翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 50 / ネイティブ 中国語(簡体字) / 1 Review / 2014/11/16 21:53:39

guaiyetta 50 中国人ネイティブでAD関連の仕事をしているLarryと申します。 中国の...







Thanks for your message.

I didn't know that your country has a friend relationship with Japan before.
I used to go fishing as well but the place I live now is not near a sea or pool so that I don't fish a lot.
However when my holiday comes I will go fishing during a whole day. I usually fish black bass.

I am sure that the sea in your place is beautiful and the fish are pretty.
Please enjoy fishing in Tenryu as the place you mentioned before in the message.

Hope you get there and have great fun.

Thank you.

レビュー ( 1 )

planopiloto 59 はじめまして。主に英日翻訳を担当しています。 得意な分野はテクノロジー系...
planopilotoはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2014/11/19 20:22:50

Thanks for your message.

I didn't know that your country has a friend relationship with Japan before.
I used to go fishing as well but the place I live now is not near a sea or pool so that I don't fish a lot.
However when my holiday comes I will go fishing during a whole day. I usually fish black bass.

I am sure that the sea in your place is beautiful and the fish are pretty.
Please enjoy fishing in Tenryu as the place you mentioned before in the message.

Hope you get there and have great fun.

Thank you.

Thanks for your message.

I didn't know that your country has a friend relationship with Japan before.
I used to go fishing as well but the place I live now is not near a sea or pool so that I don't fish a lot.
However when my holiday comes I will go fishing during a whole day. I usually fish black bass.

I am sure that the sea in your place is beautiful and the fish are pretty.
Please enjoy fishing with Tenryu as the place you mentioned before in the message.

Hope it will be with you soon and have great fun.

Thank you.


guaiyetta guaiyetta 2014/11/19 20:43:45


備考: 丁寧に翻訳して下さい