Yumie (3_yumie7) 翻訳実績

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Besides the communication features, KakaoTalk’s also has four business models (pictured above): ‘plus friend’ advertising, digital items, mobile commerce, and its more recent social gaming platform. The advertising aspect works like WeChat’s social media marketing which allows companies and brands to communicate with the app’s users should people add the those brands as their friends. KakaoTalk has more than 200 ‘plus friend’ advertising partners now, and over 66 million such social marketing friendships/follows made, with each brand averaging around 350,000 followers [1]. Overall there are a total of 15 million unique users of this particular feature.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

KakaoTalk earns money by selling digital items like premium emoticons and stickers to its users. Companies and brands can cooperate with KakaoTalk to produce their own special series of emoticons as a brand marketing tool. The revenue will then be shared between the brand and the messaging startup. Here is an example of some brand-based emoticons:

KakaoTalk’s other business model is mobile commerce, which allows users to purchase online goods and then send them to a friend via the app as a gift. The friend will then be able to redeem the gift through the corresponding merchant. There are now more than 320 brands that have cooperated with KakaoTalk for this feature, with 7,700 items available for purchase.




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・If you fall in love with the place. As difficult as it is to describe this point, it’s probably the most important reason for anyone to stay in China. As an entrepreneur, you need to be passionate about your product and customers, which is something you can’t do if you don’t like the place to begin with. I can only recount my personal Beijing experience, which was a combination of constantly feeling a little bit out of place yet completely absorbed in the thousands of things going on at the same time. If you live in Beijing, there’s no day or night off. The Economist wrote a great article about being expat in general, and most Beijing expats that I spoke to could identify with the sentiments described there:


場所を気に入った場合。この点について書くのは難しい。これは中国に滞在する誰にとってもおそらく最も重要な理由だろう。起業家として、自分は自社の製品と客に情熱を注がなければならないが、ビジネスを始める場所が好きでなければできないことだ。私が詳しく語ることができるのは自分自身の北京での体験だけだが、絶えず、自分はちょっとここに合わないという気持ちと無数の物事が同時に進行することに心を奪われる気持ちが絡み合わさっていた。北京に住めば昼夜を問わず休める時はない。The Economist 誌は余所から来た北京在住者に関するすばらしい記事を書いたが、私が話した多くの北京在住者はそこに書いてあった気持ちに共鳴できた。

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Qihoo’s 360 Search Finally Gets a (Very Basic) Mobile Site

Qihoo (NYSE:QIHU) disrupted China’s search engine market in August of this year with the launch of its own contender. And now Qihoo’s 360 Search has finally rolled out a mobile-optimized site at m.so.com. The mobile pages are very basic, and are a reminder that Qihoo is ‘disrupting’ not by innovation but by the weight of its portal’s traffic.

The 360 Search mobile landing page has no options to search for maps, images, or anything (pictured above); it’s only after searching for something that you then get one option for a news search. But that’s it.


Qihooの360 Search 、ついに(非常にベーシックな)モバイルサイトを開設

Qihoo (NYSE:QIHU) は今年8月ライバル会社の製品ローンチにより、中国の検索エンジン市場で中断した。今やっとQihoo’s 360 Searchがモバイル用に最適化されたm.so.comサイト上で本格展開した。モバイルページは非常にペーシックで、イノベーションによってではなく自社のポータルサイトのトラフィックの重みによって中断しているという通知がある。

モバイルランディングページThe 360 Searchは地図、画像、(上記の写真のような)どのようなものも検索するオプションがなく、何がを検索した後、やっと新しい検索のオプションが1つ得られるのだ。でもそれだけのことだ。

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Company: Weimian
Lesson: Pick your industry carefully.

Weimian was a luxury sock and stockings e-commerce company that won a big investment by catching the eye of angel investor Xu Xiaoping. But even with a million RMB in cash to play with, the company struggled and ultimately folded. The reason? Socks — even luxury socks — just weren’t expensive enough to keep up with the costs of running an ecommerce company in China. Order totals were relatively low because socks don’t cost that much, and competitors kept margins pretty thin, so Weimian wasn’t able to make much money。 Ultimately, the company folded, and at least in Ding’s opinion, it failed because socks and Chinese ecommerce don’t really mix.


企業名: Weimian
教訓: 業種を慎重に選べ

Weimianは高級ソックス、ストッキングのeコマース企業でエンジェル投資家Xu Xiaoping氏の目を引き、大きな資金を調達した。しかし1万元を現金で手に入れたにもかかわらず、会社はもがき、ついにはつぶれた。なぜか。ソックスは、ぜいたくなソックスであっても中国でeコマース会社を経営するコストを維持するのに十分ではなかったのだ。ソックスはそれほど高いものではないので総注文数は比較的低く、ライバル企業のマージンはわずかだった。そこでWeimianはあまり利益を上げることができなかった。ついに会社はつぶれ、少なくともDingのオプションでは、失敗だった。ソックスと中国のeコマースは本当に合わないのだ。