翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 1 Review / 2014/09/29 16:25:15

t-hoshi 52 言語:日本語、英語、中国語(簡体字) 得意分野:音楽系、工業系、建築系 ...



I apologize that the performance has dropped down drastically lately.

I am really sorry for the rise of canceling rate.

The cause of raising cancel rate is some items had been uploaded with wrong price that is much lower than preferred price because of the error of price adjusting system when uploading the csv files.

レビュー ( 1 )

susumu-fukuhara 60 静岡県登録の通訳案内士です。通算で3年ほど貿易実務の担当をしていたことがあ...
susumu-fukuharaはこの翻訳結果を"★★"と評価しました 2014/10/03 10:58:33

I apologize that the performance has dropped down drastically lately.

I am really sorry for the rise of canceling rate.

The cause of raising cancel rate is some items had been uploaded with wrong price that is much lower than preferred price because of the error of price adjusting system when uploading the csv files.

I apologize that the performance has drastically dropped down lately.

I am really sorry for the rise of cancellation rate.

The rising cancellation rate has been brought upon because some items had been uploaded with wrong prices that are much lower than preferred prices due to the error of price adjusting system when uploading the csv files.

キャンセル率はcancellation rateです。キャンセル率は人為的に上げるものではないので"raise"上げるは使えません。riseを使います。基本的な文法構文で間違いが見られるため厳しい評価となりました。
