翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 1 Review / 2017/11/30 19:27:31

sujiko 50 IT、金融などを中心として社内翻訳者を数年経験後、フリーランス翻訳者として...




Of course, I trust you and your company.
But I did not know that we own the mould.
It is quite a surprise and good luck for me.

If you do not sell it to another seller and entrust the sales in Japan to me, it is all right if the price is higher than 3 dollars. It will also good for your company that you do not have to handle the troublesome shipment and reduction of the price. If I sell many, a number of sellers will inquire about purchasing this item.
I will sell at the major EC website in Japan.
As for box, the one we have used before is fine.

レビュー ( 1 )

bluejeans71 59 This is a Japanese freelance translat...
bluejeans71はこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2017/11/30 21:07:43

Of course, I trust you and your company.
But I did not know that we own the mould.
It is quite a surprise and good luck for me.

If you do not sell it to another seller and entrust the sales in Japan to me, it is all right if the price is higher than 3 dollars. It will also good for your company that you do not have to handle the troublesome shipment and reduction of the price. If I sell many, a number of sellers will inquire about purchasing this item.
I will sell at the major EC website in Japan.
As for box, the one we have used before is fine.

Of course, I trust you and your company.
But I did not know that you would own the mould.
It is quite a surprise and good luck for me.

If you do not sell it to another seller and entrust the sales in Japan to me, it is all right if the price is higher than 3 dollars. It will also be good for your company that you do not have to handle the troublesome shipment and reduction of the price. If I sell many, a number of sellers will inquire about purchasing this item.
I will sell at the major EC website in Japan.
As for the box, the one we have used before is fine.
