bgrass 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
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This week KDDI announced it will begin limiting data throughput speeds of smartphone users exceeding a data cap. This is an effort to combat an overall network slowing due to a handful of heavy data consumers (see Japanese press release). Beginning in October, smartphone users under KDDI that exceed three million packets (approx. 366MB) of data transfer during three consecutive days will have their data speeds limited on the fourth day. The speed limitations apply for 24 hours and are only expected to affect the top 3-4 percent of data consumers. NTT Docomo, Japan’s largest carrier (58.6 million subscribers) already has a near-identical system in place to combat overextending its network.


今週KDDIは、スマートフォン利用者がデータの上限を超えた場合、データ処理速度の制限を開始すると発表した。これは、一握りのヘビーユーザーのためにネットワーク全体の速度が低下するのを食い止めようとする試みである(日本語版プレス・リリース参照)。10月から、KDDIのスマートフォン利用者は、3日連続で300万パケット(およそ366MB)を上回るデータ転送を行うと、4日目にデータ速度が制限されることになる。速度制限は24時間適用されるが、影響を受けるのはデータ利用者の上位3-4%だけである。5860万人の加入者を有する日本最大手のキャリア、NTT Docomoには、すでにネットワークの過剰拡に対処する、ほぼ同一のシステムがある。

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During the heyday of the bubble, countries throughout the world referred such prosperous Japan to Japan, Inc. 
However, by the economy is declining for more than 20 years after the bubble burst, aging population combined with the diminishing number of children, and by the earthquake disaster and the largest-ever accident of nuclear reactor, Japan may be on the verge of collapse. The reconstruction after the earthquake disaster and the nuclear plant accident are epitome of the everyday life of the citizen. It is the time when each one of us makes a sincere decision. It is the times when the peace-addicted quarrel with each other is not unforgivable. In any situation, let's never give up and dauntlessly locate the exit together.

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Domestic Pharmaceutical Output
Local pharmaceutical manufacturing output continued to defy the wider economic trends in the course of 2008 and 2009, although it remains highly volatile. In Nov 2008, while total manufacturing output in Singapore fell 7.5% due to an economic slowdown that impacted exports, pharmaceutical output rose 17.5%. Overall, biomedical output grew 14.9%. However, pharmaceutical exports continued to fall in the first few months of 2009.
While official figures indicate that the output of the biomedical manufacturing cluster shrank by 30.6% in Oct 2008 in relation to the same month of 2007, the reduction was mostly due to the different mix of APIs in the pharmaceutical segment (down by 31.2%)



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Healthcare Company Developments
Singapore-based healthcare group Parkway Holdings is the parent company of Parkway Group
Healthcare and Parkway Hospitals. It also operates clinics in India, Vietnam and China. Parkway – has
in recent years sought to diversify its business away from its network of hospitals in Singapore. However,
Parkway’s overseas strategy has not met with total success, and it was recently forced to give up part of
its 31% stake in Malaysian hospital group Pantai, after being accused of inappropriately benefiting from
Pantai’s state concessions. In a compromise deal, Parkway has agreed to divest some of its shares to
Malaysian state investor Khazanah Nasional, reducing its total holding to 18%.


和解取引において、パークウェイはマレーシアの国営投資家Khazanah Nasionalに同社の株を一部売却することに同意し、総持ち株を18%に引き下げた。