QRobotPartnering with SIAT, the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tencent initiated the development of QRobot, a penguin-shaped small robot that can interact with people, in 2010. The first ones were shipped in August 2011 and sold on the company’s e-commerce platform.
The robot can have simply conversations, by audio or video, with people, responding with information of news, weather, stock market, etc. Software inbuilt enables it to tell stories, read text or conduct a Q&A game. Its head, body and wings can move accordingly.Over three thousand were sold in the launch month for a price of 1188 yuan ($190). Now it’s priced at 1398 yuan. A kid’s edition, education-oriented, was launched together with QYing in last month.
QYingQYing is released as a new generation of QRobot. It’s Android-based and smaller than a fist. Not only can it projects content on a computer screen through USB cable, or a smart phone screen through HDMI cable, to a wall, but you can also interact with the projected image with a stylus or a remote control pen, triggering clicks on buttons, opening links or drawing on the image, among other AR technology-driven functions.
Video content from QQ Video and games from QQ Games and 3366 Casual Games (Tencent’s partner) have been built in — sounds like a set-up box like Xiaomi’s, right? It’s priced at 1999 yuan ($322), over one thousand pieces have sold out as the official online store shows.The company would like third-party developers to build applications for it as it’s Android-based.
Weixin EarphoneWeixin, or WeChat, delivered a number of custom-made earphones for media and industry people to try out. Functions only include sending and receiving voice messages and adjusting the sound level. Currently it’s not for sale.Tencent is also partnering with hardware makers in certain sectors to do customized devices, such as having QPlay, a specially designed QQ Music solution, built in all kinds of music playing devices. It is reported that over ten device manufacturers have reached deals with QPlay, including professional music player makers like Sonos and smart TV makers like TCL (article in Chinese).
WeixinイヤーフォンWeixin、Wechatはメディアや業界関係者の試用に多くの特注イヤーフォンを納品した。機能は音声メッセージの送受信や音声レベル調節などが腹案れ手いるだけだ。現在販売はされていない。TencentはQPlayを内臓した製品やQQ Music solution用に全種類の音楽の再生端末を内臓した製品などの端末を特別注文できるよう、特定のセクターのハードウェアメーカーと連携しようとしている。報道によると、プロ用音楽プレーヤーメーカーSonosやTCLなどのスマートTVメーカーを含む10社以上がQPlayとの契約に合意した。
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India’s Hike App Goes Global, Ready to Zap Messages Across Android, iPhone, WPThe India-made messaging app Hike, which we previewed back in September, has made good on its promise to launch internationally. And to make it even more accessible, Hike app is now ready to greet the world with new apps for iPhone and Windows Phone (WP) joining its original Android version.
インドのハイキングアプリが国際化。Android、iPhone、ウインドウズフォンでメッセージ送受信が可能。遡って9月に予告したインドのメッセージアプリHikeは海外へ進出するという約束を果たした。一層アクセスしやすくするためHikeアプリは元のAndroid版にiPhone用、ウィントウズフォン (WP)用の新アプリを加えて世界に扉を開く。
The act of going global wasn’t as easy as flicking a switch. Kavin Bharti Mittal, from the Bharti Softbank (BSB) incubator that guides Hike, tells us that the app “started rolling out to five countries every day as part of our ‘around the world in 20 days.’” Today the process was complete. He says that the app – which takes on rivals as diverse as BBM, Whatsapp, Line, and WeChat – initially proved so popular that it put a big strain on their servers, and so “launching in a phased manner” made more sense. That also explains why it was a bit late in arriving.
海外進出というのはスイッチを切り替えるような生半可なことではなかった。Hikeを主導するインキュベーターBharti Softbank (BSB)のKavin Bharti Mittal氏は「アプリは弊社の<20日間世界一周>の一環としてえ毎日5ヶ国で本格展開を始めています。」と述べた。今日そのプロセスが完了した。同氏によると、BBM、Whatsapp、Line、WeChatなど様々なライバルを持つこのアプリは当初非常に人気が高いせいでサーバーに負担がかかり過ぎたため、段階的にローンチする方が理にかなっていたという。この説明で、ローンチがいささか遅れたのも納得できる。
One unique feature of Hike – among such social messaging apps, anyway – is that it also supports SMS, allowing its global users to do Hike2SMS and Indian users to fire back with SMS2Hike. Kavin says that, in feature phone-loving India, approximately half of the usage is via SMS, but, in general around the globe, folks are predominantly messaging when on wifi or mobile data plans.
Of course, going into more markets will also result in meeting users with many different demands. While Hike is quite minimalistic, it might find people want features that they’re familiar with from Line or WeChat, like video messaging or themed sticker/emoticon packs. Hike will be adding new things, Kavin says, but he’s remaining tight-lipped on what that entails. He adds:
There are lots of new features coming in 2013. Hike will be very different by end of first quarter. Building on our philosophy of less is more we will always keep user experience prime, which also answers a question we get asked usually – whether we will serve ads in hike to monetize. We won’t. Ads, we feel, are bad UX.Well, at least there won’t be ads. Judging by Hike’s reception on Android, where it has mostly five-star reviews on Google Play from users around the world, it’s off to a good start with its new audience.
2013年には多くの新機能が追加されます。Hikeは第1四半期には非常に違ったものになるでしょう。「過ぎたるは及ばざるがごとし」という弊社の哲学の上に立脚して、常にユーザー体験を最重要視します。それはマネタイズするためにHikeに広告を載せないのかといういつも受ける質問の答えでもあります。広告は載せません。解像度が悪くなると感じています。」ということで、少なくとも、広告は載せないようだ。世界中のGoogle Playのユーザーのレヴューでほとんど5つ星がついたAndoroid版Hikeの高い評価から考えれば、新たなオーディエンスと共にHikeは順調なスタートを切っている。
Sina Weibo Android App Adds Support for Social App RecommendationsFriends and online contacts are a great source of app recommendations. And Sina Weibo, China’s top Twittery service, seems to agree. In the newly updated Sina Weibo for Android (v.3.2.0 beta 1), the social network adds cards to your stream (pictured above) whenever someone you follow installs an app from Sina’s (NASDAQ:SINA) own third-party app store [1].It’s all pretty useful. Though an unwary individual might find himself or herself – well, more likely ‘himself’ – downloading an app of a saucy nature, such as Japanese Beauties Bouncy Boobies Live Wallpaper [2], from Sina’s Android app market, and then seeing it broadcast to all your followers.
Sina WeiboのAndroidアプリがソーシャルアプリレコメンデーションのサポートを追加友人やオンラインでコンタクトを取っている人たちはアプリ推薦の重要な情報源だ。中国トップのツイッター風のサービスSina Weiboもこれに賛同しているようだ。Android (v.3.2.0 beta 1)用に新たなアップデートされたSina Weiboでは、自分がフォローしている誰かがSina (ナスダック:SINA)の第三者アプリストアからアプリをインストールする度に ソーシャルネットワークが、自分のストリーム(上の写真を参照)にカードを追加する。[1] これは非常に役に立つ。だが、軽率な人(ほとんどの場合男だろうが)、たとえば日本美人の胸もあらわなライブ壁紙のようなセクシーな内容のアプリを SinaのAndroidアプリマーケットからダウンロードしてしまった場合、自分をフォローする全員にそれを広めてしまうことだってある。
In addition to that, the newest Sina Weibo for Android app shows a similar app card, replete with the app’s icon, whenever someone links to an Android application on an array of third-party download sites. It’s a bit like the preview that Google+ implemented recently whenever someone links to an app on Google Play – except that the system is a lot more inclusive on Weibo. If you fancy installing this app yourself, then the link in the Sina Weibo for Android app takes you to a landing page from which you can install that app directly to your phone – all from within the social app. It looks like this:
さらにSina Weiboの最新Androidアプリは、第三者のダウンロードサイトに配列されたAndroidアプリにリンクするたびに、アプリアイコンがいっぱいの、似たようなアプリカードを示される。これはGoogle+が最近実装したプレビューでGoogle Playのアプリにリンクするたびにそうなるのと似ているが、Weiboではシステムはさらに包括的だ。自分でこのアプリをインストールしてみたいと思えば、Sina WeiboのAndroidアプリ用ページにリンクすれば、ランドページに誘導され、そこから直接携帯電話にアプリをインストールすることができる。すべてソーシャルアプリの中でできるのだ。こんな風に。
Just yesterday we looked at how the latest Sina Weibo app update was also bringing tentative support for Sina’s own e-payments service, including on the iPhone version.You can get Sina Weibo for Android from pretty much any third-party app store, but it seems apt to snag it from Sina’s own App Center, here.1. The ‘Sina App Center’ itself is not new, and was launched earlier this year. ↩2. I just made that up. Though it probably exists somewhere among the steaming mound of Android crapware.
たった昨日、最新のSina Weiboのアプリ更新がiPhone版を含めてSina独自の電子決済サービスにどのように試験的サポートを提供しているかについて考察したばかりだった。どんな第三者アプリストアからでもSina WeiboのAndroid用アプリを手に入れることができるが、下のSina自身のアプリセンターからサッとダウンロードしてしまうのがいいようだ。1 「Sinaアプリセンター」自体は新しくはなく、今年初めにローンチした。2 今やってみたばかりだが、すでに搭載されているAndroidの不要なソフトウエアの山のようなストリームのどこかにおそらくあるかもしれない。
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②Patients are too strong for the surgery which requires a suppression of the immune system.③Patients do not have the physical strength to undergo an operation because the combination of a patient’s age and the side-effects of medications cause damage to the heart, kidneys and other organs.④Side-effects caused by drug related to the treatment of emphysema damage that patients undergo lung transplants as soon as possible regardless of ancillary problems.①He uses the image of the storm on a sea that causes songs and poems to sink to the bottom of our souls.②He uses the image of a storm raging on our artistic souls that causes creative expression to come forth in the form of poem or song.
Growing with its Baby Boomer Users, Kaixin Launches a Baby Photo Diary AppKaixin, one of China’s earliest Facebook-style social networks, might be struggling to stay relevant, but at least it’s growing with its users. Now figuring that its late-teens/early-20s user-base is all matured and turned into baby boomers, Kaixin yesterday launched a parent-oriented photo diary app called Kaixin Baby.
ベビーブーム世代のユーザーと共に成長するKaixinが赤ちゃんの写真日記アプリをローンチ中国で最も早くFacebookスタイルのソーシャルネットワークを立ち上げた企業の1つKaixinは重要なサイトであり続けるために苦労しているが、少なくともユーザーと共に成長している。十代後半から二十代前半にかけてのユーザーベースが皆成熟して、ベビーブーム世代に突入していることから、Kaixinは昨日Kaixin Babyというお父さん、お母さん志向の写真日記アプリをローンチした。
Kaixin Baby (correctly predicted by recent rumors) comes with an iPhone app as well as a dedicated site at kaixin001.com/kxbb. The central motif of the app is a tree that grows in height as the baby does likewise, and on that tree hangs photos, videos, or voice notes posted by the parents. Other friends and family members can also be invited in to post within an account, which sounds like a nice touch.
Kaixin Baby(最近の噂は正しかった)はiPhoneアプリ又は専用のサイト(kaixin001.com/kxbb)で利用できる。アプリの中心的モチーフは赤ん坊が育つにつれて育つ木で、その木に両親は写真、ビデオ、音声メッセージなどを吊るすことができる。他の友人や家族もアカウント内への投稿を招待されるのも気が利いている。
The Kaixin Baby app integrates with the regular Kaixin site, and also features a parenting portal with a selection of baby-care tips and general parenting news.We’ve been seeing quite a few parenting diary apps this year, such as Japan’s Daiby (which offers paid printing services), or Chinese rival Miidooo, which looks great but lacks any smartphone apps.Last time we looked at Kaixin, the company said it had 130 million registered users, and was seeing rising revenue – all despite being dwarfed by rival Renren (NYSE:RENN) and the emergence of the Twitter-esque Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo in recent years.Kaixin Baby is free in the iTunes App Store.
Kaixin Babyアプリは通常のKaixinのサイトに統合しており、赤ん坊の世話に関する話題や全般的な子育て情報などの選りすぐりと共に子育てポータルも搭載している。今年は日本のDaiby(有料印刷サービスを提供)や中国のライバルサイトMiidooo(すばらしいサイトだがスマートフォン用アプリがない)等、多くの子育て日記アプリが登場した。先日Kaixinを見た時、同社は1億3000万人の登録ユーザーを持ち、ライバルのRenren (NYSE:RENN) や最近ではTwitter風のSina WeiboやTencent Weiboなどに比べて影をひそめているが、それでも収益は増加してきた。Kaixin BabyはiTunes アプリストアで無料だ。