Yumie (3_yumie7) 翻訳実績

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3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

When he arrived at the city his mother and Philippus and the others who were interested in him were anxious about the estrangement of the Senate from Caesar, and the decree that his murderers should not be punished, and the contempt shown him by Antony, who was then all-powerful, and had neither gone to meet Caesar's son when he was coming nor sent anybody to him. Octavian quieted their fears, saying that he would call on Antony, as the younger man on the older and the private citizen on the consul, and that he would show proper respect for the Senate. As for the decree, he said that it had been passed because nobody had prosecuted the murderers; whenever anybody should have courage to prosecute,



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

the Senate would lend their aid to him as enforcing the law, and the gods would do so for the justice of the cause, and Antony himself equally. If Octavian should reject the adoption, he would be false to Caesar and would wrong the people who had a share in the will.As he was finishing his remarks he burst out that honour demanded that he should not only incur danger, but even death, after he had been preferred before all others in this way by Caesar, he would show himself worthy of one who had himself braved every danger. Then he repeated the words of Achilles, which were then fresh in his mind, turning to his mother as if she were Thetis;—"Would I might die this hour, who failed to save
My comrade slain!"


元老院は法律が通過するよう彼に力を貸すだろう、神々も大義を公正に守るためにそうなさるだろうしAntony自身も同様だと述べた。もしOctavianが養子縁組を拒否すれば、彼はCaesarとの約束を破ることになり、遺言によって資産を分け与えられる市民を不当に扱うことになる、と述べた。彼はそう自分の意見を述べると、突然その求められる名誉について自分の気持ちを表し、 自分は、他の全ての人の前であのようにCaesarから人以上の愛情を受けてきた上は危険な目に遭うばかりでなく死さえ免れられないかもしれないが、あらゆる危険に勇敢に立ち向かう者に値する自分の姿を見せたいと述べた。それから彼は、母親が(一人息子アキレスの母親)テティスであるかのように母親の方を振り向いて、アキレスの言葉を繰り返して言った。「私が今この時死んだとて、誰が殺された我が同志を救えないことがあろうか。」

3_yumie7 フランス語 → 日本語

Pastel, poudreuse et poésie. Telle est la douceur créative du collectif KNOT qui vient de sortir son premier magazine en ligne.
Le nom de KNOT vous dit quelque chose ?
Ce n’est pas un hasard, vous l’avez déjà rencontré dans les pages DIY du n°13 du magazine Doolittle ! Leur premier numéro nous avait tapé dans l’œil et le trio de choc proposait à cette occasion, de réaliser de jolies boules à neige en polystyrène, une party confettis et des couverts rigolos avec les enfants.
Poésie à partager, imaginaire à fabriquer et véritable coup de cœur de notre rédaction, KNOT est un projet riche de belles promesses. Une bonne résolution pour 2013 ? LE SUIVRE !



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

IMII Brings Intensive Digital Marketing Training to Indonesia

The UK-based digital marketing and e-commerce community EConsultancy, together with Indonesia-based digital marketing company Techad 1, wants to grow Indonesia’s marketing talents through a local digital training division called the Internet Marketing Institute of Indonesia (IMII). In three weeks’ time, IMII will hold its first fast-track digital marketing training course in Indonesia. Here are details:

・Date and time: January 30th and 31st, 9am to 6pm

・Venue: The Energy Building 29th Floor, Layang-Layang Business Centre, Jakarta, Indonesia

・Registration fee: IDR 5,000,000 ($518)



英国に本社を置くデジタルマーケティング兼EコマースのコミュニティーEConsultancyが、インドネシアに本社を置くデジタルマーケティング会社Techad 1と提携してインドネシア・インターネットマーケティングセンター (IMII)という地元のデジタル教育センターを成長させようとしている。IMIIはインドネシア初の3週間の短期デジタルマーケティングトレーニングの授業を開催する。

日時 1月30日、31日 午前9時から午後6時まで
会場 インドネシア、ジャカルタ市Layang-Layangビジネスセンター・エネルギービルディング29階
参加費 500万インドネシアルピア(518ドル)

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

But he thought that to do so, and not to avenge Caesar, would be disgraceful. So he went to Brundusium, first sending in advance to see that none of the murderers had laid any trap for him. When the army there advanced to meet him, and received him as Caesar's son, he took courage, offered sacrifice, and immediately assumed the name of Caesar; for it is customary among the Romans for the adopted son to take the name of the adoptive father. He not only assumed it, but he changed his own name and his patronymic completely, calling himself Caesar the son of Caesar, instead of Octavian the son of Octavius, and he continued to do so ever after.

