Hello.Thank you for contacting us. We are at a loss because we don't know the destination address so product was sent back .Besides, we had to pay for its postage fee and it cause us in the red. We cannot pay for another posting charge.It costs 8$ if you would like to resend.Or do you want to refund corresponding?We are looking forward to your reply.Sorry about not reaching the goods.Since it passed the estimated arrival date, we will refund correspondence for this time.Please wait a while.If the goods arrives late, let us know about it.This is the product now on sale.You did not purchase.What would you like to?
改善の基礎教育皆さんは、改善(KAIZEN)と言うと どんなことをイメージしますか?改善は、実施してこそ価値がある本教育は「わかった」「理解した」だけではダメ!教育内容は「わかりきったこと」ばかりです。わかりきったことを実施してもらうために、わざわざ「これでもか」としつこく教育するのです。工夫して仕事を楽にするそれは、「改善とは何か?」を各人がそれぞれ異なる定義やイメージを持っているからです。改善は、一度行ったら終わりではなく次々と改善を行っていく持続性、継続性が重視される。
A basic education for improvement(KAIZEN).What do you imagine if you hear the word "improvement(KAIZEN)"?Improvement is worthy only if we carry out.It is not enough just to ”got the meaning of ” or "understood" it.The contents of this education are all just "you have already known".Though, we go out of our way to do educate you such a kind "already known" thing to move to execute with extreme persistence.To improve a work easy.Everybody has a different definition or image as the answer of "What is a improvement(KAIZEN)?"The Improvement(KAIZEN) does not end only if you carry out it once.We should improve one after another, it is important to carried out with sustainability and continuity.
The frame in front is bent. Its exposure meter does not work.It is dirty so if you are worried about, we recommend to clean.Although we did not feel its impact when we actually took a shoot.It has some oil stains on its diaphragm blade.It has some balsam separation.Some possibilities to impact on when you shoot in backlight. It has one point of mold contamination.