New investment bonuses from Germany’s Market Incentive Programme and improved loan terms from KfW Bank Group for renewables become available for solar thermal.The new map will provide greater momentum for renewable heat and step up private investments.Solar thermal arrays with a collector surface of less than 40 m² will now receive up to €400 more upfront, as will biomass-fired boilers and heat pumps smaller than 100 kW. Irrespective of system size, €90 is still paid per square meter of collector surface. However, solar thermal arrays installed on new single family homes or duplexes remain ineligible; such buildings are only eligible if renovated.
ドイツ市場インセンティブ制度からの新投資ボーナスとKfW(ドイツ復興金融公庫)グループからのローン更新者に対するローン期間の改善により太陽熱の利用が可能になる。この新たな地図は再生可能な熱の一層大きな推進力を提供し、個人投資を促進する。40 m² 未満のコレクタ表面をもつ太陽電池アレイ(太陽パネル)は今、€400までを前金で受け取ることが出来、100 kW未満のバイオマスボイラーとヒートポンプもそうなる。システムのサイズに関係なく、コレクタ表面の1平方メーター当たり€90も支払われる。しかし、新しく1家庭、あるいは複式マンションに設置される太陽電池アレイにはその資格がない。そのような建物で資格を得るのは改築した場合のみである。
Thank you for your message.Then, please send me the products to the verified Paypal adress in Japan. As you said it costed US$75 per unit last time, please send me an invoice for the sum of $150. If it is impossible, please refund all the mony to my paypal account. Just for my information, why is it impossible to send the items to the adress in the United States? Is it a measure to prevent frauds and swindles ?
Sorry to write you late!I could not keep in touch with you because I had been hospitalized for a while.How was the snack food? If you like it, I can send you any time you would like to, so please tell me! Of course, you do not have to pay. I will release sales next month, so if you have some request, please let me know it.Let's keep in touch.
Yesterday, I purchased one pocket watch from your shop. But I received three confirmation mails. (I suppose it happend because I updated the browser when the error message was displayed on your order confirmation screen.) If I was supposed to have bought three, I bought only on (Order number 200090. So please correct the right. It is a gift for my fiance, so I would be grateful if you could ship it as sonn as possible. Thank you.
Thinking of the challenges, Zeng claims that logistics are the “bottleneck of e-commerce” in China. While e-commerce in China grows at 100 percent each year, the national logistics industry only grows at 40 percent annually. Zeng noted that out of 60 million parcels sent in China, 10 million are generated from e-commerce. He also talked about the role of e-commerce in China:E-commerce is not just online sales, but transforming business in every aspect, step by step. E-commerce in China is revolutionary.
Zeng 氏は物流が「中国のeコマースのボトルネックだ」とチャレンジについての考えを述べている。中国のeコマースは毎年100%成長しているのに対し、中国国内の物流業界の成長は年間40%にとどまっている。Zeng 氏は中国で配送される6000万個の小荷物のうち、1000万個がeコマースにより生み出されていることに言及した。同氏はまた中国におけるeコマースの役割についても述べた。eコマースは単なるオンライン販売ではなく、あらゆる面において着実にビジネスになりつつある。中国におけるeコマースは画期的だ。
He went on to explain that third- and fourth-tier cities can’t get a good selection of products from brick-and-mortar stores at good prices. But now e-commerce allows folks in those far-flung cities to have an avenue to buy the same products as the people living in Beijing or Shanghai as long as they have at least a mobile phone to access the web.Moving forward, Zeng believes that the future of e-commerce will be more customer driven, focused more on “built to order” and “mass customization.” He remarked that there will be a shift — from B2C (business-to-consumer) to C2B (consumer-to-business), which I believe is similar to the JIT) (just-in-time) manufacturing process.
同氏は、説明を続け、中規模、小規模の都市では歴史ある大企業から製品を安価に仕入れる選択ができないが、今やeコマースは遠方の都市の人々も、最低インターネットのサイトにアクセルできる携帯電話をもってさえいれば、北京や上海で暮す人々と同じ商品を買う通りを持つことを許されるのです、と述べた。今後、eコマースは将来的に、マスカスタマイゼーションよりも受注生産方式に焦点が当てられ顧客によって動かされるようになるだろうとZeng氏は信じている。同氏はB2C (企業から一般消費者)からC2B(一般消費者から企業)へのシフトが起こるであろうと述べたが、私はJIT生産プロセルについても同様だと信じている。
We received a package from Guice for you today, but it did not have your correct or complete address on the shipping label.To avoid delays, please update your shipping address with Guice. Your shipping address should look like this:Disuke Ogawa4283 Express LaneSuite W3143Sarasota, FL 34238Each package that arrives at our facility with an incorrect or incomplete address requires special handling in order to verify the correct recipient. This process delays your package and incurs an address correction charge of US $5.To avoid delays and charges, please notify merchants of your correct address. If we can be of any assistance, please contact Customer Service via email or live chat.
Guiceからあなたへの小包を本日受け取りましたが、配送先住所ラベルにあなたの正しく完全な住所がありませんでした。配送の遅延を防ぐためにGuiceの配送先住所を更新してください。あなたの配送先住所は次の例のように示されなくてはなりません。Disuke Ogawa4283 Express LaneSuite W3143Sarasota, FL 34238間違っていたり不完全であったりする住所で私どものところに届く小荷物は受取人を確認するための特別な取扱が必要になります。このプロセスで小包の到着が送れ、住所訂正費用として5ドル課せられることになります。遅延と課金を防ぐためにあなたの正しい住所を店に伝えてください。何かお役に立てることがありましたらどうぞEメールかライブチャットを通してカスタマーサービスまでご連絡ください。
CB over &S into a shield or C.B over &S into a shieldCooper Brothers & Sons,The firm was founded in 1866 in Sheffield as Cooper Bros. In a directory of 1871 their address is given as 14ス High Street and they are described as manufacturers of electro-plated and nickel silver spoons and forks. By 1876 the firm was in Bridge Street and in 1885 they purchased the Arundel Street works where they remained until 1983. In 1895 the business became a limited liability company under the name of Cooper Brothers & Sons Ltd. In 1983 the business was acquired by Frank Cobb & Co. Ltd
Cooper Brothers & Sons(クーパーブラザーズアンドサンズ)、傘下に入るCooper Brothers & Sons社は1866年、Sheffield(シェフィールド)でCooper Brosとして設立されました。1871年の商工人名簿には所在地14th High Streetとなっており、電気メッキ、ニッケル、シルバーのスプーン、フォークの製造会社と記載されています。1876年には会社はBridge Street にあり、1885年、同社はArundel Street works を買収し、1983年まで続きました。1895年、同社はCooper Brothers & Sons Ltdという名称の下、有限責任会社となります。1983年、同社はFrank Cobb & Co. Ltd に買収されました。
Regarding Counter-Offer on e-bay (Attn : )I checked your web shop and I signed it up. I live in Japan and as for shipment method, I personally prefer ........On ebay website, I can chose this shipment method, but I can not chose the same method on your web shop. In case of a purchase from abroad,the shipment method which I can chose is only ....... . I will purchase the item, if you can create more options (on paypal). I'm sending you this email directly, because there is a risk that they disable my ebay account if I accept a transaction on an external web site.I am waiting for your reply
Yes, great points / agenda! I will get back to you with more detailed answers later on.How does your schedule look like for next week or the following week for our skype meeting???A friend of mine will help us with the translation. I am trying to organize the date that all of us have time.
ええ、見所があります/予定表! 後で改めてもっと詳しい答えを返信します。来週かその翌週、skype ミーティングが出来ればと思いますが、スケジュールはどうですか。私の友人が通訳を手伝ってくれます。みんなが時間がとれる時を見て日にちを調整してみます。
Good Morning!I Think you are joking. When I wrote that 8 cases cost € 1.000,-- then two of them are € 250,00. When I wrote 65,00 for cutlery and 60 for postage it is for ONE. You can use the link to controle the price for postage by yourself. Two days ago I sold two cutleries for € 135,00 only for the cutlery, no packing, no sending. Buyer picked it up in my home. So € 125,00 with all efforts and costs are already a joke.
This actor object has two properties, “name” and “mbox”. In both cases, and with actor properties in general, the values of these properties are arrays. This facilitates the consolidation of identifiers and descriptive parts of an actor. Sally may have multiple email addresses (in the “mbox” field), and, though less likely, she may go by multiple names, which all comprise a view of Sally the person. At any rate, only “mbox” uniquely describes this Sally. There may be many people out there with the name Sally, but only one of them owns the email address
このactorオブジェクトはnameとmboxという2つの属性をもっています。2つのケースとも、一般的なactor属性と共にプロパティ値は配列です。これにより識別子とactorの記述部分は連結しやすくなります。SallyはEメールアドレスを(mboxフィールド中に)幾つも持っているかもしれません。そして、あまりありそうにないことですが、彼女は、どれもSally 本人の表示を含んだ幾つも名前で通っているかもしれません。とにかくたった1つのmboxだけがこのSallyを記述します。そこにはSallyという名前の人がたくさんいるかもしれない。でもその中のたった1人だけがsally@example.comというEメールアドレスを持っているのです。
Japanese blacksmith-KiyotsunaWe order the blade sharpening services to our professional blade sharpening craftsmen who are Japanese traditional blacksmith. If you'd like to order $30 blade serving option service, please make a lump sum payment when you purchase a product. Or we may send you an invoice of Paypal if you want this service. Please e-mail and tell us beforehand. Once your payment is confirmed, we proceed immediately to the blade sharpening. It will take 3-4 days. Upon your tracking number, you will be noticed by our email of our shipping confirmation
Notes when requesting a blade sharping1 We accept blade sharpening service of only Japanese style edged tools. 2 In case of razor blades, only Japanese razors are available. We do not accept western style razors due to a difference of sharpening technique. 3 Our blade sharpening craftsmen will do their very best to sharpen blades even worn blades, but if some rust is present within the surface of blade, it may not cut well even after it's sharpened. 4 Our blade sharpening service is to assume sharpness of blades, we do not provide a service of removing rust of cutting tool bodies. We appreciate your understanding in using our blade sharpening services.
About blade sharpening of Japanese razorIn case of Japanese razor, we first sharpen a blade with a rough grindstone and then finish the sharpening process with fine frindstone. We use the same technique to sharpen Japanese sword, but razor blade sharpening requires high level technique. In case of worn razor, some rust may present within the surface of a blade or even the blade may be curved. The important point for Japanese razor is that it can not shave hairs unless the edge of a blade which touch to skin is horizontal. The blade sharpening craftsmen of Kiyotsuna sharpen not only to recover sharpeness of the blade, but also adjust the edge of the blade to get horizontal, examining carefully the rust within the edge of the blade.
Even with the might of the company behind it, the OS limped to one million in sales in its first year, and is currently found on two smartphone models – the K-Touch W800, and the budget Haier Zing (pictured). One million is a pretty large figure, but with nearly 200 million 3G users in the country, and Android and iOS usage growing at 401 percent in China, it’s tough to see how it can be a contender. But Aliyun will get a new flagship phone very soon – we’ve seen it, and it does indeed look like more of a world-class smartphone than the two that came before it – so that might have an impact by the time of next year’s sales figures.
そのような会社の勢いをもっていても、初年度は売り上げが100万台ともたつき、現在のスマートフォンのモデルは、K-Touch W800と廉価版のHaier Zing の2種類だけだ。100万というと確かに大きな数字だが、中国国内には3Gのユーザーが約2億人おり、アンドロイドとiOSの利用者は中国で401%上昇しているので、ライバルを凌いで競争に勝てるとは言いがたいところだ。しかし、Aliyunはまもなく新しい旗艦モデルを手に入れる予定だ。前の2つの機種よりも一層世界版のような形なので、来年の売り上げには大きな影響が期待できそうだ。
The cloud-oriented OS focuses on web apps and is based on Linux – not adapted from Android. But it can run Android apps via virtualization, giving users access to lots of neat apps and games. In Wang Jian’s talk with local media, as reported by Techweb, the Ph.D and computer engineer said that Aliyun is mainly going after Google’s Android OS. He stressed that, in terms of mobile usage of cloud computing, Google wasn’t doing it right, and he and his team is confident that Aliyun represents the better way to do a mobile platform.
クラウド指向のOSはLinuxベースのウェブアプリに集中しており、Androidには適応していない。だが、仮想化によってAndroidのアプリも実行可能で、ユーザーは多くのアプリやゲームにアクセスすることができる。Techwebがレポートした通り、Wang Jianは地元のメディアに語ったところによると、博士やコンピュータエンジニアはAliyunはGoogleののAndroidのOSの後を追っていると言っているとのことだ。Wang Jianは、クラウドコンピューティングにおけるモバイルの利用に関して、Googleはきちんと機能しておらず、AliyunはモバイルプラットフォームでGoogleより優れた方法を示せると、自分も自分のチームも確信していると主張した。
I understand.This time, I purchase them for 85 dollars. Then, Please ship out the products from Amazon warehouse.Can I understand that the reason of the rise in price up to 85 dollars is an extra commission fee as you deliver goods to Amazon warehouse? As I sell also in Amazon, I can understand the circonstance. If you have stocks in your warehaouse, is it possible to purchase them for 80 dollares as before?
Ashes to Ashes is a British science fiction and police procedural drama television series, serving as the sequel to Life on Mars.[1]The final episode reveals that the Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes world is a form of limbo or Purgatory, for "restless dead" police officers. These restless dead include the main characters Gene, Ray, Chris, and Shaz (Montserrat Lombard), all of whom died in violent circumstances. There may be others.The revelation of their deaths come as a surprise to all except Gene who knew they were all dead but who had forgotten the circumstances of his own death due to the passage of time.
Ashes to Ashes(邦題キケンな女刑事 バック・トゥ・80’s)は、イギリスのSFの警察もののテレビ連続ドラマでLife on Marsの続編のようになっている。[1]最終回でLife on MarsとAshes to Ashesの世界は「眠れぬ死者」である警官にとっては辺獄あるいは煉獄の形になっていることが明らかにされる。このような眠れぬ死者には主人公のジーン, レイ, クリス, シャズ(Montserrat Lombard)も含まれていて、皆暴力的な状況の中で死んだ。他にもあるかもしれない。彼らの死を暴露することは自分達が皆知んでいることを知っていたが時が経って自分が死んだ状況を忘れてしまったGene を除いては驚きだった。
All except Hunt "move on" as he takes it upon himself to act as a psychopomp or "ferryman", to all of his officers, helping them on their way to The Railway Arms (their euphemism for Heaven).Gene returns to his office where a newly dead officer arrives, demanding his iPhone (implying that he is from the present) and asking where his office has gone, in a very similar manner to the arrival of Sam Tyler (John Simm) in the first episode of Life on Mars. In fact Gene's last words - 'A word in your shell-like, pal' - are the same as his first words to Sam Tyler in the first episode of Life on Mars.
ハントは警官らが皆、レールウェイ・アームズ(彼らの天国の婉曲的表現)に行くのを助け、死後の世界に霊魂を導く者つまり渡し守として活動することを買って出ていたので、ハント以外は進んでいく。ジーンが署に戻ると、新たに死んだ警官が来て、自分のiPhoneのことや(この警官が現界からやってきたことを暗示している)自分の部署がどこにいったのかを尋ねる。Life on Marsの第一話でサム・テイラー(ジョン・シム)が訪れた時の様子とそっくりだ。実はジーンの最後の言葉「A word in your shell-like, pal(あなたと話したい)」はLife on Marsの第一話でサム・テイラーに放った最初の言葉を同じなのだ。