商品は海外からの発送となりますので お届けまでに7~21程度お時間を頂きます。 海外の在庫状況によってはキャンセルさせて 頂く場合が御座いますので大変恐縮ですがご了承 下さい。 輸送によるパッケージ(外箱)の潰れや破れ等がある場合がございます。ご了解の上御注文下さい。 取り扱い説明書きは外国語表記になりますので予めご了解下さい。
It will take 7-21 hours to delivery the product, as the product will be shipped from abroad. Please note that we may cancel the order depend on the stock condition at oversea warehouse. The package may be crushed or broken during the delivery. Please be aware of that before you order. Please note that the instruction manual is written in a foreign language.
Thank you for your message. The product is mint condition without a damage for use. As for the specification, it is just as written on Amazon page. We will send it with EMS. Concerning the delivery setting, it is related to all the products listed on Amazon, so it is difficult to change the cost. We are sorry for the inconvenience. We are very sorry to have cancelled the product. We can not send the product again, but it is possible to issue a refund.
#will高額商品のため再度確認をさせてください。以下3点全てに該当しますでしょうか?・トゥ窪み部分のプレートがネジ止めされている。・hot headのため、ネック部に+刻印がない・シリアルはリテイルシリアルですか?上記に該当するのであれば、注文をしますので請求書を送ってください。
#willPlease reconfirm, as it is an expensive product.Are the following 3 points are all applicable to the product?・The plate of toe's depressed part is screwed in place.・There is no etched + marking on the neck part, because of hot head.・Is the serial retail serial?I will place an order if the product meets the condition above. Please send me an invoice.
#amazonThank you for the refund of shipping cost $80. Could you please kindly let me know when will you issue the refund of the item price $132.57 ? The quantity of returned item are stated as 2, but the correct quantity is 3. Looking forward to hearing from you.#habitThen, I will wait the product list available for the first week of June. I also look forward to doing business with you for years to come. As for the product to return, it is one product among 5 product purchased by eBay auction on March 24 and March 25. Please see the product image sent with the previous e-mail. Thank you for your consideration.
頼むから誠実な対応をしてくれ。私からの質問及び提案に答えてくれ。これ以上、時間を無駄にはしたくないんだ。あなただってそれは同じでしょう?このまま返答が得られないのであればAに今回の事態を全て報告するよ。証拠は全て写真に撮ってある。1.発送の遅延 2.誤った商品を送りつける(不良品を含む) 3.謝罪が無いどころか一切、非を認めない
I do ask you to deal with the issue sincerely. Please answer to my question and proposal.I would not like to waste my time. You do not want to waste time, either. If I can not get answer from you, I will report all the detail of the issue to A. I have taken photos of the evidence. 1. Delay in shipping 2. Delivery of the wrong item(including defective product) 2. Not even apologize for the fault and not admit the fault
"A"は帽子と雑貨のお店です。「これ実はね」と伝えたくなる物語を持って生まれた帽子たち 帽子に使われてるプリント生地や切り絵細工を施した素材、チャームはオリジナルのものがほどんど!それらから紡ぎだされる、見る人々をハットさせるデザインには隠しポケット等の仕掛けが潜んでいるかもお部屋においておいても気分がパット華やぎますその魅力はごハット寸前!(良い言葉がない場合は「その魅力ヤバい」などに言い換えてください)そんな世界をご案内帽し上げます。(こちらも同上です)
A" is hats and fancy goods shop.Our hats are created with plenty of stories to tell you. Most materials for our hats such as print fabrics, material with paper cutouts, charms are our original materials! Out hats with stunning design which startle people may have a surprise such as a secret pocketWe assure that there hats will brighten up your room!The charm of our hats are so enormous. It's sick! We would like to show you the wonderful world of our hats.
レザークラフトをはじめたきっかけKさんの写真を見て感動スチームパンクファッションを自らのバンド”A”のステージ衣装に取り入れようとしたところ日本にスチームパンクブランドが存在しなかった事から独学でレザークラフトを開始ブランド設立2012年「ActDay」を正式に設立。(以下AD)貧者の金 すなわち真鍮を意味し”C”が命名。スチームパンクに欠かすことの出来ない真鍮のような存在でありたいというのがブランド名の由来ADが提案するスチームパンクファッションのあり方
What was the catalyst to start leather craft? I was triggered by emotions when I looked at a photo of K.At that time, I was trying to incorporate steam punk fashion to stage costumes of my band "A", but I could not find a steam punk brand. So I learned leather craft by myself. Establish my brandIn 2012, I established officially "ActDay" (hereafter AD), which was named by "C" after "brass" or gold for the poor. We wanted to be an existence like brass which is essential for the steam punk. Hence the name. Steam punk fashion that we propose
アイテム1つ1つのデザインをスチームパンク寄りに完結しないよう意図。理由はどのファッションシーンの方でも自身のスタイルを維持したままでスチームパンク要素を取り入れてほしいからデザインについてファッションに対して些細な疑問や不満そして要求をデザインへと反映させるための解決策を常に模作。その追求によりラインの美しさや機能性も向上していきます二人の役割分担について“C氏” ほぼすべてのデザイン、プログラム、ディレクション“D氏” 制作作業、イベント企画運営、マネージメント業務など
We design each item not to place too much weight on steam punk fashion. Why? Because we hope that all of you incorporate the essence of steam punk keeping your own fashion style in every fashion scene. Our designWe always seek to find answers to trivial questions, discontent and demand about fashion and reflect them in our design. The pursuit improve the beautiful line and functionality. Role-sharing"Mr.C" - Almost all the designs, program, direction"Mr.D"- Production tasks, event planning and management, management business etc.
女子流が米国初上陸!サンフランシスコで行われる米国最大級のJ-POPカルチャーフェスティバル、J-POP SUMMIT FESTIVALに名誉ゲストとして参加!女子流は、ステージパフォーマンスを行うのに加え、2本の主演映画(『学校の怪談…』『5つ数えれば…』)が、同フェス内にて開催されるJapan Film Festival of San Franciscoで上映されることになり、舞台挨拶等も実施、まさに同フェスを女子流一色に染める!
TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE will land in the US for the fist time ! TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE will participate in J-POP SUMMIT FESTIVAL, the biggest J-POP culture festival in the United States held in San Francisco as honorable guests ! TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE will present stage performance. In addition, two their starring movie "Haunted School..." "Count Five..." will be screened at Japan Film Festival of San Francisco. They will also greet on stage. TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE will have a strong presence during the festival!
igiI just wanted to check that you have received the faulty digger. Could you please let me know what happens next.・配送業者はどこを利用されますか?・商品は日本までどれくらいかかりますか?・関税が発生する可能性はありますか?・配送するときの名前(配送元)は何ですか?
igi不良品の掘削具を受け取られたかどうか確認したいと思います。次にどうなるか教えて頂けますか。Which delivery company will you use?How long does it take to delivery to Japan?Is there a possibility that the customs duty will be charged?What name do you use for the shipping( the name of the shipper)?
I suspended the listing, because I did not understand well the intention of the question.It may take several days to send you the copy, as we sent the receipt to our tax accountant because of the accounting of our company. Is it necessary to submit it even I cancel the listing?Could you please let me know if there is a problem of this product or why you wanted to check the receipt?As for A about which you made an inquiry, the supplier contacted us and it seems that they found the stock. It seems that there is some damage on the box, but the product is brand new. The price is .US$........ If you let me know your intention to buy the item, I will order and list it.
I would like to bid your item on eBay, but the product is set as it can be delivered only to the the United Kingdom and the United States. > So I changed the shipping address to your address in Britain and made a successful bid. If the amount is not sufficient, please send me a PayPal invoice. The item which I purchased last time was delivered without problem, so please send it to me by the same shipping method. I would like to continue to buy from you periodically.My shipping address is as follows:
【CD販売に関して】 ※6月15日(日)日比谷野外音楽堂は除く販売/予約受付スタート:各会場 開場の2時間前から(予定)[特典1]5月21日発売シングル『十字架 ~映画「学校の怪談 -呪いの言霊-」 Ver.~』をご予約の方に以下の特典をプレゼント致します。1枚予約・・・ご当地生写真(1枚) ※商品と一緒にお届け。3形態同時予約・・・「記念撮影会」参加券(1枚)「記念撮影会」の参加券をお持ちの方は終演後に開催される「記念撮影会」にご参加頂けます。
[About the sale of CD] * Sunday, June 15 Hibiya Open Air Concert Hall is excludedStart of the reception of sale /booking: Two hours before the door open time (planned)[Special Offer 1]We will offer the following bonus for customers who book the single "THE CROSS - movie "Haunted School - Power of words of curse" ver.- " released on May 21. Booking one CD: One photo of the scene *Delivered with the CDBooking three different CDs at the same time: One participation ticket for commemorative photo shoots event. Audience who have tickets for "Commemorative photo shoots event" can participate in the "Commemorative photo shoots event" after the concert.
Participants to "Commemorative photo shoots event" can take photos of the members with their mobile phone or smart phone. A reference number is marked on each ticket. Participants will make a line before the event in numerical order following the instruction of the staffs. Participants will participate in the Photo shoot event under the instruction of the staffs, forming a group of several people in order of the serial number.
【東京④】東京女子流 4th JAPAN TOUR 2014 CONCERT*04 ~野音Again~ with 土方隆行バンド (bonsai.)
[Tokyo 4] TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE 4th JAPAN TOUR 2014 CONCERT*04 - at Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall again with Takayuki Hijikata band (Bonsai)
東京女子流が4度目のJAPANツアーの開催を決定!2度目の武道館にて発表になった4thツアーはリミックス音源でのLIVEパフォーマンスだが、FINALの野音は、「生バンド」でのライブ!2年前に好評だった野音でのライブ再び!ツアー全体の情報やチケット情報はこちらへ【東京④】東京女子流 4th JAPAN TOUR 2014 CONCERT*04 ~野音Again~ with 土方隆行バンド (bonsai.)
It is decided that TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE's 4th Japan tour will be held! The announced 4th tour at Budokan hall for the second time is a Live performance with remix sound source, but the live at Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall is live by a live band ! The successful concert at Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall two years ago will come back ! For the detail of information about the tour and tickets, please click here. [Tokyo 4] TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE 4th JAPAN TOUR 2014 CONCERT*04 - at Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall again- with Takayuki Hijikata band (Bonsai)
6月15日(日) 【東京】日比谷野外音楽堂開場 16:30 / 開演 17:30チケット:[全席指定]前売 5,000円(税込)お問い合わせ:ソーゴー東京 03-3405-9999
Sunday, June 15 [Tokyo[: Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall Doors open at 16:30, starting at 17:30tickets: [All seats are all reserved] Advance sale 5,000 Yen (tax included)Contact: SOGO Tokyo 03 - 3405 - 9999
ユンホ最新ドラマ「野王~愛と欲望の果て~」購入者イベント参加券付きコンプリートDVD BOX三次先着販売のお知らせ
Information about the 3rd first-come-first-basis sale of Complete DVD BOX of U-Know's latest drama "Queen of Ambition / Yawang" with the event participation tickets for buyers
6月27日に開催されるユンホ主演ドラマ「野王~愛と欲望の果て~」購入者イベント参加券付きコンプリートDVD BOX(初回限定ドフンバージョン)の三次販売が明日28日18:00よりスタート致します。俳優ユンホと「野王」の世界を楽しめる最初で最後の機会をぜひチェックしてみてください。三次販売期間: 5月28日(水)18:00より ※先着順となり、無くなり次第終了となります。
From tomorrow May 28 18:00, we will start the 3rd sale of Complete DVD BOX of U-Know's latest drama "Queen of Ambition / Yawang" (first-run limited edition, Do-hoon ) with a ticket for buyers' event held on June 27. Please check the first and last opportunity to enjoy the world of the actor U-Know and his movie "Yawang" Third Period of Sales: From Wednesday, May 28 18:00-* The sale will be made on first-com-first basis. We will close the sale once the items are sold out.
*As the previous information, we will provide two participation tickets (a pair of seats) for one item. * Please be forewarned that we will try to provide a pair of seats next to each other as much as possible for the buyers of 3rd sale Complete BOX, but there is a case that the seats are separated. Please also note that you can not combine one 1st sale ticket with one 2nd sale ticket. *For customers who purchased Complete BOX of 1st and 2nd sales, we will ship out with the item two participation tickets (a pair of seats) of the event already specified by customers.