import any product, so I was considering canceling my membership, but if it's possible switch me to a standard member with no fees, I would like it very much.I may have an occasion to import products in the future, so I will be glad if can use it then.So please change me to standard member without charges.Thank you.Thank you very much for processing the change.I hope we will do business together again.
Thank you very much for your purchase.The product is being shipped from Amazon's warehouse; we believe it will take a few days to arrive.As the product manual is written in Japanese, I took the liberty to send you an English version by e-mail.I kindly ask you to wait just a little until the product arrives.However, in the case of not receiving it, I ask you please to contact Amazon's customer service.Thank you in advance.
「和izm(ワイズム)」とは“日本の食文化に受け継がれる伝統と心意気”を表すブランド名称。 「和」+「イズム(主義)」による造語です。世界的なブームとなりつつある“和食”を、ただ“食べる”だけではなく、仕込み作業や調理プロセスに触れることにより、「和izm(ワイズム)」を発見し、日本の食文化をより深く楽しむことができる、それが、「和izm(ワイズム)体験スタジオ」です。
"Waizm" is a brand name that represents "tradition and spirit inherited by Japanese food culture".It is a term coined from "Wa" plus "ism".Not just "eating" the "washoku" - which is becoming a worldwide boom -, but by experiencing its preparation work and cooking process, it is possible to discover the "Waizm" and enjoy the Japanese food culture more deeply.That is "Waizm Hands-on Studio".
5番目の贈り物は 『希望』晴れの日も、雨の日も、人生はすばらしい。そう信じることのできる心が、あなたにはさずけられています。暗い絶望の闇にとざされたときも、どんなときも、心に希望という名の太陽をのぼらせれば、世界はあらたにかがやきはじめるでしょう。
O quinto presente é a "Esperança"Faça sol, faça chuva; a vida é maravilhosa.Você é dotado de um coração capaz de acreditar nisto.Em qualquer momento, mesmo quando estiver preso em uma escuridão de desesperança,Se fizer com que um sol chamado esperança nasça em seu coração,O mundo irá começar a brilhar novamente.
A Thai friend of mine came to visit me in my home town, Fukuoka! Usually, tourists from Thailand go to famous touristic places such as Tokyo, Kyoto and Hokkaido; not many people come to Fukuoka. That's why I was thrilled when they came here.Through this trip, I was able to re-discover the qualities of my home town. If they liked my home town too, I'm really satisfied.We had some problems during the trip, but I think that by solving them, our friendship has even deepened. I really enjoyed as if I had returned to my college days.
You are wrong once again.Can you stop being irresponsible?I think this is a case of making a claim.I have purchased 2 items.I asked you to send the product I bought with £140 discount to the address below. It is being charged by PayPal, not eBay.The other item I purchased in eBay, for £145, is registered to the address below.But you are shipping this second item to the address of the item I purchased with discount.Please send the item I purchased in eBay to the following address, as soon as possible.
Letstransport’s journeyIn yet another deal in the logistics space, Japanese VC fund Rebright Venture Partners invested US$1.3 million in Bangalore-based techno-logistics startup Letstransport.in. Serial entrepreneurs Ankush Nijhawan, Gaurav Bhatnagar and Manish Dhingra also participated in the round.Started by a group of IIT Kharagpur alumni, Letstransport is a last-mile logistics provider that aims to streamline intra-city logistics.
Letstransportの旅物流界の新たな取引で、日本ベンチャーキャピタルファンドRebright Venture Partnersは、バンガロールに本拠地を置くテクノ物流スタートアップ「Letstransport.in」に130万米ドルの投資をした。シリアルアントレプレナーのAnkush Nijhawan氏、Gaurav Bhatnagar氏とManish Dhingra氏もこのラウンドに参加した。IIT Kharagpur卒業生のグループによって創業されたLetstransportは、都市間の物流の効率化を図るラストワンマイルの物流会社である。
全ての商品を検品したところ、Aが1つ不足していました。34 Cartonsで届きましたがアイテム数は128でした。すべてのCartonは未開封の状態で届いたので発送の段階で1商品だけ不足していたのだと思います。次の注文の際にAを1つ一緒に送って欲しいです。御社web shopが日本への直送に対応していることを承知しています。日本人は英語が苦手な人がとても多いです。さらに海外のweb shopで買い物をすることに抵抗を感じている人も非常に多いです。御社の日本代理店はありますか?
I inspected all the products, and one unit of item A was missing.It arrived in 34 cartons, but there were 128 items.All of the cartons arrived sealed, so I believe that only one unit was missing in the shipping stage.In the next order, I would like you to ship one unit of item A together.I am aware that your web shop handles direct shipping to Japan.There are many Japanese people who do not speak English.And also, there are countless who feel resistance about shopping in a web shop from overseas.Do you have a dealer in Japan?
12の贈り物 世界でたったひとりのたいせつなあなたへあなたが生まれた日、あなたがはじめて小さな息をした瞬間、世界中がよろこびでいっぱいにみたされました。あなたの誕生をいわって、生きとし生けるすべてのものが、あなたに12の贈り物をさずけました。あなたがその贈り物を必要とする日のために。
Os 12 presentes Para você, que é preciosamente única neste mundoNo dia em que você nasceu,No momento em que você respirou pela primeira vez,O mundo todo foi preenchido de alegria.Celebrando o seu nascimento, todos os seres vivosAtribuíram a você 12 presentes.Para o dia em que você precisar destes presentes.
3番目の贈り物は 『勇気』だれに対してもまっすぐにむきあい、自分の思いを真剣に語る勇気。おびえたり、くじけたりしそうなときでも、信念をつらぬく勇気。それらの勇気が、あなたにはそなわっているのです。ためらわずに自分の信じた道を進むことができるよう。
O terceiro presente é a "Coragem"A coragem de dizer os seus pensamentos de maneira sincera,olhando diretamente nos olhos de quem for.A coragem de se manter fiel aos seus ideais, mesmo quando sentir medo e achar que irá ceder.Você é dotado destas coragens.Para que consiga trilhar o caminho em que acredita, sem hesitar.
8番目の贈り物は 『想像力』目の前の現実だけでなく、目に見えないものを見つめる力。現在だけではなく、過去から未来へとながれていく大きな時間に思いをはせる力。夢やあこがれをゆたかにはぐくむ想像力が、あなたのなかにあるのです。心のつばさをひろげてください。9番目の贈り物は 『敬う心』あなたが今ここに生きてあることをよろこび、すべての命のふしぎにおどろき大切にすることができる、敬う心をあなたはもっているのです。
O oitavo presente é a "Força da Imaginação"A capacidade de encarar não apenas a realidade perante os olhos,mas também as coisas que os olhos não enxergam. A capacidade de pensar não apenas no presente, mas também no tempo que flui do passado ao futuro.A força da imaginação, capaz de criar sonhos e paixões tão grandes, existe dentro de você.Abra as asas do seu coração.O nono presente é um "Coração Honroso"Sentir alegria de estar vivo neste momento,Valorizar e se surpreender com o milagre de todas as formas de vida,Você possui um coração honroso, capaz de tudo isto.
10番目の贈り物は 『知恵』あなたが願いをもとめている真実をつかむことができるように、あなたには知恵がそなわっています。あなたにとって必要な知識をえるための知恵、そして、その知識をいかすことのできる知恵が。11番目の贈り物は 『愛』だれかに愛情をそそぐたびに、あなた自身が愛につつまれるでしょう。12番目の贈り物は 『誠実』うつろいにまどわされず、あなたの信じたことをやりとげてください。
O décimo presente é a "Sabedoria"Você é provido de sabedoria,para que consiga alcançar a verdade pela qual você busca.Sabedoria para obter o conhecimento que lhe é necessário,e também para conseguir aplicar este conhecimento.O décimo primeiro presente é o "Amor"Toda vez que você der amor a alguém,você mesmo será encoberto de amor.O décimo segundo presente é a "Sinceridade"Não deixe ser enganado pelas transiências; seja fiel àquilo em que acredita.
Estes são os 12 presentes que lhe foram enviados.Mas ainda há o maior presente de todos:Você mesmo.Quando você se der conta disto,Irá perceber que está conectado a inúmeros companheiroscom quem você nunca sequer se encontrou.Aquilo que lhe foi enviado,é um tesouro concedido a todas as pessoas de maneira igual, que se torna mais e mais precioso conforme é compartilhado com os demais.Para que você possa ter uma vida repleta de experiências, alegrias e gratidão.
イギリスAmazon(Ankita V)さまへこんにちは。メールを頂きましてありがとうございます。8月8日までお待ちしております。返事ない場合、直接こちらのメール「cs-reply@amazon.co.uk」で(Ankita V)さま宛てへお送りいたします。出品者登録がキチンと出来る事を強くお願いします。期待しております。
Dear Amazon UK Mr(s) Ankita V,Hello.Thank you for your e-mail.I will be waiting until August 8th.If I get no reply, I will be sending it to Mr(s) Ankita V directly from this e-mail (cs-reply@amazon.co.uk).I truly hope that you can complete your registration as exhibitor.I look forward to it.
イギリスAmazon(RAVI SINGH P.)さまへこんにちは。大石 実と申します。メールを頂きましてありがとうございます。私は新規での出品者登録となりますので、他のアドレスでの登録はしておりません。購入者としての登録は出来ていると思うのですが、出品者としての登録が出来ないのです。私はなぜ、出品者としての登録が出来ないのでしょうか?本当に助けて下さい。困っています。
Dear Amazon UK customer Mr. Ravi Singh P.,Hello.My name is Minoru Oishi.Thank you for you e-mail.I am trying to register as a new exhibitor, so I am not registered with another address.I think I managed to register as a buyer, but not as a exhibitor.Could you please tell me why I cannot register?Please help me. I am in trouble.