I think the postage of 120 dollars is too expensive.I do not need the case, if sending boots and dust bag only, will the postage become cheaper?If the postage could be pressed down to 60 dollars, I will purchase because it is within budget..
They said they will confirm whether the wholesale price is correct or not with you this time, and told me to wait until they get the confirmation.
MiShang works nicely, and is a lot more full-featured than Chaopin, the app that was made in just two weeks that we featured recently. But then, in fairness, MiShang has had time for a few months of traction. In some aspects, it’s also a bit like the cutesy Gezbox, to the extent that it encourages users to show off their stuff.In another recent trend in small Chinese start-ups, there’s only an Android app – likely due to both the larger user-base and lower development costs on Google’s mobile OS. An iPhone iteration is in the works, though. Take a look at MiShang’s site, or its app on the Android Market.
MiShang(迷尚)はうまく働いています、Chaopin(我々が最近特徴づけて2週で行われたアプリ)よりもっと多いフル機能を持っています。しかし、公平的に言うと、MiShangは何ヶ月の牽引時間がありました。若干の面では、MiShang(迷尚)はGezboxと同じように、ユーザーが彼らのものを見せるのを励ましています。最近、中国の小さなスタートアップにおける、もう一つの傾向では、アンドロイドアプリだけがあります--GoogleのモバイルOSに関する大きなユーザー-ベースと低い開発費は原因であるかもしれません。しかし、iPhone繰り返しはその中にあります。MiShang(迷尚)のサイトまたはAndroid MarketのMiShang(迷尚)のそのアプリを見てください。
10. Press releases – make them understandable, linkableIf you’re pitching to an English blog, have basic press information available in English. It just makes life easier for both the founder and blogger. Also, publish the press release somewhere on your website in HTML format so that people can easily link them. Nobody wants to link to a Word document or PDF file.That’s all folks. If you have any additional tips, feel free to add them via comments.Charlie Custer and Rick Martin also contributed to this article.
10. プレス・リリース – 理解できて、リンクできるようにしますあなたが英語のブログにピッチングしているならば、英語で利用できる基本的なプレス情報を持ってください。これは、創設者とブロガーの生活を簡単にします。また、あなたのウェブサイトでHTMLフォーマットのプレス・リリースを発表して、それで、人々が簡単にリンクできます。 誰でも、Word書類またはPDFファイルとリンクしたくありません。以上は全部です、もし、あなたが他のヒントがあれば、遠慮しなくてコメントで加えてください。チャーリー・カスターとリック・マーティンも、本稿に貢献しました。
9 Build a solid About, FAQ, or Media pageWrite a good FAQ page so that you can refer people to rather than have to answer the same questions over and over again. A good about us page should tell people who are in your team and a brief history about your start-up. Beautiful screenshots are certainly welcomed.
9. よくある質問 (FAQ) またはメディア・ページを作ります良いFAQページを書いてください、これは、何度も何度も同じ問題を答えることよりもっといい方法です。良いページは、あなたのチームとスタートアップについての簡潔な歴史を人々に教えられます。もちろん、美しいスクリーンショットは必要です。
8. Keep bloggers updated with your start-upMost start-ups disappear after getting covered on our blog. The smart founders will continue the relationship with bloggers by keeping them in the loop on the latest update about his/her start-up. My point is, keep submitting interesting updates to the bloggers. The news could be a new partnership, a new feature or a new investment received. It’s the blogger’s choice to pick up the news. But don’t spam news either. And for the record, adding Facebook ‘like’ button on your website isn’t something that we are interested to write about.
8. ブロガーの更新をあなたのスタートアップとシンクロを保持する大部分のスタートアップは、カバーされた後に我々のブログから消えます。スマートな創設者は、ブロガーをスタートアップについての最新の更新の範囲に置くことを通じて、ブロガーとの関係を続けます。私の意見は、面白い更新をブロガーに提出し続けます。ニュースは、新しい提携パートナーでもいいし、新しい特徴または新しく受け取られる投資でもいいです。ブロガーはそれらのニュースを選びます。しかし、ニュースを乱用しないでください。 そして、記録については、あなたのウェブサイトでフェイスブック『like(好き)』のボタンを加えてください、それに関連するニュースは我々が書く興味を持っているニュースです。
In short, the trick is to keep them interested by giving them what they want asap. It makes writers’ jobs easier too.5. Building relationships with bloggersThe worst thing that you could ever do is to treat bloggers as content generator machines. Smart founders will understand that building relationships with bloggers works like magic. It increases the chances of you getting coverage, if for no other reason that if you’re friends, the writer is going to know more about your company and about your own mindset. And if they know they can easily call you and get a quote, it’s going to be more convenient for them to write stories about you than it is for them to write about some stranger’s startup.
簡単に言うと、トリックは、彼らに至急望むものを与えることによって彼らの興味を保持することです。これは、作家の仕事も簡単にします。5. ブロガーとの関係を作る最悪のことは、あなたがブロガーを内容発生機械とみなすことです。スマートな創設者は、ブロガーとの関係を作ることが魔法であることが分かるはずです。これは報道を得る可能性を増やします(あなた達は友達で、この作家があなたの会社またはあなたの思考法について多くを知りそうな他の理由がなければ)。もし、彼らが知っているならば、彼らが簡単にあなたと連絡します、彼らにとって、知らない人のスタートアップを書くことより、あなたと連絡して、直接あなたについての話を書くのはもっと便利そうです。
I will keep you informed at all times, greetings from México.
Thank you for the very splendid product.The correspondence is also quick, and the package is strongly tied. You are a reliable seller.
It is "A", A is A, but the product arrived was different from ordered.And, one part is missing.I took a photo and uploaded it, please confirm it with the ITEM photograph which you placed.I want to returned goods and require refound of 300 dollars.Please reply me after you make a judgment.
Hello! How are you?Today, after diner with families, your baggage arrived.My wife and children opened the present with me.That are oods of an exotic design, we were all happy.I will value it, thank you!
If you do not need the A type clock, please cancel the order through the screen of X.It is tight to stop the second shipment processing.If you want to perchase the the B type clock, please order it newly from the product page.In addition, you have already ordered a C type clock newly, shall I send it to you?I just want to confirm it.
Did the baggage arrive?I want to confirm if baggage arrived or not, in fact, only one clock is not enough. Stapp seemed to forget to put them into the baggage, somehow.I am really sorry. I will send other clocks to you immediately; please wait for a short while.
Hi , I wondered if you could help me , I contacted the the seller of the Sportster backrest and rack , which you purchased earlier this year, asking if the backrest etc was a genuine Harley part . He kindly replied that he'd removed them from Sportsters for export. But he would give me a full refund if I bought one and was not happy with it . Are there any HD markings that would show that they were Harley parts and not an aftersale item ? I hope you don't mind me contacting you , thanx , Rob Ward
すみません、助けていただけませんか?私はスポーツカー・バックレストとラック(あなたが今年購入したところ)の売り手連絡して、バックレストなどはハーレー・パートの本物かどうかを尋ねました。彼はもう輸出の準備ができましたと親切に答えました。まず、私が1を買って、もし満足でないならば、彼は私に全額返金します。彼らの商品はハーレー・パートの本物であるHDマーキングなんかありますか?あなたと連絡ことを気にしないでください、ありがとうございます。Rob Ward
If there is a postage less than 50 dollar, I want to receive the proposal. So, first, plesase tell me the postage.
総額$10のPayPalのインボイスを送ってください。私のeMail Addressは以下のとおりです。大変お手数をお掛けし、申し訳ありません。
Please sent the $10 point of PayPal to me. My eMail Address is bellow. I am sorry to trouble you so much.
DoNews 10月8日消息(周然)中国的水货商人并未因乔布斯的离去和iPhone 4S种种诟病,而减缓对苹果手机的销售欲望。在苹果决定在10月14日发布iPhone4S后,中关村部分水货商已开始正式对外接受预定,订金为1000元人民币,到货价格预计在8000元左右,到货时间初步定在10月15日。
October,8th, DoNews (Ran Zhou): smuggled goods businessman of China did not reduce the sale desire of iPhone, although Jobs had leaved and there were varieties of shortcoming of iPhone 4S. After the Apple decided to launch iPhone4S in October, some smuggled goods businessman of Zhongguancun have started to accept reservation, the deposits is 1000 RMB, the delivered price is expected to be 8000 RMB, and the time of delivery will be October 15.
It was said that: smuggled goods businessman who accepted reservation have already make sure they can get the goods through the channel in the United States for first time. But the arrival of the iPhone4S are expected to be lock edition, or are unavailable. According to smuggled goods businessman, the iPhone4S arriving on October 17 will be the European no lock version, and can be used in China. At present, China unicom has not yet determined the time to market of iPhone4S, industry insiders said the time will be around the Spring Festival. And the time to market for iPhone4S of Hongkong edition is also a mystery.