翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 44 / ネイティブ 日本語 / 0 Reviews / 2016/08/24 13:25:54

ka28310 44 長年、半導体(システムLSI)検証を手掛け、多くの英文ドキュメントに触れて...



I am really sorry, but I would like to request some adjustment. I felt the color of the eyes is a little too bright. Can you change the color to dark blue or navy shown in this picture attached? Regarding the layout of black eyes, please put black eyes in bozz-eyed way a little. As this picture shows, I like the black eyes in a little centralized and bozz-eyed layout. Please arrange front hair and side hair in this way. Please shoot a photo of the same pose of the doll as the one in this picture. I need more snivel. I also need drool coming out from the right and the left side of the mouth. I am sorry for bothering you, but I appreciate your support.

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備考: ドールの注文に対する修正依頼の文章です。