Hello! UPS dropped by trying to pick up an item possibly from a seller with the name Julie Wagaman. Do you have something you are trying to return?
やあ。UPSがJulie Wagamanという名の送り主からの商品を取りに来たよ。何か返品するものがある?
Also, please be aware that there is a $7 charge for us to process the return which includes attaching the prepaid label, removing the package from your account and tendering the package to the courier company.
If you'd like to email us an invoice to include in your customer's package, we will print it out and include it with the order.
Our minimum opening order is $125, while reorders are only $75!
Each package that arrives to our facility with an incomplete or inaccurate address requires special handling in order to verify the correct recipient. This process delays your package and also results in a $5 address correction charge. Please notify all merchants of your complete address, so you can avoid login delays and address correction charges when your package arrives at our facility.
Today we received a package for you from Discount Cyclist which did not contain your suite numberTo avoid delays, your suite number must be included in your address on packages we receive. When you place an order, please verify your shipping address has your Suite number in your U.S. address. We realize that sometimes the merchants will fail to include your suite, and apologize for any inconvenience. Below is how your address should look:
本日、Discount Cyclistからあなたの部屋番号のない荷物を受け取りました。遅延を避けるため、受け取った荷物の住所には部屋番号が必要です。発注するときに、あなたのアメリカの住所に部屋番号があるように発送先住所を補正してください。たまに商品が部屋番号を含んでないのはよくあることです、不便をかけて申し訳ないです。あなたの住所は以下のようにあるべきです。
We have received merchandise on your behalf which requires special handling. This item cannot be shipped until the issue is resolved. Please contact us in Customer Service at your earliest convenience.To request a shipment now or to view your account
Interview With Pony Ma of Tencent: Startup, Geek and Entrepreneurshipony Ma, started as a developer and now is the founder and the CEO of Tencent, the No.1 Chinese Internet company.At TechCrunch Disrupt Beijing, we got the chance to chat with Pony at the backstage right after his talk with Sarah Lacy of TechCrunch. Instead of talking about Tencent which we may hear a lot from different media, our talk focus on doing startups and entrepreneurship. As Pony said,"An opportunity like this could allow me share my ideas with people, including those details that may not be interesting to journalists but of particular interest to entrepreneurs."
Tencent社Pony Maのインタビュー:新しい会社、オタク、そして起業Pony Maは、開発者としてキャリアをスタートし、今は中国NO1企業のTencentの設立者であり、CEOです。北京でのTechCrunch Disrupt でTechCrunchのSarah Lacy とのトークショーを終えたばかりの、Ponyと舞台裏で話す機会がありました。他のメディアで良く聞かれるTencent について話す代わりに、新規事業の立ち上げと起業をトークのテーマにしました。Ponyが言うには、「このような機会は人とのアイデアの共有をさせてくれます。ジャーナリストには興味のない詳細かもしれないが、起業家には特別興味深いことを含んでいます。」
What do you think is the most difficult part for doing a startup now? "Yes, the general business environment is much better now than before. The most importantly, financing is relatively a lot easier. Also, there are more opportunities. However, the most difficult part is also because it’s easier to finance, which means you will have many competitors. There will also be many people or teams who have the same kind of idea with you and also have received fundings. So I think, how to stand out among those similar startups in the competition is the most difficult.
I think having a very strong executive capacity including knowing the best about the needs of users and be able to make adjustments based on the response from users and market, is the most crucial. As we can see, there are a lot of teams ran successfully at the early stage with nice ideas, but lack of sustainability. Maybe three months or one year later, their response speed of iteration would slow down, which is a disastrous problem from my opinion."People always say that programmers are geeks, and geeks can change the world. Do you think there will be another Pony Ma in such an environment in China?
ユーザーのニーズを最大限に把握する能力とユーザーと市場の反応に基づいて、調整するできることが、最も重要です。ご覧の通り、よいアイデアで早い時期に成功したチームはたくさんありますが、継続性を欠いています。三ヶ月後か一年後に、繰り返しの反応スピードは遅くなり、私の意見ではそれは致命的な問題です。プログラマーはオタクで、彼らは世界を変えると、人々はよく言います。中国のそのような環境に新たなPony Ma gが現れると思いますか?
"I believe there will be. I truly believe in it. Because I think that the so-called geeks represent an ultimate demand for the development of a thing or the experience of it. They need to seek the perfection. In fact, you will see that all the popular commercialized products and service are the ones who can meet the ultimate needs of users. Only those can succeed. So there might be such situations like geeks before commercialization. Once he has a nice idea, a team, and the capital to operate well, I believe there would be opportunities to make a product for everyone to wow. In that case, he would succeed."
As a founder, how do you define a good entrepreneur? What’s the spirit of entrepreneurship? " I think first and foremost is to have a good team. In the very beginning, you may be able to write a good program by yourself. But soon enough, it will be developed into a team. Then it will become a bigger team with hundreds of people. Its structure will become increasingly complex. For how to manage the organization with continuously growth, the relationship with your shareholders, your partner, and among the whole team is very important, I think. Therefore, a successful entrepreneur needs to have, or learn and develop such ability.
Or at least that you can adapt your mental attitude to such a development, so you can possibly succeed. Most of the ideas cannot be carried out by the entrepreneur alone. So you need to infect others and convince your colleagues, to enter into an entrepreneurial state as you do. Of course you need to adapt the incentive mechanism too, to be more suitable for its development. This is a precondition."
What will Tencent do to support young people in China start doing their business? " Yes. Our focus for this year is our open platform. We want to open our QQ account system, the whole social networking platforms including our desktop clients and our payment channels to the startups. We do hope that we can help maybe a small team to realize their value on our platform. In fact, it works exactly like the early stage of our company who’d achieved development on the Monternet platform of China Mobile operator. We‘ve been through this process, so we are truly aware of how important an opening platform is for start-up companies."The interview (by TechCrunch TV) below (with English Subtitle):
Tencentは中国で若者が新しい会社を立ち上げる手助けの為に、何をしますか?「今年の焦点は我々のオープンプラットフォームだ。自前のQQアカウントシステムを開きたいです。デスクトップクライアントや新規事業への支払いチャネルを含んだソーシャルネットワーキングとして。小さなチームが我々のプラットフォームで自分たちの価値に気付く手助けができることを望んでいます。実際に、中国の携帯電話事業者Monternetのプラットフォームで、我々の会社が初期に発展を遂げたのと全く同じことです。我々はこのプロセスを経験しているので、新しい会社にとってオープンプラットフォームが如何に大事なのか、気付いている。」TechCrunch TVによりインタビューは以下(英語字幕)
Good day! My friend! I sent a check processor December
I am taking the guitar to Fedex this morning to have it packed. I will send you the invoice of $2300 plus the shipping cost via email. When you deposit the payment into paypal I will send the guitar to Florida. Thanks for the great communication.
Facebook: India to be Number 1 User-Base Soon, With Booming Mobile UsageFacebook’s VP for mobile, Vaughan Smith, has expressed his great confidence in India, saying that the country will likely rise to be Facebook’s number one user-base in the coming years. He added: "Currently, it is at number three in terms of number of users. Last announced number was 30 million for India and 45 million for Indonesia. I’m sure India will be number one in the coming years."
Facebook: 携帯電話の普及ブームで、ユーザー数でインドがまもなく一位にFacebookのバイスプレジデント、Vaughan Smithがインドでの自信を示した。来年、インドのFacebookユーザー数で一位になりそうだと述べた。彼は加えた、「現在、ユーザー数では第3位だ。最新の発表では、3000万人がインドに、4500万人がインドネシアにいる。来年以降、インドが一位になると確信している。」
Mafi has plenty of experience at a professional level and always looking to improve and would be an addition to any side that uses his service in the future.
Dear yoshiyuki2009,I purchased insurance from the ups store so I filed a claim. They will be getting back to me and should pay for the damaged item. Once It is taken care of I will refund your money
I SURE HOPE you have insurance for the Amp you sent back to me, I just picked it up from the post office today. The reason why is because I just received a letter from the Post Office DENYING the first insurance claim that I took out on it when I first shipped to you. I just opened the box and the glass front is SMASHED to Smitherines!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please give me the insurance number so I may take it back to the post office IMMEDIATLY and file another claim.