Yumie (3_yumie7) 翻訳実績

4.9 28 件のレビュー
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The praetors and the Senate put faith in this report heedlessly, although the army was very near, thinking that with the assistance of these two legions, as they were the bravest, it would be possible to hold out against the rest of Octavian's army until some force from elsewhere should come to the rescue. The same night they sent Manius Aquilius Crassus to Picenum to raise troops, and ordered one of the tribunes, named Apuleius, to run through the city and proclaim the good news to the people. The senators assembled by night in the senate-house, and Cicero received them at the door, but when the news was contradicted he took flight in a litter.Octavian laughed at them and moved his army nearer to the city


プラエトルと元老院は軍隊が非常に近くにいるにもかかわらず、よく考えもせずにこの報告を信頼し、この2つのレギオンはもっとも勇敢であるから、これらのレギオンの助けがあれば、他の軍隊が自分たちを救いに来てくれるまでOctavianの残りの軍隊に抗戦することが可能だと考えた。その夜、元老院はPicenumに挙兵するよう伝えるためにManius Aquilius Crassusを送り、護民官の1人でApuleiusという名の男に市内を駆け回り市民にこの朗報を公表するよう命じた。夜になると元老院議員らは議員会館で会議を開き、Ciceroは彼らを玄関で迎えたが、この知らせが否定されると、彼は輿に乗って逃げだした。Octavianは彼らを笑い、軍隊を市内の近くに移動し、

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and stationed it in the Campus Martius. He did not then punish any of the praetors, not even Crassus, who had rushed off to Picenum, although the latter was brought before him just as he was caught, in the disguise of a slave, but he pardoned all in order to acquire a reputation for clemency. But not long afterward they were put on the list of the proscribed. He ordered that the public money on the Janiculum or elsewhere be brought to him, and the amount which had been previously ordered to be paid to the army on the motion of Cicero, he distributed, namely 2500 p129drachmas per man, and promised to give them the remainder. Then he took his departure from the city until consuls should be chosen by the comitia.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Having been elected himself, together with Quintus Pedius, the man whom he desired to have as his colleague, and who had given to him his own portion of his inheritance from Caesar, he entered the city again as consul. While he offered the sacrifices, twelve vultures were seen; the same number, they say, that appeared to Romulus when he laid the foundations of the city. After the sacrifices he caused his adoption by his father to be ratified again, according to the lex curiata, — (it is possible to have adoption ratified by the people) — for the parts into which the tribes, or local divisions, are divided are called curiae, just as, I suppose, the similar divisions among the Greeks are called phratriae.


同僚となってほしいと願っていた、自分にCaesarから受けた遺産の一部を分けてくれたQuintus Pediusと共にOctavian自身も執政官に選ばれると、彼は執政管として再び市内に入った。Octavianが神々に捧げものをすると12羽のコンドルが見えた。Romulusがローマを創立した時にも同じ数のコンドルが現われたと言われている。捧げものをした後、Octavianはlex curiataに従って、父による養子縁組を再び批准させた。(市民によって批准された養子縁組は認められない)。部族や地方の行政区に分かれていたものはcuriaeと呼ばれており、私が思うに、同様の行政区はギリシャ人の間ではphratriaeと呼ばれていると思う。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

In Europe, the 27 Member States have implemented the 1995 EU Directive differently, resulting in difficulties in enforcement.

The United States does not have an overarching governmental regulation as is the case in Europe, but follows a sectoral approach with privacy and data protection needs being addressed through a plethora of regulations and laws.

In a joint reaction by the Article 29 Data Protection Working Party to the consultation on the legal framework for the fundamental right to protection of personal data, the principle of "privacy by design" was proposed to emphasize the need to implement PET, "privacy by default" settings and the necessary tools to enable users to better protect their personal data.





3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

They hoped also to change those of the opposite faction as soon as it became a contest for liberty. They sought for the mother and sister of Octavian, but as they did not discover them either by any open or secret search, they were again alarmed at finding themselves deprived of such important hostages, and as the Caesarians showed no disposition to yield to them they concluded that it was by them that these women were being carefully concealed.While Octavian was still giving audience to the messengers, it was announced to him that the decrees had been rescinded. The messengers thereupon withdrew, covered with confusion. With his army still more exasperated Octavian hastened to the city.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

To the plebeians, who were in a state of consternation, he sent horsemen in advance to tell them to have no fear. While all were amazed he took a position just beyond the Quirinal hill, no one daring to fight or prevent him. Now another wonderful and sudden change took place. Patricians flocked out and saluted him; the common people ran also and took the good order of the soldiers for a sign of peace. On the following day Octavian advanced toward the city, leaving his army where it was, and having with him only a sufficient guard. Here, again, detached crowds met him along the whole road and saluted him, omitting nothing that savoured of friendliness and weak compliance.His mother and sister embraced him.


狼狽していた平民たちに対し、Ocgtavianはあらかじめ馬に乗った使者を送って恐れなくともよいと伝えた。皆があっけにとられている中、OctavianはQuirinal の丘のすぐ先に陣取り、誰も敢て闘おうとしたり彼を妨げようとしたりはしなかった。そして別のすばらしい突然の変化が起こった。貴族らが集まって外出し、Octavianに挨拶に行ったのだ。庶民らも走って行き、平和の徴として兵士らの指示に従った。翌日、Octavianは軍隊をそこに残したまま護衛に十分な人数だけを連れて市内に向かって進んだ。ここでも親近感と彼に従おうとする気持ちに溢れた私心のない群衆らが、Octavianを見ようと道沿いに詰めかけ、彼を迎えた。Octavianの母親と妹は彼を抱きしめた。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

The three legions sent ambassadors and transferred themselves to him. One of the generals in command of them, Cornutus, killed himself; the others allied themselves with Octavian. When Cicero learned of the truce he sought an interview with Octavian through friends. When it was granted he defended himself and dwelt much upon his proposing Octavian for the consulship, as he had done in the Senate on a former occasion. Octavian answered ironically that Cicero seemed to be the last of his friends to greet him.The next night a rumour gained currency that two of Octavian's legions, the Martian and the Fourth, had gone over to the side of the republic, saying that they had been deceived and led against their country.



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3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Instead of 2500 drachmas 5000 were given; instead of two legions only, the entire eight were to be paid.Octavian was appointed to make the distribution instead of the ten commissioners,and he was allowed to be a candidate for the consulship while absent.Messengers were hastily despatched to tell him these things.Directly after they had left the city the Senate repented.They felt that they ought not to be so weakly terror-stricken, or accept a new tyranny without bloodshed, or accustom those seeking office to gain it by violence, or the soldiers to govern the country by the word of command. Rather should they arm themselves as best they could and confront the invaders with the laws, for there was some hope that,



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

if they were confronted with the laws, not even they would bear arms against their country. If they should do so, it would be best to endure a siege until Decimus and Plancus should come to the rescue, and to defend themselves to the death rather than submit voluntarily to a slavery thenceforth without remedy. They recounted the high spirit and endurance in behalf of freedom of the Romans of old.As both the legions sent for from Africa happened to arrive in the harbour on this very day, it seemed as though the gods were urging them to defend their freedom. Their regret for what they had done was confirmed; Cicero again made his appearance, and they repealed all the decrees above mentioned.



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All who were of military age were called to arms,and another legion that Pansa had left behind, — all these were assigned to their proper places. Some of them guarded the hill called the Janiculum, where the money was stored, others held the bridge over the Tiber, and the city praetors were put in command of the separate divisions. Others made ready small boats and ships in the harbour, together with money, in case they should be vanquished and have to escape by sea. While courageously making these hasty preparations they hoped to alarm Octavian in his turn, and induce him to seek the consulship from them instead of the army, or they hoped at least to defend themselves vigorously.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

They instanced, as recent examples, Pompey the Great and Dolabella and said that it had been granted to Caesar himself to stand for the consulship ten years before the legal age.While the centurions were arguing with much boldness, some of the senators, who could not endure that centurions should use such freedom of speech, rebuked them for exceeding the bounds of military discipline.When the army heard of this, they were still more exasperated and demanded to be led immediately to the city, saying that they would hold a special election and raise Octavian to the consulship because he was Caesar's son. At the same time they extolled the elder Caesar without stint.When Octavian saw them in this excited state,


百人隊長らは最近の例としてPompey the GreatやDolabellaの例を挙げ、Caesar自身、法定年齢の10年も前に執政官の職に立候補することが認められたのだと述べた。百人隊長らが非常に大胆に口論していた間、百人隊長の分際でこのように自由に演説の自由を行使することに我慢できなかった元老院議員らは、軍の規律の分別を超えていると叱責した。軍隊はそれを聞いてさらに一層憤慨し、自分たちで特別選挙を行ない、OctavianはCaesarの息子なのだから彼を執政官の地位につけると述べて、直ちに市に連れていくよう要求した。同時に彼らは父Caesarを惜しみなく褒め称えた。兵士らがこのように興奮した状態にあるのを見たOctavianは、

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he led them directly from the assembly, eight legions of foot and a corresponding number of horse, and the auxiliary troops that were serving with the legions. Having crossed the river Rubicon from the Gallic province into Italy, — the stream that his father crossed in like manner at the beginning of the civil war, — he divided his army in two parts. One of these divisions he ordered to follow in a leisurely way. The other and better one, consisting of picked men, made forced marches, hastening in order to take the city unprepared. Meeting a convoy on the road with part of the money which the Senate had sent as a present to the soldiers, Octavian feared the effect it might have on his mercenaries.



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So he secretly sent forward a force to scare away the convoy, and they took to flight with the money.When the news of Octavian's approach reached the city there was immense confusion and alarm. People ran hither and thither, and some conveyed their wives and children and whatever they held most dear to the country and to the fortified parts of the city, for it was not yet known that he aimed only at securing the consulship. Having heard that an army was advancing with hostile intentions, there was nothing that they did not fear. The Senate was struck with consternation since they had no military force in readiness. As is usual in cases of panic they blamed each other.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Selection of two function modes
The unit shall be in ultralinear mode when UT is selected ( ultralinear connection will have the greater output power and the excellent drive and control).
The unit shall be in triode mode when TR is selected (triode connection shall have smooth, fine and rich sound)

Valve bias measurement
The user may use the ampere-voltage -ohm meter to make the measurement.
Set the meter to the level of DC1V, adjust the volume of the loundspeaker to minimum, insert the + and - poles on the meter to the + and - poles of ( BIAS, TEST, POINT )
respectively to measure the voltage by the meter.
The working point setup of this unit shall be 0.55V - 0.6V at the standard voltage of 110V.



計測器のレベルをDC1Vにセットして、ラウンドスピーカーの音量を最小にし、計測器で電圧を測るため、計測器の+、-極をバイアス、テスト、ポイントの+、-極にそれぞれ差し込んでください。このユニットの作用点の設定は標準110Vで0.55V - 0.6Vになっています。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Valve bias regulation
To replace the new valves, the user shall measure the bias of the four valves by the ampere-voltage-ohm meter. in case of deviation, adjust the variable resistance at each group of holes BIAS ADJ.(V1) BIAS ADJ.(V2) BIAS ADJ.(V3) BIAS ADJ.(V4)
by the proper tools. Turn it clockwise 0 reduce the bias, and turn it counterclockwise to increase the bias, until the bias of the four valves reaches 0.55V-0.6V at the standard voltage of 110V. Make the measurement and regulation once again after the thermal stability of the valves.

Poor power supply, no indicator on
Check the insertion of the power plug, the supply to the socket, the connection of the fuse, and power switch



新しいバルブと交換するには、ユーザーはマルチメーターで4つのバルブのバイアスを測定します。バイアス値が狂う場合には、バイアスを高めるため、適当なツールを使って各グループのホールの可変抵抗値をBIAS ADJ.(V1) BIAS ADJ.(V2) BIAS ADJ.(V3) BIAS ADJ.(V4)に調節してください。時計回りに回してバイアスをゼロにしてから、時計と反対周りに4つのバイアス値が標準110Vで0.55V-0.6Vになるまで回してください。


3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

The manufacture has set up the bias of this unit well before delivery, and mark (V1, V2, V3, V4) on the valves. Therefore, insert the valves correctly as per the numbers respectively marked on the valves and the casings ( V1, V2, V3, V4 ).
Take care not to make any wrong insertion, for the bias difference between the valves may cause the over-current of a given valve, burn it and result in the unnecessary damage.

Warning:don't put this equipment under the rain or in a damp place, otherwise it may cause the fire or electric shock.

NOTE:( Please cut off the power supply to this unit before switching ).

The warranty period for this unit shall be two years, and two months for the valve.


メーカーは配達前にこのユニットのバイアスを配達前に設定し、バルブの印を (V1, V2, V3, V4)きちんと確認していますので、印がついている通りにバルブとケーシング( V1, V2, V3, V4 )を正しく差し込んでください。


