My PayPal's address is <address>!Please send the invoice to the address.I am looking forward to hearing from you.
このたびは購入ありがとうございます。チョコレート製品などのお菓子は一度冷蔵庫で冷やしてからお召し上がりください。開封後は高温多湿、直射日光を避けて冷暗所に保存し、お早目にお召し上がりください。■ 連絡ありがとう、まだ私にできることはありますか?必要であれば商品のインボイスをあなたにメールで送ります。あなたはとても親切にご連絡をくれているのに、このようなことになり残念です。商品が届かない場合は私に連絡を下さい。
Thank you for the purchasing.Please eat snacks such as a chocolate product after you cool it in a refrigerator.Once you open the package, saving it in a cold dark place to avoid direct sunlight, please eat as soon as possible.■ Thank you for the contacting. Is there anything I can do for you?I will send you the invoice by email if necessary.I am sorry that this happened even though you kindly contact me.Please let me know if a product is not delivered.
Thank you for the email.Has the product been delivered yet?I will confirm it.Thank you for the email.I do not put a tracking number on the product of below $70. Because a shipping cost will be more expensive if I do so.I would appreciate your understanding.Thank you for the email.I am sorry that the product was not delivered at the address.I will have it delivered again if the address is not wrong.I will also send you a tracking number at the same time.Does this sound good for you?
It's time to say good-bye to LA. I'm leaving to New York from LA tomorrow. I'll never forget this 6 weeks that I spent in LA.
As I have already bought an item, I understand about the item.Do you have only blue and red though the title of the item indicates blue, white red and orange?If you have only two of them, I will cancel my order.Thank you for your help.