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because fortune seemed somewhat obscure.She permitted his use of the name Caesar and in fact was the first to assent.Octavian, having made inquiry as to what all his friends thought about this also,without delay accepted both the name and the adoption,with good fortune and favorable omen.This was the beginning of good both for himself and all mankind, but especially for the state and the entire Roman people.He sent immediately to Asia for the money and means that Caesar had previously dispatched for the Parthian War,and when he received it along with a year's tribute from the people of Asia, contenting himself with the portion that had belonged to Caesar he turned the public property over to the state treasury.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

All these came down from the Capitoline, having received pledges of safety from Antonius who now had a large force,but who for the present had given up his plan to avenge Caesar's murder.(That was why they were allowed to leave Rome safely and go to Antium).Even their houses were besieged by the people, not under any leader,but the populace itself was enraged on account of the murder of Caesar, of whom they were fond, and especially when they had seen his bloody garment and newly slain body brought to burial when they had forced their way into the Forum and had there interred it.When Octavius heard this he was moved to tears and grief because of his memory and affection for the man, and his sorrow stirred anew.



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Then he stopped and waited for other letters from his mother and friends in Rome, although he did not disbelieve those who had reported the events, for he saw no reason why they should fabricate any falsehood. After this he set sail for Brundisium, for he had now learned that none of his enemies were there, though previously he had been suspicious lest the city might be held by some of them, and consequently he had not recklessly approached it directly from the other shore. There arrived from his mother also a letter in which was written an urgent request for him to return to hear and the whole household as soon as possible,



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

so that no treachery should come upon him from without, seeing that he had been designated Caesar's son. It bore out the earlier news, and said that the whole populace was aroused against Brutus and Cassius and their party, and was greatly vexed at what they had done. His stepfather Philippus sent him a letter asking him not to take steps to secure Caesar's bequest but even to retain his own name because of what had happened to Caesar and to live free from politics and in safety. Octavius knew that this advice was given with kind intent, but he thought differently, as he already had his mind on great things and he was full of confidence;



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Speaking with Bloomberg today about Apple’s upcoming earnings call,Piper Jaffray’s Apple analyst Gene Munster said his most recent checks with suppliers in Asia and industry sources indicate Apple is moving to release a full-fledged television this year with a new remote.This is of course not the first time the analyst has predicted Apple will release an HDTV—rather than an updated set-top box—in 2013…

Munster is expecting the Apple TV set to be one of three catalysts to help investors get behind Apple stock again in 2013.The other two are a Retina iPad mini in March and a low-cost iPhone later in the year.


今日BloombergとAppleの今度の業績発表について話していた時、Piper JaffrayのAppleアナリストGene Munster氏は、アジアのサプライヤーや業界筋からの最新の情報によると、Appleが今年新しいリモートコントロールのついた本格的テレビをリリースする動きを見せていると言った。もちろん、Appleが2013年に(アップデートされたセット トップ ボックスというよりも)HDTVをリリースするとMunster氏が予測するのはこれが初めてではない

Munster氏はAppleのTVセットによって2013年、投資家がAppleの株を支える3つの促進材料の1つになることを期待している。他の2製品は3月にローンチされたRetina・iPad miniと年内に発売される廉価版iPhoneだ。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

With the Apple TV information supposedly coming from supply chain sources in Asia,we’d expect Munster to have some more concrete specs instead of the same non-specific hearsay we’ve heard before.

The core of the debate is an improved set-top box… a hockey puck that attaches to your TV,or an actual television.Based on our work,in part,with talking to suppliers in asia,to talking with people in the industry,we think its an actual television.Specifically,the basic thing it fixes is the remote control problem… We think fixing that is going to be an important part of it.And the second piece down the road is content,content on demand.That’s essentially what apple television is.


アジアのサプライチェーン筋からのApple TVの情報らしいので、我々はMunster氏が以前聞いたのと同じ曖昧な噂ではなくもっと具体的なスペックの情報を持っているものと期待していた。


3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

When he arrived there he met people who had been in Rome when Caesar was buried; and they told him, among other things, that he had been named in the will as Caesar's son, inheriting three fourths of his property, the remaining share having been set aside to pay the sum of seventy-five drachmae to each man in the city. He had enjoined Atia, the youth's mother, to take charge of his burial, but a great crowd had forced its way into the Forum and had there cremated the body and interred the remains. They told Octavius that Brutus and Cassius and the other murderers had taken possession of the Capitol, and were obtaining, through the promise of freedom, the slaves as allies.


そこに着いた時、OctaviusはCaesarが葬られた時にローマにいた人々に会った。彼らは数ある中でも特に遺言書によってOctaviusがCaesarの息子となり、Caesarの財産の4分の3を相続すること、残りの部分はローマの市民に1人75ドラクマを与えるよう取り分けてあることをOctaviusに告げた。Caesarは若きOctavius 母親のAtiaに自分の埋葬の世話をするよう命じたが、大勢の群衆がフォーラムに押し入ってCaesarの遺体を火葬し、骨を埋葬した。彼らはOctaviusにBrutusとCassius、それに他の殺人者らがカピトリウム神殿を手中に収め、自由達成という約束を通して奴隷たちを協力者として手に入れつつあると語った。