翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 60 / 1 Review / 2013/08/16 01:53:56

14pon 60 こんにちは こちらで始めて、ちょうど1年経ちました 英語学習履...



¥880X1.8=¥1589 ¥1589/90=$17.6に成ります





How to price an item: For example, you may find an item on a Japanese webshop good for posting on eBay. Its price is 880 JPY. How to price this item to sell on eBay.

My exchange rate is $1 = 90 JPY.

So, 880JPY x 1.8 = 1589 JPY, then 1589/90 JPY = $17.6

I will be able to give you the manual for Commerce, the eBay listing tool, tomorrow night at the latest.

At the beginning, search and list items that are also posted on Amazon U.S.

I see you have a child. Are you available at night? I will have time on Monday, so let's talk on Monday.

レビュー ( 1 )

katrina_z 68 こんにちは!はじめまして、チェコ在住のアメリカ英語のネイティブです。 日...
katrina_zはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2013/08/16 04:19:24

How to price an item: For example, you may find an item on a Japanese webshop good for posting on eBay. Its price is 880 JPY. How to price this item to sell on eBay.

My exchange rate is $1 = 90 JPY.

So, 880JPY x 1.8 = 1589 JPY, then 1589/90 JPY = $17.6

I will be able to give you the manual for Commerce, the eBay listing tool, tomorrow night at the latest.

At the beginning, search and list items that are also posted on Amazon U.S.

I see you have a child. Are you available at night? I will have time on Monday, so let's talk on Monday.

How to price an item: For example, you may find an item on a Japanese online shop good for posting on eBay. Its price is 880 JPY. This is how to price this item to sell on eBay.

My exchange rate is $1 = 90 JPY.

So, 880JPY x 1.8 = 1589 JPY, then 1589/90 JPY = $17.6

I will be able to give you the manual for Commerce, the eBay listing tool, tomorrow night at the latest.

At the beginning, search and list items that are also posted on Amazon U.S.

I see you have a child. Are you available at night? I will have time on Monday, so let's talk on Monday.

14pon 14pon 2013/08/16 04:27:18

webshop はなぜだめなのですか?
How to price this item to sell on eBay. は「しまった!」と思いました。これは
~eBay: (colon) とすれば大丈夫でしたでしょうか?そのつもりで書いていて忘れたのですが。
