sloe-tequila (812930sloe_tequila) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
812930sloe_tequila 英語 → 日本語

As a chat app, the need for any political censorship on Weixin that would be facilitated by a real-name system is probably not as significant as it is on weibo, but the location-based nature of the app could facilitate stalking in such a way that real-name verification might become something that users actually demand. If that happens, allowing users to verify their identities via Weibo could turn out to be a bit of a mistake, as users are well aware of the holes in weibo real-name registration. But if that doesn’t happen, this change will have been a smart move for Tencent to ease the verification process both for users and for itself.


チャット・アプリとして、実名システムによって容易になるWeixin上の政治的検閲の必要性はweiboほど重要ではないだろう。 だが、アプリのロケーションベースの性質はストーカー行為も簡単になる。 よって実名認証はユーザーが本当に必要とするかもしれない。 そのようなことがおこれば、ユーザーにWeibo経由でのアイデンティティー認証を許可するのはちょっとした間違いだとわかるだろう。 というのもユーザーはweiboの実名認証の抜け穴にしっかり気付いているからだ。 もちろん、そうしたことがおこらなければ、この変化はユーザーにとっても、同社にとっても認証プロセスを容易にするTencentのスマートな動向となるだろう。

812930sloe_tequila 英語 → 日本語

A look at the global rankings (below) by Startup Genome indicate that Australia’s startups can stand toe -to-toe with the world’s best in terms of talent, output and differentiation. Sydney has even ranked number one globally for being trendsetters.

Yet the ecosystem does not seem to be maximizing their entrepreneurs’ capabilities. While Australia’s startups are forward-looking and cutting edge, they raise 100 times less than Silicon Valley startups in the scale stage.

And for some reason, despite the availability of government grants and R&D tax concessions, only 39% of startups have applied for these schemes. The government will have to figure out a way to reach more startups.


Startup Genomeによる世界ランキング(以下)を見ると、オーストラリアのスタートアップは世界最高の才能、アウトプット、差別化に対抗できることがわかる。シドニーは流行仕掛け人として世界一と位置づけされている。



812930sloe_tequila 英語 → 日本語

In a glorious recipe posted to that has been making the rounds on Twitter, a frustrated cook offers a recipe for ice cubes, nothing that is may come in handy for “families who have members who don’t know how or have forgotten how to make ice when the ice tray is empty.” The rundown proceeds as expected-water, freezer-and it’s funny enough on its own: a passive-aggressive plea to refill trays that anyone can get behind.
But then the commenter get ahold of it, and the magic begins.
“This recipe is horrible!” declares Chef #1406275.”Maybe I should have left them in longer than two minutes (the recipe does not say how long to leave them in the freezer so I just kind of guessed) but mine came out all watery


「このレシピはひどい!」とChef #1406275は言う。「2分以上放っておくべきだった(レシピには冷凍室にどれくらいいれておくか記載していなかったので、推測したのだ)けれど私のは全部水のままだった。」