翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / ネイティブ 日本語 / 2 Reviews / 2015/01/20 23:50:16

tani1973 50 I spare no effort to offer quality tr...


品番 :




It arrived on 19th but one sheet was missing.
I will cancel one sheet, so please make sure of it when you issue its invoice.

Item with a sheet missing
Item no:
Size: M
Quantity: 1 sheet

Could you kindly confirm the information above and contact me?
I'm waiting for your reply.

Also, the items for PO#123 arrived, so please invoice me.
The items for PO#456 has not arrived yet, so I will contact you once it is confirmed.

レビュー ( 2 )

cielo_translation 61 2015年3月に英日翻訳でJTFほんやく検定3級を取得(翻訳士) 大学で...
cielo_translationはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2015/01/23 19:23:46

It arrived on 19th but one sheet was missing.
I will cancel one sheet, so please make sure of it when you issue its invoice.

Item with a sheet missing
Item no:
Size: M
Quantity: 1 sheet

Could you kindly confirm the information above and contact me?
I'm waiting for your reply.

Also, the items for PO#123 arrived, so please invoice me.
The items for PO#456 has not arrived yet, so I will contact you once it is confirmed.

It arrived on the 19th but one sheet was missing.
I will cancel that one sheet, so please make sure of it when you issue the invoice.

Item with a sheet missing
Item no:
Size: M
Quantity: 1 sheet

Could you kindly confirm the information above and contact me?
I'm waiting for your reply.

Also, the items for PO#123 have arrived, so please invoice me.
The items for PO#456 have not arrived yet, so I will contact you once they are confirmed.

tani1973 tani1973 2015/01/23 22:20:21


osamu_kandaはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2015/08/28 21:52:22

It arrived on 19th but one sheet was missing.
I will cancel one sheet, so please make sure of it when you issue its invoice.

Item with a sheet missing
Item no:
Size: M
Quantity: 1 sheet

Could you kindly confirm the information above and contact me?
I'm waiting for your reply.

Also, the items for PO#123 arrived, so please invoice me.
The items for PO#456 has not arrived yet, so I will contact you once it is confirmed.

It arrived on 19th but one sheet was missing.
I will cancel that one sheet, so please make sure of it when you issue its invoice.

Item with a sheet missing
Item no:
Size: M
Quantity: 1 sheet

Could you kindly confirm the information above and contact me?
I'm waiting for your reply.

Also, the items for PO#123 arrived, so please invoice me.
The items for PO#456 has not arrived yet, so I will contact you once it is confirmed.

相変わらず素晴らしい英文ですね。大先輩のあなたの英文を推敲するなんて僭越ですが、Conyac 上の規約に従ってレビューせざるを得ないので、お許しください。第一、どうせ時間をかけてレビューするのですから、あなたのお書きになる美しい英文を読ませて頂きたいと思いました。

「その一枚はキャンセル」ということなので、"【that】 one sheet" などというふうに that か何かを入れた方がよいかな、と思って書き添えました。ネイティブならどう書くでしょうかね?



osamu_kanda osamu_kanda 2015/08/28 21:57:30

"on 19th" を別の方が "on the 19th" と書き直しておられますが、僕自身も the を付けるのが普通だと思っておりました。でも研究社の「英語の数量表現辞典」には、アメリカではこの場合に the をつけないときもある、と書いています(p.132)。これについては、今の僕にははっきりしたことはわかりません。
