(訳注:Aについて相手が何をしてくれたからありがとうなのかがわからないと、正しい英語にならないです)Thank you for helping me redarding A. (訳注:とりあえず、Aについて助けてくれてありがとう、としておきます)I devided my payment in two so I paid through PayPal twice.Here's my new order. Please see attached file.I would like to ask your help. I would like you to ship this order off by Friday, since my customer who ordered B and C wants them in a hurry. Please ship them, at the latest, by Monday.B is very heavy. In order to avoid damaged parts happened last time, please wrap and pack it in a careful manner.Is B's motor easy to replace? Please tell me the replacement steps and precautions, just in case.Can I exclude D from B I ordered?
I do not understand, the order was to go to my nephew by the 15th, but it is stuck in customs & has been for 5 days. You all tried to communicate with these people but I should not have to pay [e-mail address removed] starters, know at least the shipping price off.
I do not have any Scotty Cameron products available or Taylormade graphic shafts. The Rescue Proto head that you are looking for are all sold out, but I do have one used 22* head like that if you are ok with one that is not brand new. I can order the Matrix 6X3 shaft for you as well, but it will not say "not for resale" like the ones that they give away on tour. The shafts that are offered through dealers are the same, but they put that on the tour issued shafts in order to stop them from How about 1450 shipped for the three heads, 1 replacement and 2 new ones?I can do 1400 for both. Plus I will send the other one. Or if you prefer I will just throw the new R1 9* in the box with the shafts. Let me know.
スコッティ・キャメロン社の製品は在庫を持っていませんし、テイラーメードのグラフィックシャフトもありません。あなたがお探しのレスキュー・プロトのヘッドは売切れですが、中古の22 のヘッドなら一つあります。もし新品でなくてもよければですが。マトリックスの6x3 のシャフトも発注することは可能です。しかし、これにはツアーのときに配っているものに書いてあるような「再販禁止」とは書かれてきません。シャフトはディーラー間での違いはありません。ただ、ツアーで配られるものには~を防ぐためにそれをつけているのです。ヘッド3種で1450個の配送ではいかがでしょうか(訳注:もしくは、送ったものはどうですか)。交換用一つと新品2つですか?どちらも1400で可能です。加えて、もう一つのほうも送ります。もしくは、お望みなら新品のR19 もシャフトの箱に一緒にいれておきましょうか?お返事お願いします。
Thank you for your prompt and kind reply.No problem with the 110V matter.Re shipping, it is far expensive than I expected.If possible, a discount would be appreciated.If not, I will decrease the amount in my order.I look forward to your favorable reply.
Thanks for your payment. The parcel will be sent today. I chose the slower shipment (with postal service) because it is much cheaper than the other one. Sorry for that, but I can’t change it now anymore.For the next orders it would be great to know in advance which shipment method you would like to have.
Good morning, I just wanted to drop you a line to see how everything is going on your end of the world. We will be wrapping up 2 large environmental illustrations early this week and before we go and start approaching potential clients I wanted to check in with you first as I always want to give preference to existing clients than new ones. So if you guys have illustrative work that needs doing over the next 2-6 weeks let me know so I can give you guys priority when we become available. Thanks and I hope all is well with you.
いつも親切な対応をありがとうございます。一度に多くのアイテムを出荷すると日本の税関で止まりやすいので"ship one by one"と書きましたが、いつもどおり2個ずつの出荷で問題ありません。紛らわしい記載をしてすみませんでした。それでは、インボイスお待ちしています。
Thank you for always giving me a kind response.As a bulk shipment could be withheld by the customs, I wrote "ship one by one". Two in one shipment is alright, no problem. I apologize for the confusing writing.I will await your invoice.
It is regrettable to inform you that the product has been identified difficult to clear customs due to our local regulations.I will return the product via TNT. Would you please refund my payment less the return shipment?Am I right to understand that you have not send off the gel yet?Does TNT handle all of your shipment, or any other agent is there in between?I will proceed quick if you could give me your response by return.
Located within approx. 1.5km from Ginza.Live a Tsukishima life, Enjoyable for both children and adults.An urban life-styleAnd a casual daily life.The two values are there for you.
こんにちわ、返事をありがとう。あなたの言うとおり、IEとGoogle ChromeとFirefoxの3つでチャレンジしましたが、やはりクレジットカード決済ができません。私のクレジットカードに問題はありません。新しく1件の注文が入り合計3件の注文ができずにいます。原因と対処方法を教えてください。私はこの文章を翻訳家に頼んで作ってもらっているので、あなたの言う意味も理解することができます。お手数おかけしますがよろしくお願いします。
Hello,Thanks for the reply.As you said, I tried with IE, Googl Chrome and Firefox, but my credit card kept failing.There is no problem with my credit card.I have another order comming in to make the total of 3, while I keep on failing to place orders.Please advise what the problem might be and how to solve it.I have my mails translated, so I can understand you mails as well.I am sorry to trouble you, but appreciate your assistance.
12月に予約したレコードですが未だに送られてきません。AAAレコードは完全に開き直っていてとても不快です。謝罪は無いのですか?私は、今日付けで日本の消費者庁越境消費者センター(Cross-Border Consumer Center Japan:CCJ)を通じてCBBB(The Council of Better Business Bureaus)と警察に被害届を出しました。
I still have not received the record (訳注:レコードが複数枚ならsをつけてrecordsにしてください)I made a reservation of purchase in last December. AAA has been acting like they were totally innocent, which is disgusting to me. No apologies to me at all?Today, I filed an offense report to CBBB(The Council of Better Business Bureaus) through CCJ (Cross-Border Consumer Center Japan) and to the local police here.
Thank you for your reply. I would like to discuss with you further about this transaction.Please contact me below.Thank you for contacting me. I would like to buy this item at $80 each, including shipping charge to Japan.As for the term of purchase, I am thinking of overseas remittance instead of using PayPal.Also, I can buy more than 10 pieces. How many pieces of this item do I need to buy to get them at $80 each. Give me the number that secures your profit.I understand above conditions/terms are hard for you, still I would appreciate your consideration.
hello my friend from japan,i just received the items, all looks good and im happy, there's a dot on my wargreymon horn but its alrightthankyou for the chopstick and plastic bag? also for my japanese namereally appreciate it !i'm surely gonna ask you if I have any item to find from japan !cheers,
では、ひとまずWK21とbattery 16340を同梱したものを100個注文します。PSEマーク付きのACアダプターを準備して頂けるのは非常に助かります。その準備が整い次第、すぐにお知らせ下さい。追加で充電器を購入します。
I would like to order 100 cases of WK21 with battery 16340 for this time.It helps us a lot that you would prepare AC adaptors with PSE approval for us.Please would you let us know as soon as they are ready?I will purchase battery chargers later.
Hello - I phoned customs and told them to return the parcel to you. They said they would do so. So it will be returned but it will not have the A "returns form" - I could not include this because I never had the parcel. Please can you let me know when you receive the camera?
Well, after researching a bit on A I've found out that it is partially my fault as well. That was really unexpected and never mentioned explicitly. Therefore, I think splitting the duty in half would be fair resolution. It is worth noting, however, that the customs charge is, as you can see in the attachment, 34 pounds – GBP (~52 USD) not dollars. This is slightly more in monetary terms, are you still wishing to help me that way?I beg your pardon for my angry tone, I've been waiting for this viewfinder a long time.Best Regards
A を見てみたら、確かに私にも落ち度がありました。こんなこと予想もしていなかったし、はっきり言われたこともなかったし。そこで、関税を二人で分けて持つというのが今回フェアな方法ではないかと思うのですが。言っときますけど、関税は添付を見ていただければわかると思いますが、34「ポンド」ですからね。ドルじゃないですよ。これはちょっと金銭的話なんですけど、私をこのように助けてくださるお気持ちはまだありますか?先には怒りを表して申し訳ありませんでした。でも、長いこと待ち望んでいたカメラだったもので。よろしく(訳注: どんだけ~??)
Hi ***, Most of your order shipped via FedEx Ground (all except the crevice tool). We are going to contact FedEx to see if we can reroute the packages back to the warehouse and if we can, we will be able to issue a credit for the entire order. If we are unable to get the shipments back that way, there will be packing lists with each package that has a prepaid FedEx label attached. Our return address is all set on these label and once we have the packages back, we will issue a credit in full. I'll let you know the outcome as soon as I hear back from our FedEx rep.
こんにちはご注文いただいた品はほとんど(隙間ノズル以外)がFedEX Groundで輸送されています。品物を倉庫に返却できるかFedEx に問い合わせます。もしそうできるなら、ご注文全額の返金をすることができます。もし返品をこのように受け取れない場合は、、送料払い済みのFedEX 用返品ラベルを各パッケージごとに貼ったものと返品リストをお送りします。こちらのあて先はすべて印刷されています。それらがこちらに到着し次第、全額返金いたします。FedEx の代理店からの答えを得次第、ご連絡いたします。
Royal mail demands a £34 customs charge to be paid – this is unacceptable, and I demand a partial (£34) or a full refund on the item with return.As I've mentioned before, the Royal Mail requires customs charge to be paid, in order to deliver the item. I demand a refund covering the customs cost – £34. Otherwise, the item won't be collected from the Royal Mail, and thus sent back to Japan. This would be counted as a failure to deliver the package, hence eligible for a full refund.The paper is attached.あなたの不満は理解できます。しかし、Aの規約にありますように関税は購入者が支払うことと記載があります。関税はランダムに調査され、事前に把握することは残念ながらできません。
郵便局から34ポンドの関税を支払うよういわれています。これは受け入れられません。一部返金(34ポンド)もしくは、返品するので全額返金してください。前にも言いましたが、郵便局は関税の支払いを請求しています。それを払わないと持ってきてくれません。関税分34ポンドを返金してください。そうでなければ、荷物は郵便局から出てこないで日本に返送されてしまいます。これは配達が行われないわけですから全額返金できるケースに該当します。書類を添付します。I understand that you are not satisfied with the case. However, if you look at A's policy, you will find it says that the customs duty is the responsibility of the buyer.(訳注:find it says that 以下はAの規約から原文を持ってくるほうがいいです。)I am afraid that the customs inspections are made at random and unforeseeable.
From the content of your email I understand that, you would like to why funds were deducted for the settlement period March 28, 2013 to April 11, 2013. On reviewing your seller account I see that, $A was held reserve as your account was under review. Kindly note that, this amount was not debited. It was on hold until the review was complete. Please note that reviews of this nature are commonly carried out on selling accounts and we do not anticipate that this review will affect your future standing with Amazon.com. Also, $A along with the order payment 002-9544387-0708209 will be disbursed to you on April 25, 2013. Please click on the link below after logging on to your seller account to view the payments.
いただいたメールから察しますところ、3月28日から4月11日までの期間に、お金が差し引かれているのはなぜか、ということのようですね。あなたのセラーアカウントを見てわかったのですが、それはあなたのアカウントがちょうど調査を受けており、調査の際、弊社ではA$をセラーのアカウントから保管する(訳注:取り出してよそで保管する)からです。この金額は残高に反映されません(訳注:残高に入らない)。調査が終了するまで保管されます。セラーのアカウントに対するこのような性格の調査は通常行われるものであり、この調査の結果が、あなたのこの先のAmazonにおける立場に影響するとは考えておりません。また、A$ と注文番号xxxxに対して払い込まれた額は4月25日に入金されます。これらの入金については、セラーアカウントにログイン後の下のリンクからご覧になれます。
the album was set in the MA Shop double times.This was a mistake taken by me. But I have the same album on stock.It looks similar like the picture on the MA shop.The album is complet, and on the inside of the book cover is a 4cm big spot In the apendix of the e-mail are 2 pcitures so you can see. The price is the same. If you want to have the album you have tosend me 9€ for shipping costs.Because the shipping for this item is not 10€it is 19€ because of the size and the weight (over 1000g).
あのアルバムはMA Shop にダブって掲載してしまいました。私のミスです。でも、まだ同じものの在庫があります。見た目はMA shop に載せた写真と同じようなものです。このアルバムは完璧です。ただ、表紙の裏に4センチ大のしみがあります。このメールに写真を2点添付しました。値段は同じです。このアルバムがほしい場合は、輸送料を9ユーロください。これはサイズが大きくて重いので(1キロ以上)輸送料が10ユーロではなく19ユーロかかるのです。