翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 59 / 1 Review / 2014/05/10 01:09:04

akira_bkk 59 TV局、イベント映像・制作会社、外資系映像機器メーカーを経て、現在はバンコ...



Thank you for proposing an option other than refund. I am not sure if this item is repairable or not. Even if repairable, I am no sure if it'll be within $129.50, either. However, if you can return $129.50, I don't think I will lose money. I will take your proposal. I will give you a positive feedback as soon as I confirm refund from you.

レビュー ( 1 )

katrina_z 68 こんにちは!はじめまして、チェコ在住のアメリカ英語のネイティブです。 日...
katrina_zはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2014/05/10 01:21:35

Thank you for proposing an option other than refund. I am not sure if this item is repairable or not. Even if repairable, I am no sure if it'll be within $129.50, either. However, if you can return $129.50, I don't think I will lose money. I will take your proposal. I will give you a positive feedback as soon as I confirm refund from you.

Thank you for proposing an option other than a refund. I am not sure if this item is repairable or not. Even if it's repairable, I am no sure if it'll be within $129.50, either. However, if you can refund me $129.50, I don't think I will lose money. I will accept your proposal. I will give you positive feedback as soon as I confirm the refund from you.

akira_bkk akira_bkk 2014/05/10 01:26:04

Thank you so much!
