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[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] うまく権力を手中に収めた者たちに対する苛立ちから、彼らは弱い立場の側と手を組みその力を借りて相手方を打倒しようと試みるが、その後は手を組んだ側とも疎遠にな...

For in their irritation against the men successively in power they regularly took up with the weaker side and attempted with its help to overthrow the others;afterwards they would become estranged from this side also.Thus exposing both of them to envy in turn, they alternately loved and hated, elevated and humbled, the same persons.While they were thus disposed toward Caesar and Antony, the war began in the following way.When Antony had set out for Brundisium to meet the soldiers who had crossed over from Macedonia, Caesar sent some men to that city with money, who were to arrive there before Antony and win over the men, while he himself went to Campania and collected a large number of men, chiefly from Capua, because the people there had received their land and city from his father, whom he said he was avenging. He made them many promises and gave them on the spot two thousand sesterces apiece. From these men was constituted the corps of evocati, which one might translate the "recalled," because after having ended their military service they were recalled to it again. Caesar took charge of them, hastened to Rome before Antony returned, and came before the people, who had been made ready for him by Cannutius. There he reminded them in detail of the many excellent deeds his father had performed, delivered a lengthy, though moderate, defence of himself, and brought charges against Antony. He praised the soldiers who had accompanied him, saying that they had come to lend aid, that they had elected him to preside over the state, and that through him they made known these facts to all. For this speech he received the approbation of his following and of the throng that stood by, after which he departed for Etruria with a view to obtaining an accession to his forces from that region.

So for the time being the soldiers were quiet, but when they arrived near the capital on the way to Gaul they mutinied, and many of them, despising the lieutenants who had been set over them, changed to Caesar's side.
gloria さんによる翻訳


Conyac で翻訳した結果

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gloria gloria