Yumie (3_yumie7) 翻訳実績

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3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

All the friends of Pompeius urged him with one accord to make peace, except Menodorus, who wrote to him from Sardinia either to prosecute the war vigorously or still to procrastinate, because famine was fighting for them, and he would thus get better terms if he should decide to make peace. Menodorus also advised him to distrust Murcus, who opposed these views, intimating that he was seeking power for himself. Pompeius, who had been vexed with Murcus lately on account of his high position and his stubbornness, became still more averse to him for this reason, and held no communication with him whatever, until, finally, Murcus retired in disgust to Syracuse. Here he saw some of Pompeius' guards following him,and



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

he expressed his opinion of Pompeius to them freely. Then Pompeius bribed a tribune and a centurion of Murcus, and sent them to kill him and to say that he had been murdered by slaves. To give credibility to this falsehood he crucified the slaves. But he did not succeed in concealing this crime, — the next one committed by him after the murder of Bithynicus, — Murcus having been a man distinguished for his warlike deeds, who had been strongly attached to that party from the beginning, and had rendered great assistance to Pompeius himself in Spain, and had joined him in Sicily voluntarily.Such was the death of Murcus. His other friends urged Pompeius to make peace, and they accused Menodorus of fondness of power



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

He called in a larger force of troops. As the people would not allow him even so to pass through, the soldiers divided right and left on either side of the street and the forum, and made their attack from the narrow lane, striking down those whom they met. The people could no longer find ready escape on account of the crowd, nor was there any way out of the forum. There was a scene of slaughter and wounds, while shrieks and groans sounded from the housetops. Antony made his way into the forum with difficulty, and snatched Octavian from the most manifest danger, in which he then was, and brought him safe to his house. The mob having been dispersed, the corpses were thrown into the river in order to avoid their



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gruesome appearance.It was a fresh cause of lamentation to see them floating down the stream,and the soldiers stripping them, and certain miscreants, as well as the soldiers, carrying off the clothing of the better class as their own property. This insurrection was suppressed, but with terror and hatred for the triumvirs; the famine grew worse; the people groaned, but did not stir.Antony suggested to the relatives of Libo that they should summon him from Sicily for the purpose of congratulating his brother-in‑law,and to accomplish something more important; and he himself promised him a safe-conduct. His relatives wrote promptly and Pompeius acquiesced. Libo, on his arrival, cast anchor at the isle of Pithecusa,



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

should pay a tax for each one, equal to one-half of the twenty-five drachmas that had been ordained for the war against Brutus and Cassius, and that those who acquired property by legacies should contribute a share thereof.The people tore down the edict with fury.They were exasperated that,after exhausting the public treasury,stripping the provinces,burdening Italy itself with contributions, taxes,and confiscations,not for foreign war,not for extending the empire,but for private enmities and to add to their own power (for which reason the proscriptions and murders and this terrible famine had come about), the triumvirs should deprive them of the remainder of their property.They banded together, with loud cries,



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0

and stoned those who did not join them, and threatened to plunder and burn their houses, until the whole populace was aroused, and Octavian came into the forum intending to intercede with the people and to show the unreasonableness of their complaints. As soon as he made his appearance they stoned him unmercifully, and they were not ashamed when they saw him enduring this treatment patiently, and offering himself to it, and even bleeding from wounds. When Antony learned what was going on he came with haste to his assistance. When the people saw him coming they did not throw stones at him, since he was in favor of a treaty with Pompeius, but they told him to go away.When he refused to do so they stoned him also.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Apple's Retina iPad mini to follow debut of high-res Google's Nexus 7,report says

The research firm told CNET on Friday that supply chain checks point to a possible third quarter production for the so-called "iPad mini 2's" Retina display,suggesting the device won't be available for some time.

"When would the Mini be available? Could be third quarter or fourth quarter," DisplaySearch analyst Paul Semenza speculated,citing the company's supply chain data.

The estimate is in line with a previous report from KGI analyst Ming-Chi Kuo,who said in January that he expects a Retina version of Apple's small format iPad to be introduced in the middle of the third quarter.


伝えられるところによるとGoogleの Nexus 7のに続いてAppleのRetina iPad miniがリリース

調査会社が金曜日、CNETに対して語ったところによると、サプライチェーンはいわゆる"iPad mini 2'のRetinaディスプレイの第3四半期の生産のポイントを確認しています。

「iPad mini 2」はいつローンチされるのでしょうか。第3四半期か、それとも第4四半期かでしょう。」
ディスプレー調査アナリストのPaul Semenza氏は同社のサプライチェーンのデータを引用しながら推測しました。

この推測は1月にAppleの小型フォーマットRetina版が第3四半期中頃に導入されるだろうと述べたKGIアナリストMing-Chi Kuo氏の推測と一致しています。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

When Octavian's soldiers learned these facts they chose deputies and sent the same ones to both commanders.They took no notice of accusations because they had been chosen, not to decide a controversy, but to restore peace.Cocceius was added to their number as a friend of both, together with Pollio from Antony's party and Maecenas from that of Octavian.It was determined that there should be amnesty between Antony and Octavian for the past and friendship for the future. Moreover, as Marcellus, the husband of Octavian's sister Octavia, had recently died, the umpires decided that her brother should betroth her to Antony, which he did immediately. Then Antony and Octavian embraced each other.Thereupon shouts went up


Octavianの兵士らはこの事実を知ると代理人を選出し、同じ代理人を両軍の指揮官の元に贈った。代理人らは論議の決着をつけるためではなく、平和を取り戻すために選出されたので、非難は気に留めなかった。Cocceiusは両者の友人としてAntony側からのPollio 、Octavian側からのMaecenasと共に代理人に加えられた。Antony、Octavian双方に過去のことを水に流して未来に向かって友情を築くことが決定された。さらにOctavianの妹の主人 Marcellusが最近亡くなったので、仲裁者らは彼女の兄が彼女をAntonyと婚約させることが決められ、それは直ちに実行に移された。そしてAntonyとOctavianは互いに抱擁し、兵士らから歓声が上がり、

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Octavian was to make the same agreement with Ahenobarbus that Antony had already made. Both of them might freely enlist soldiers in Italy in equal numbers. These were the last conditions of peace between Octavian and Antony. Helenus, a lieutenant of Octavian, who had repossessed Sardinia by a sudden onset, was driven out again by Menodorus, the lieutenant of Pompeius. Octavian was so exasperated by this that he rejected Antony's endeavours to bring him to an agreement with Pompeius. They proceeded to Rome together and celebrated the marriage. Antony revealed to Octavian the fact that Salvidienus had had the intention of deserting him, and had sent word to that effect to Antony while he was besieging Brundusium.

