Thank you for your support.What do you mean the number shown on the side of brand name of the item on the website?For example, the current page shows 5 of Yuu(ゆう) and CELINE.I am looking forward to your response.
Which charging port should I use to charge my device?Each port can charge any device no need to decide between them.What if the charger is not charging my device?Check to ensure that your device is usb-powered with an input current between 0 and 2amps and voltage input of 5V.Check to ensure that the power cord isn't broken and is securely connected to an active wall outlet.How do I check my device's input current and voltage?Please refer to your device's user manual,original OEM charging adapter,or contact the manufacturer to determine the information.My device charges at 1 amp,will this charger's 4amp output harm it?No.the charger will only supply the maximum charge current allowed by your device up to 2amps.
私が持っているデバイスを充電するには、どの充電ポート(穴)を使えばよろしいのでしょうか。どのポートを選んでも、どのデバイスでも充電できます。もしこの充電器でデバイスを充電できなかったらどうなるのでしょうか。お持ちのデバイスが、入力電流(input current)が0~2A(アンペア)、電圧入力(voltage input)が5VのUSBポートで使用できるかを確認してください。電源コードが破損していないか、動作する壁のコンセントにしっかりと接続されているか、確認してください。このデバイスの入力電流・電圧はどうやって確認できるのでしょうか。デバイスの取扱説明書か、製造元の充電アダプタを参照いただくか、メーカーに情報を問い合わせてください。このデバイスは1Aで充電されます。この充電器は4A出力なので、壊してしまうでしょうか。大丈夫です。この充電器は、あなたのデバイスの許容範囲最大2Aまでしか充電電流を流しません。
There is a detail need you to confirm, it is the commercial invoice total amount. Will be the $100 or less, please advise.About the freight, there is a little difference as I have quoted from you. Actually, the gross wieight is 57kgs in total (56.65kgs will be caculated same as 57kgs), and your address that my agent informed it is in romote area. Then the freight will be a little higher than the common area, need $5.8 one kg. Can you pay the another $44.6 for the freight to your place? Hope you will forgive my careless that only checking the freight to common place not your address before quote you the price.
Experience deep relaxation in seconds with BioSonics precision-tested tuning forks.Reduce Stress Increase Blood flow Enhance Mental Clarity Improve Immune ResponseBioSonics tuning forks are simple and easy to use and the results are miraculous! Sound alters our biochemistry and enhances all energy therapy practices.For weighted BioSonics tuning forks (Including Ottol 28, Otto 64, Otto 32, Om Tuner, and Planetary Tuners)You can use your weighted tuning forks on specific points of the body:1. Find the exact point using whatever method is appropriate.2. Place your index finger on the point.3. Tap the fork on your knee (or the palm of your hand.)
精密試験されたバイオソニックス音叉で、数秒で深いリラックスを体験。ストレス発散血流促進心をクリアに免疫力向上バイオソニックス音叉の使い方は単純、簡単、そして奇跡のよう!音が生理学の常識を変えます。あらゆるエネルギー治療効果を高めます。重りつきバイオソニックス音叉(オットーチューナー28Hz、オットーチューナー64Hz、オットーチューナー32Hz、オムチューナー、プラネタリーチューナー)体の特定の場所に当てて、重りつき音叉を使います。1. 適当な方法なら何でもいいので、正確な場所を探します。2. その場所に人差し指を当てます。3. 膝の上(または手のひら)に置いた音叉を軽く叩きます。
4. Bring the fork to your index finger and simultaneously slide your index finger away while bringing the base of the tuning fork stem onto the point.5. In general, it is always good to place your free hand somewhere else on the body.Here are three specific points to use your weighted BioSonics tuning forks:1. Place the tuning fork on your sternum, your chest bone. Feel the vibration and imagine your heart softening.2. Place the tuning fork on your third eye - the space between and just above your eyes. Close your eyes and feel the vibration move through your cranium.3. Place the tuning fork on your sacrum, the bone at the base of your spine. Close your eyes and feel the vibration move through your lower pelvis
4. 音叉を人差し指に当てると同時に、人差し指を滑らせ、音叉の持ち手のほうを当てたい場所に持っていきます。5. 通常、体のどこか他の場所に、使っていない方の手を置くといいです。重りつきバイオソニックス音叉の使い方3つのポイント:1. 胸骨に音叉を当てます。振動を感じ、心臓がリラックスしていくのを想像してください。2. 3つめの目、つまり両目の間の上あたりに、音叉を当てます。目を閉じて、振動が頭の骨を通り抜けていくのを感じてください。3. 背骨の下の方にある仙骨に音叉を当てます。目を閉じて、振動が骨盤の下の方を通り抜けていくのを感じてください。
Who uses BioSonics Tuning Forks?What was once only available to healing arts practitioners is now available to anyone! Regardless of your occupation, BioSonics precision-tested tuning forks will become an invaluable part of your life. Executives, stay-at-home moms, athletes, physicians, yoga practitioners and people across all walks of life are using our tuning forks to relieve stress, enhance mental clarity and increase energy. Also, massage therapists, and energy and body work practitioners use tuning forks to enhance their work.When do you use BioSonics Tuning Forks?Keep them by your bed and use them before you go to sleep to relax from a busy day.
Although each BioSonics tuning fork is uniquely designed to address different areas of physical, mental and spiritual health, they each follow the same basic principles.For non-weighted BioSonics tuning forks (Including Body Tuners, Solar Harmonic Spectrum, Angel Tuners, and Crystal Tuners)1. THE KNEE TAPFor the knee tap gently tap the flat side of the tuning fork below your kneecap. Do not hit your kneecap. All it takes is a gentle firm tap and your tuning fork will sound. Bring the forks slowly to your ears, about three to six inches from your ear canal, and listen to the sounds. (Note: If you do not want to top the forks on your knees you can tap them on a hockey puck or on carpet.)
バイオソニックスの音叉はそれぞれ、心身の健康の違う分野に効果が出るよう設計されていますが、同じ原則にのっとっています。重りなしバイオソニックス音叉(ボディチューナー、ハーモニックスペクトラム、エンジェルチューナー、クリスタルチューナー)1. 膝を叩く膝を叩くには、膝のお皿の下の方を、音叉の平らな部分で優しくポンと叩きます。膝のお皿をガンと叩かないでください。優しく、しっかりと叩くだけで、音叉が鳴ります。音叉を耳にゆっくりと当ててください。耳の穴から3~6インチ(約7.5cm~15cm)離れたところに持っていき、音を聴いてください。(注:膝に音叉を当てたくない場合は、ホッケーのパックか、カーペットを叩いても大丈夫です。)
Hold your tuning forks by the stem with moderate pressure — not too light and not too loose.Do not put the tuning forks near your ear canal when using the "tap together" technique.2. THE TOGETHER TAPThe second way to sound your tuning forks is to tap them together. Hold them by the stems with only moderate pressure and tap them together on their edges, not the flat side of the prongs. You do not have to use a lot of force. Play with creating an easy sounding tap versus a banging tap when too much force is used. When you tap then together the tuning forks will sound overtones. Move the tuning forks around slowly and fast in the air and listen to the different tones as they get louder and softer
軽すぎず、ゆるすぎず、適度な力で音叉の先のほうを持ってください。「音叉同市で叩く」方法を使うときは、耳の穴の近くに音叉を当てないでください。2. 音叉同士で叩く音叉を鳴らす2つ目の方法は、音叉同士で叩くことです。適度な力で音叉の先のほうを持ち、音叉の平らな部分ではなく、フチ同士を同時に叩きます。力を入れすぎる必要はありません。力が入りすぎるとバンと音がしますが、そうではなく優しく響くような音を奏でてみてください。音叉同士を叩くと、音叉は倍の音を出します。空中を緩急つけて音叉をぐるっと回し、音が大きくなったり小さくなったりする、違った音を聴いてください。
It has a dent also on the body.Please exchange not only the head but the body.Please exchange whole parts of the item.I think it is the used item, so if you do not response,I will send a complaint because of the mistaken description.Also, I will tell that to eBay.I am not an engineer, so I cannot do repairs.Please do not request like that from now on.If you do so in the future, I will send a complaint.Please send the body as soon as possible.
①Inspired by the founding father of Tiki and Polynesian bar culture Don The Beachcomber. Honi Honi Tiki Cocktail Lounge proudly carries itself as the first Tiki bar in Asia and adheres his guidelines as laid down in the mid 1930s.In true Tiki style, Honi Honi Tiki Cocktail Lounge uses only freshly squeezed juices that are incorporated with the fusion of bespoke syrups that go beyond the basic orgeat, many of which are homemade. No juices from concentrate or with added sugar are used. Each morning, the team can be found hollowing out fresh watermelons and blending a wide range of fruit to be used later that day.
Many peers who deal with the same import business as us have been ever annoyed by Chinese factories and manufactures.I import and sell dress shirts from Chinese factories, but most of them I have got were defects and bothered me.Many American users like white color, so I am not sure that this is not an old lot.However, I like this brand. I really want to be a distributor of it. And, I believe Mr. Tom.I will continue to sell all these cases I purchased.
He is a part-time worker, who feels hard to live his life as he desires. By a mere chance, he has started sport.Can a person get back not only physical strength but also mental vigor through sport? Can he change his life?This is a short drama of ○○, which develops an around-the-clock gym "○○" around the nation.
倖田來未、Hello KYOTOオフィシャルアンバサダー就任!京都市公式アプリ「Hello KYOTO」のオフィシャルアンバサダーに倖田來未が就任することとなりました!Hello KYOTOとは「京都市の地域活性化に関する相互連携協定」に伴っての取り組みのひとつとして開発されたアプリで、国内はもちろん、世界に京都の魅力を発信していくことを目的としています。
KUMI KODA becomes Hello KYOTO Official Ambassador!KUMI KODA becomes the official ambassador of Kyoto city official app "Hello KYOTO"!Hello KYOTO is an app which was developed as part of approaches in "Mutual Cooperation Agreement with Local Vitalization in Kyoto City," aimed to provide the fascination of the city to the world.
第一弾として、倖田來未とコラボしたHello KYOTOと京都市地下鉄の金曜日限定深夜便である「コトキンライナー」周知ポスターが京都市地下鉄全駅に本日より掲示!Hello KYOTOのアプリ内にあるAR機能で取り込むと、スペシャル映像を見ることができる仕様になっているのでお見逃しなく。今後はアプリ内に倖田來未のコンテンツを追加するなど様々な取組みが発表されていく予定です。■Hello KYOTOオフィシャルサイトhttp://kyoto-city.avex.jp/
As her first approach, the posters which announce Hello Kyoto, collaborated with KUMI KODA, and "Koto-Kin Liner," which is a train of Kyoto City Metro running only in Friday midnight, are put up in all stations of Kyoto City Metro from today!If you scan the posters via the AR in Hello KYOTO app, you can see a special streaming so don't miss it.- Hello KYOTO official sitehttp://kyoto-city.avex.jp/
縦型MVはスマプラムービー初!新曲「On And On」の縦型MVフルサイズが特典映像として収録決定!新曲「On And On」のスマホ向けミュージックビデオが、明日発売となる「WINTER of LOVE」スマプラムービー特典映像として収録されることが決定しました!スマプラムービーに縦動画が収録されるのは倖田來未が初となります。従来の16:9の横長のミュージックビデオとは異なり、スマホの縦長サイズに合わせたこれまでにはない新しい映像作品となっている今回のミュージックビデオ。
The vertical MV is first produced in Sumapura Movie! The vertical and full-sized MV of her new single "On And On" is decided to be recorded as a bonus movie!The music video for smartphone of her new single "On And On" is decided to be recorded as a bonus movie of "WINTER of LOVE," which will be released tomorrow, in Sumapura Movie!KUMI KODA will be the first artist whose vertical video is recorded in Sumapura Movie.Different from traditional 16:9 horizontal music video, this music video is a new movie work adjusted to the vertical size of smartphones.
縦長の映像作品は最近でこそ駅を中心に見かけることが増えてきていますが、技術的にはまだまだ新しく、配信サイトなどで販売するのは難しいのが現状です。今回のアルバム「WINTER of LOVE」は全形態スマプラサービス付きということもあり、なんとかスマホバージョンの映像配信を行えないかという想いが今回の結果につながりました!
Although vertical video works have been seen mainly in train stations recently, they are still a new technology and it stands still difficult to sell them in online distribution site and other services. Considering that this album "WINTER of LOVE" includes all type of Sumapura services, we have reached this result with our wish that we manage to distribute videos for smartphone!
文字通り、「WINTER of LOVE」を購入しなければ「On And On」の縦型バージョンのフルサイズミュージックビデオは見ることができないということになります。スマプラムービー特典映像には、「On And On」スマホバージョンに加え、360°見渡すことができる新感覚のミュージックビデオ「Dance In The Rain」も初収録となり、「WINTER of LOVE」はスマホでも楽しむことができるコンテンツが満載のアルバムになっています。
In literally, if you do not purchase "WINTER of LOVE," you cannot see the vertical version of the full-sized music video.Added to "On And On" for smartphone version, Sumapura Movie bonus video includes a new-feeling music video "Dance In The Rain," which you can enjoy a 360-degree view, so "WINTER of LOVE" is the album which contains full contents you can enjoy even on your smartphone.
WeChat Launches E-Book App To Make Reading SocialWeChat, China’s most popular chat app, rolled out e-book app Weixin Dushu, or WeChat Read, yesterday. The app allows users to share their reading lists and experiences with WeChat friends, and is currently only available on the iOS platform.WeChat is one of China’s most popular destinations for news reading, but the new app is dedicated for more voracious readers who prefer books. The service will allow WeChat users to read books in EPUB or TXT formats with a clean and ad-free interface.
WeChat、電子書籍アプリをローンチ、読書をソーシャル化へ中国で最大の人気を誇るチャットアプリ、WeChatは昨日、電子書籍アプリWeixin Dushu(別名WeChat Read)を公開した。同アプリではユーザが自分の読書リスト、履歴をWeChatフレンドと共有でき、現在はiOSプラットフォームのみ利用できる。WeChatは、ニュース記事閲覧において最も人気のあるサービスの1つであるが、この新アプリは本を好む愛読家向けだ。同サービスにより、WeChatユーザが、見やすく広告のないインターフェースでEPUBやTXTフォーマットの書籍を読むことができるようになるという。
Weixin Dushu includes a WeChat Moment-like content sharing platform where users can browse through the reading list of WeChat friends and share reading suggestions.The app has also integrated “Leaderboard” and “Like”, two existing gamification features that have proven successful in WeChat Sport and Games. It also counts how long users have spent on reading in the app and turns it into a social competition, complete with a daily leaderboard that covers all your WeChat friends who have also opted in. Of course, you can close the service if you don’t want to share your reading list or compete with others.
Weixin Dushuには、WeChat Momentのようなコンテンツ共有プラットフォームがあり、ユーザがWeChatフレンドの読書リストを閲覧でき、お勧め書籍の共有もできる。また、同アプリは、「Leaderboard」と「Like」という、WeChat Sport・Gamesで成功を収めた2つの既存のゲーミフィケーション機能を統合した。ユーザがアプリ内で何時間読書に時間を費やしているかをカウントし、ソーシャルネットワーク上でのコンテストを設け、選択したWeChatフレンド全員の情報が掲載されるデイリーリーダーボードを備える。もちろん、読書リストの共有や他者と競争したくない場合は、同サービスを停止することができる。
Indonesian HR startup Talenta snaps up funding from Fenox and East VenturesIndonesian cloud-based human resources management startup Talenta announced earlier today it raised a bridge funding round of an undisclosed amount. The round was led by Fenox Venture Capital and participated in by existing investor East Ventures. Talenta says the funding will be used to ramp up hiring, bolster sales, and increase marketing efforts.
インドネシアの人材事業スタートアップ・Talenta、FenoxとEast Venturesの出資を獲得インドネシアのクラウドベース・人材管理スタートアップ、Talentaは、今日早くに、非公開額のブリッジファンディングラウンドより資金を集めると発表した。同ラウンドはFenox Venture Capital主導、従来から投資していたEast Venturesも参加。Talentaは、今回の投資を人材雇用の増加、売上の増強、マーケティング活動の向上に活用するという。