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Others hinted at the truth. As things had turned out contrary to his expectation, Octavian was at a loss what to do. Hoping, however, to retain them by persuasion rather than by force he yielded to their requests, and sent some of them to get their arms and others simply to their homes. Concealing his disappointment he praised all the assembled multitude, gave them fresh presents, and said that he would reward them still more generously, for he made use of them for emergencies rather as the friends of his father than as soldiers. After he had spoken these words, he influenced 1000 only from 10,000 to remain with him, or perhaps 3000, for accounts differ as to the number. The rest then took their departure,



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Some accused them both of making false pretences, believing that they had come to an agreement in the temple, and that these were plots devised against their enemies. The citizens of Rome were alarmed at the approach of Antony with an army, and when they learned that Octavian was advancing with another some were doubly alarmed, while others were well pleased, believing that they could make use of Octavian against Antony. Still others, who had seen them reconciled to each other in the Capitol, considered these transactions a game of false pretences by which Antony was to have the supreme power and Octavian in return was to wreak vengeance on the murderers.



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In this time of consternation Cannutius, the tribune, an enemy of Antony, and hence friendly to Octavian, went to meet the latter. Having learned his intentions Cannutius addressed the people, saying that Octavian was advancing with real hostility to Antony and that those who were afraid that Antony was aiming at tyranny should side with Octavian as they had no other army at present. After speaking thus he brought in Octavian, who was encamped before the city at the temple of Mars, fifteen stades distant. When the latter arrived he proceeded to the temple of Castor and Pollux, which his soldiers surrounded carrying concealed daggers. Cannutius addressed the people first, speaking against Antony.


このように人々が怯えている間、Antonyの敵、したがってOctavianに好意を持っている護民官のCannutiusはOctavianに会いに行った。Octavianの意図を知ったCannutiusは市民のところへ行き、OctavianはAntonyに対する真の敵意から前進しており、Antonyが専制政治をしようと狙っていると恐れるものは、Octavian側には他の軍隊がないのでOctavianの味方になってほしい、と呼びかけた。そう話した後、彼は、市内から15スタジア(約2.7キロ)の郊外のマース神殿に陣取っていたOctavianを連れてきた。Octavianは到着すると、Castor and Pollux神殿に進み、短剣を隠し持ったOctavianの兵士がそれを取り囲んだ。Cannutiusが先に人々に話しかけ、Antonyへの反対論を述べた。

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Afterwards Octavian also reminded them of his father and of what he had himself suffered at the hands of Antony.He declared himself the obedient servant of his country in all things, and said that he was ready to confront Antony in the present emergency.After he had thus spoken and dismissed the assembly, the soldiers, taking the opposite view (that they had come to support the alliance of Antony and Octavius or as a mere guard for the latter and to punish the murderers), were vexed at the declaration of war against Antony,who had been their general and was now consul.Some of them asked leave to return home in order to arm themselves, saying that they could not perform their duty with other arms than their own.


その後、Octavianも父Caesarのことや、Antonyのせいでどれほど苦しんできたかを市民に思い出させた。Octavianは自分はあらゆる点で自国の忠実な公僕だと宣言し、現在の緊急事態を前にしてAntonyと戦う用意が出来ていると述べた。Octavianがそう述べて会合を解散した後、反対意見を持っていた兵士ら(彼らはAntonyとOctaviusの同盟を支持するために来ていた、或いは殺害者を罰するために単にOctavianの警護として来ていた)は自分たちの将軍で今や執政官であるAntonyに対する戦の宣言に気を悪くした。 なかには自分の軍隊以外の職務を遂行することはできないので、戦いの準備をするために家に帰らせてほしいと願い出る者もいた。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

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items are as described and as per photographs, they are not what you expected,   it is a side saddle show cane as the listing states, these are used for ladies riding a horse on a side saddle, mostly in the show ring when competing, this item is available in different lenghts, shorter one being for in hand classes again for horses in the show ring it is mostly used as part of the uniform

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These words of Antony convinced the tribunes that in all he had done he had been moved by bitter animosity towards the murderers and that he had been scheming against the Senate. Nevertheless they urged him to come to an agreement with Octavian; and, proving successful, brought about a reconciliation between them in the Capitol. But not long afterward Antony announced to his friends that some of his bodyguard had been tampered with by Octavian, who had formed a plot against him. This he said either as a slander, or because he believed it to be true, or because he had heard of the emissaries of Octavian in his camp, and turned the plot to checkmate his actions into a plot against his life.



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When this story was noised about there was a general tumult forthwith and great indignation, for there were few who had sufficient penetration to see that it was for the interest of Octavian that Antony, even though he was unjust to him, should live, because he (Antony) p29was a terror to the murderers. If he were dead they would quite fearlessly dare anything, especially as they had the support of the Senate. The more intelligent knew this, but the greater part, seeing what Octavian suffered daily from the indignities and the losses inflicted on him, considered the accusation not incredible, yet held it to be impious and intolerable that a conspiracy should be formed against Antony's life while he was consul.



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Octavian ran with mad fury even to those who held this opinion of him, exclaiming that it was Antony who was conspiring against him to alienate him from the friendship of the people, which was the only thing left to him. He ran to Antony's door and repeated the same things, calling the gods to witness, taking all kinds of oaths, and inviting Antony to a judicial investigation. As nobody came forward he said, "I will accept your friends as judges." With these words he attempted to enter the house. Being prevented from doing so he again cried out and railed at Antony and vented his wrath against the door-keepers who prevented Antony being brought to book.



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One of the tribunes of the people having died Octavian favoured the election of Flaminius as his successor. The people thought that he was ambitious of this office for himself, but that he refrained from being a candidate because he was under age, and accordingly, they proposed to cast their votes for him for tribune. The Senate begrudged him this increase of power, fearing lest, as tribune, he should bring the murderers of his father before the popular assembly for trial. Antony, either to curry favour with the Senate, or to appease its dissatisfaction with the law respecting Cisalpine Gaul, or for private reasons, gave public notice, as consul, that Octavian should not attempt anything contrary to law;


Octavianを死ぬほど苦しめた護民官の1人はFlaminiusが後継者となるべく選挙が有利になるよう取り計らった。人々は彼が自分自身のためにこの職を望んでいると考えたが、候補者となる年齢に達していなかったため、立候補するのを控えた。その結果、人々は彼が護民官ために票を投じるよう提案した。元老院は彼が護民官として、父を殺害した者たちを審理のために民会に訴えるのではないかと恐れ、彼の権力が増していくのを嫌った。Antonyは元老院の機嫌を取るためか、Cisalpine Gaulに関する法律への不満を鎮めるためか、あるいは私的な理由のためか、執政官としてOctavianは法律に反することを一切試みるべきではないという公告を出した。

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and that if he should do so he (Antony) would use the full measure of his authority against him. As this edict was an act of ingratitude toward Octavian, and was insulting both to him and to the people, the latter were extremely angry and took steps to defeat Antony's wishes in the election, so that he became alarmed and annulled the comitia, saying that the remaining number of tribunes was sufficient. Octavian, thus at last openly attacked, sent numerous agents to the towns to learn the state of feeling in each. He also sent certain persons in the guise of traders into Antony's camp to mingle with the soldiers, to work upon the boldest of them, and secretly distribute handbills among the rank and file.



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About the author

Elton is the marketing director for Enrich Social Media, an online advertising company specializing in internet marketing services, online coaching, consultancy platform and hotel booking solutions. He is currently an International E-Coach of Youth Employment Network (YEN), a partnership of the United Nations, International Labour Organization, and World Bank and in his social media industry, a certified member of Social Media Summit USA by Social Media Examiner. Elton has also published a co-authored book called ‘Are You Ready To Be Next Entrepreneur’ which his story has been reviewed by world known personalities worldwide.



Eltonはインターネットマーケティングサービス、オンライン指導・助言プラットフォーム、ホテル予約ソリューションに特化したオンライン広告会社Enrich Social Mediaのマーケティング部長だ。現在、国連、国際労働機関、世界銀行と連携して若年雇用ネットワーク(YEN)のオンライン指導者を務めると共に、ソーシャルメディア業界では、ソーシャルメディア審査員によって認定されたソーシャルメディアサミットUSAの有資格会員だ。Eltonは「Are You Ready To Be Next Entrepreneur」と題する本を共同執筆して出版もしており、その中で世界中の世界的に名の知られた人物が彼の話についてコメントしている。