Thank you for reply. I am happy to hear you as soon as you check the stock which I ordered.When the items are not stocked, how long is it taken to get reply from ...... since the point when you order it ?In such a case, is it taken a long time to get the reply from ....
In this morning, I received the baby carriage payed by ebay. I was surprised that it arrived quickly and appreciate your speedy correspondence.I have managed a shop treating baby carriages in Japan.I would like to work with you continuously. Could you tell me it is better to order by using ebay, or to order from your web site ?I am glad if you send them directly to Japan.The address written in PayPal is my address in Japan.I am waiting your reply. Best regards.
So if you meet a fellow who claims that design is subjective, tell them that they’re right, if they choose to work with the little-league practitioners.If they’re developers, simply tell them that people who can’t explain their design decisions are like developers who don’t write documentation and tests. It doesn’t mean the code is bad, but it isn’t the mark of a professional.
This employment requires to understand English and to use the table calculation software, such as Excel.Please tell me as soon as you find out the item which could yield a profit.In this time, I offered this job to some people. I guess that in the beginning the results of survey would not be overlapped. However, if some results are same each other, I pay the compensation only to the first one. Please get in touch with me when you would not understand something. I will reply within 24 hours and try to resolve the problem.Furthermore, I promise to do my best for rewarding your effort.
I am very pleased that you have received the sesame.Please note that I would like work with you based on honesty, reliability and trust. The expiration date for the subject sesame is 12-16 months.Attached, please find the laboratory testing report which shows the quality parameters for your sesame.Attachment is also the invoice for your reference.