翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / ネイティブ スペイン語 / 1 Review / 2014/10/02 17:54:41

fujisawa_2014 52 エンジニアリング、自然科学、社会科学での知識と経験があります。



We have received a request for one accompany employee, but will there are not accompany employees from Japan. As the trip is only for the Finalist, I wonder if you could assign one employee there to take care of them? I think that other countries are also asigning one employee, so it would be better if there are not differences between them.
By detecting a person's face from the image captured by the camera and analyzing the face portion of the image, we estimate the person attributes (gender, age) and emotions (smile level). The attributes of the customers are converted to data to establish a predictive analysis model.

レビュー ( 1 )

tearz 50 翻訳経験豊富です。 過去の実績や評価などご確認ください。 ご連絡お待ち...
tearzはこの翻訳結果を"★★"と評価しました 2014/10/09 21:39:53

We have received a request for one accompany employee, but will there are not accompany employees from Japan. As the trip is only for the Finalist, I wonder if you could assign one employee there to take care of them? I think that other countries are also asigning one employee, so it would be better if there are not differences between them.
By detecting a person's face from the image captured by the camera and analyzing the face portion of the image, we estimate the person attributes (gender, age) and emotions (smile level). The attributes of the customers are converted to data to establish a predictive analysis model.

We have received the instruction from you that one employee to attend as a mandatory, however we will send none to accompany from Japan. As the trip will take place by the finalists alone, I was wondering if you could assign one local employee to take care of them? I am afraid that other countries also assign one employee, so I would like to avoid differentials.
By detecting a person's face from the image captured by the camera and analyzing the facial parts of the image, we will estimate the personal attributes (gender/age group) and emotions (degree of smile). The customer's attributes output from the sensor are converted to data for structuring a predictive analysis model.

1行目「We have received a request 」← It is NOT just a request, it IS an important instruction. 細かい誤字脱字も含め全体の修正と用語の辞書確認をされると良いと思います。
